Break Into Another World

Chapter 1761: play the challenge

real universe.

It has completely different operating rules from the virtual universe.

In the real universe, there is no chaos. Every strong person is born to comprehend the "real self"; however, very few people rely on the power of "true self"!

Because... in the eyes of the real cosmos powerhouses, the power of the "real self" is too small! They have more power to use!

In the World of First Layer where Xu Ming was located, the Great Changes in the Primordial All Things Ranking had occurred, and naturally it soon spread to the ears of the true cosmos powerhouses.

"Xu Ming? Climbed to the top of the Primordial All Things List?"

The powerhouses of the true universe were not shocked after hearing the news, they were just disdainful.

The ancient list of all things? - In the world of the first layer, the Primordial All Things List is the ultimate pursuit of the powerhouses in the Heavenly List; but in the eyes of the real powerhouses in the real universe, the Primordial All Things List is nothing more than a joke!

That's the underdog's list!

The real powerhouse will not go to the first layer of the world at all, and it is impossible to rank on the list of ancient things.

"However... Since Xu Ming can reach the top of the Primordial All Things Ranking, in any case it shows that his talent is indeed good! It is indeed not easy for a genius who came out of the virtual universe to reach this level!"

"It's just a good talent! Maybe... Xu Ming can hope to become a powerhouse in the real universe in the future, but the hope is too slim!"

"Yeah! Too slim!"

The powerhouses in the real universe are very disdainful. After all, no matter how strong Xu Ming is, he is only a genius who came out of the virtual universe - the starting point is too low!

This news also reached Zhou Ji's ears.

Today, Zhou Ji is a superpower in the real universe.

"Huh? I've held the number one place on the Primordial All Things List for countless billions of epochs, but I was successfully challenged?" Zhou Ji looked neither sad nor happy, "It's interesting! But... it's just a mere Primordial All Things List! It doesn't matter. !"

Zhou Ji stood up and looked at the dazzling scene in the real universe: "I have already jumped out of that level! And Xu Ming... I am afraid that I will never reach the level I am today!"

Second quadrant.

One World.

The reflection of the ancient list of all things slowly faded. Xu Ming is also about to come out of the challenge.

"Challenging the Primordial All Things Ranking, there are indeed a lot of points!"

From the 10,000th place, all the way to the first place, Xu Ming's points have already exceeded 10 million!

You must know that with only 100 points, you can enter the cosmos flower sea for a "moment"; with Xu Ming's current points, I am afraid that he can stay in the cosmos flower sea for a long time!

"I don't know, what exactly is the sea of ​​​​flowers in the universe?" Xu Ming couldn't help thinking.

At this time, Xu Ming finally left the challenge space and returned to the black stone inscription on the list of ancient things.

However, as soon as he came out, Xu Ming found that he was surrounded by people!

"Eh?" Xu Ming was startled for a moment, and then he reacted immediately - after all, he directly climbed to the top of the Primordial All Things Ranking, and it was normal for him to cause some sensation. Moreover, Xu Ming had already guessed from the power from the "Worship System of All Living Beings" how huge a sensation he caused!

A series of frightened and adoring eyes fell on Xu Ming; however, no one dared to take a half step forward.

After all, Xu Ming's strength is already two levels with them! - You must know that even if it is the first on the list, at best, it is only the strength of the "half-step world master peak"! And the first place in the Primordial All Things Ranking has the strength of "The Peak of the World Lord"!

The difference is too big!

Xu Ming took a step forward.

Immediately, the onlookers took a step back in fright.

Xu Ming walked casually, and soon, the crowd of onlookers automatically divided a path - no one dared to come forward to talk to Xu Ming, and no one dared to follow Xu Ming.

This is the deterrent power of the number one in the Primordial All Things List!

After Xu Ming walked for a while, he threw the onlookers away!

"Let's go to other places in Zhenyu County!" Xu Ming secretly said.


The reason why Xu Ming challenged the Primordial All Things Ranking was not to challenge it on purpose, nor was he prepared to challenge it! But... Xu Ming was walking in Zhenyu County, and just saw the list of ancient things, so he decided to challenge it temporarily!

It's really just... just challenge and play!

Then, he directly climbed to the top of the Immemorial All Things List.

Now, Xu Ming wants to walk around Zhenyu County to see if there are other people who can "challenge and play casually".

Unconsciously, Xu Ming came to the "Zhenyu Battle Stage".

As soon as he entered the Zhenyu Battle Arena, Xu Ming was a little stunned: "There are so many people challenging me at the Zhenyu Battle Arena!?"

There are more than 10,000 strong people who challenge Xu Ming?

You must know that among the challengers, there are not only the "current Heavenly Leaders", but also the former Heavenly Leaders, former predecessors, former former predecessors...

"How dare they challenge me?" Xu Ming couldn't help but admire the courage of these challengers - no matter how strong they were, he dared to challenge them to "No.

What Xu Ming didn't know was that these challengers were not courageous, but... Once a challenge was issued, it could not be undone!

"Since they have the courage to challenge me, then I will give them a chance to challenge!" Xu Ming secretly said.

It stands to reason that those powerhouses at the Heavenly Ranking level are not qualified to challenge Xu Ming, who is number one on the Primordial All Things Ranking! But Xu Ming decided to give them a chance to fight with him for the sake of their courage!

As for how many points these challenges can earn, Xu Ming doesn't care. After all, all the challenges add up to only a few hundred thousand points; now Xu Ming is sitting on tens of millions of points, of course he doesn't care about the hundreds of thousands of points.

"All challenges, accepted!" Xu Ming waved his hand and accepted all the challenges.

Even Xu Ming was thinking, should he give pointers to these courageous challengers later?

However, after a while, Xu Ming received a message from Zhenyu Battle Platform:

"Your opponent Yu Yutong has conceded defeat!"

"Your opponent Ba Song has conceded defeat!"

"Your opponent Uhuada has conceded defeat!"

"Uh..." Xu Ming was stunned for a moment, but he soon realized what was going on—it must be that when he first came to Zhenyu County, these challengers thought they were soft persimmons who were easy to bully, so they dared to challenge !

Now, these challengers know that Xu Ming is actually the number one powerhouse in the Primordial All Things Ranking, so how could he dare to join him on the stage?

"Since that's the case! You deserve to give me points!"

Xu Ming sneered and left the Zhenyu Battle Stage - in the world of the first layer, no one would dare to challenge him!

"Anyway, there are already a lot of points, so let's go to the universe of flowers and see!"

Xu Ming also wanted to see what the "real flower" growing in the sea of ​​​​flowers in the universe looked like.

Updated today, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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