Break Into Another World

Chapter 1762: big ambition

The entrance to the Sea of ​​​​Cosmic Flowers is also in Zhenyu County.

These are eight huge pillars, each with the width of "Hundred Realms" and the height of "Ten Thousand Realms", which is extremely magnificent. Even Xu Ming couldn't understand the intricate patterns engraved on the pillars.

At the top of each column, there is an incomparably huge black chain hanging down. Where the eight huge chains converge, a huge black hole is being sealed.

Countless purple electric snakes keep circling around the black hole rapidly to maintain the stability of the black hole.

And this black hole... is the entrance to the sea of ​​​​flowers in the universe.

"Cosmic Flower Sea!" Xu Ming was also a little shocked.

call out-

A message passed into Xu Ming's mind, which was about the sea of ​​​​flowers in the universe.

"Oh? The location of the Sea of ​​​​Cosmic Flowers is not in the Nine Heavens, but somewhere on the edge of the Nine Heavens?" Xu Ming was shocked, "And this black hole is the space passage leading to the Sea of ​​​​Cosmic Flowers? ...This space channel is extremely unstable, once someone enters, it will cost a lot to maintain the stability of the sea of ​​​​cosmic flowers..."

Xu Ming understood.

Entering the sea of ​​​​cosmic flowers, the reason why you need to spend points; in fact, to put it bluntly, these points are equivalent to paying the price of entering the sea of ​​​​cosmic flowers!

"However...for me, points are not very useful!"

After all, Xu Ming would not stay long in the world of the first layer. When he realizes the "real self", Xu Ming should go to the second world; in that case, the points Xu Ming gets will not be of much use.

"Then go to the universe of flowers and spend all these points! In that case, I should be able to gain a lot!"

As soon as Xu Ming took a step, his figure flew directly towards the black hole.

But at this moment, there was a figure flying quickly from the side: "Brother Xu Ming, wait a minute!"

"Huh?" Xu Ming couldn't help but stop and looked at the person who came in doubt.

This is a figure in white, with a very indifferent expression. His aura is not that strong, and it is estimated that he is only at the level of the ordinary Heavenly Ranking.

"Is something wrong?" Xu Ming looked at the other party.

"Brother Xu Ming!" The figure in white said with a smile, "I'm going to 'Gong Taihao'! I guessed that Brother Xu Ming would definitely come to the Universe of Flowers, so I'm waiting here!"

"Oh?" Xu Ming became more and more curious. The other party was obviously here for himself. What was his purpose?

"I'm just here to remind Brother Xu Ming - Cosmic Flower Sea, everyone can only enter once! Before entering, be very careful!" said Gong Taihao.

"You can only enter once?" Xu Ming frowned slightly, a look of doubt on his face.

However, Xu Ming's main doubts were not about the sea of ​​​​flowers in the universe; it was strange, why did the father-in-law Taihao in front of him specially remind himself of this?

Is it pure goodwill?

Xu Ming felt that the possibility seemed unlikely.

Gong Taihao continued: "In the universe of flowers, there is a great opportunity! Since you can only enter once, you must seize this opportunity! -Although brother Xu Ming has a lot of points, in the universe of flowers, he wants to If you want to find a flower that you are satisfied with, you need to prepare more points! I really recommend Brother Xu Ming, prepare more points, and then enter the universe of flowers!"

"Is that so...?" Xu Ming pondered.

Gong Taihao said again: "For others, earning points is not easy; but for you, Xu Ming, it is really not difficult! - With your strength, as long as you enter the eternal battlefield, you will be able to sweep others. The genius of the realm of all things in the quadrant! Earning points is as easy as finding things! After earning enough points, wouldn't it be safer to come to the universe of flowers?"

"Makes sense!" Xu Ming nodded silently, "But...why are you telling me this?"


What good is it for you to go to such great lengths to remind you?

Grandpa Taihao suddenly laughed: "Brother Xu Ming, you have never been to the battlefield of the ancient times; when you go, you will know that our geniuses in the second quadrant of the realm of all things are very disadvantaged in the battlefield of the ancients! A genius like you, help us change some things."

"Really?" Xu Ming was suspicious.

However, what Gong Taihao said also made sense - with Xu Ming's strength, when he reached the battlefield of the ancients, he could definitely sweep the geniuses of the realm of all things in other quadrants; it should not be difficult to reverse the disadvantaged situation. And doing this, whether it is Xu Ming or the genius of the second quadrant, is beneficial.


Xu Ming always felt that this father-in-law Taihao was carrying some conspiracy.

"Conspiracy?" Xu Ming sneered in his heart, "In the face of absolute strength, what is the meaning of conspiracy?"

And Xu Ming is absolute strength!

"But... Eternal Battlefield, I can go shopping first!"

Since the Universe of Flowers can only be entered once, then go to the Eternal Battlefield first to earn more points, right?

Thinking of this, Xu Ming made a decision in his heart - go to the battlefield of the ages first! If there is any conspiracy, Xu Ming can just have fun; moreover, you can also see who is secretly manipulating it and dares to have bad intentions against him.

"Thank you for letting me know!" Xu Ming smiled meaningfully, turned and left the sea of ​​​​cosmic flowers.

After Xu Ming left...

The corner of Gong Taihao's mouth also evoked a meaningful smile.

Of course, Gong Taihao didn't really come here to tell her kindly! Moreover, he also guessed that Xu Ming would definitely be suspicious!

"Xu Ming?" Grandpa Taihao sneered in his Even if you have doubts in your heart, don't you still choose to enter the eternal battlefield? I hope you can help me a little by then! That way... it's not a waste of my time to spend on you! "

Gong Taihao sneered, and suddenly sighed: "Alas..."

"This reincarnation practice is really a failure! Actually, I still need the help of others before I can..." Gong Taihao shook his head silently, "But fortunately, my luck is really good, and I met Xu Ming, a peerless genius! If there is no peerless genius of Xu Ming's level, I am afraid that I will waste a long time in the world of the first layer of heaven, right?"

Grandpa Taihao...has big ambitions!

You must know that in the previous life, Gong Taihao was already a super powerhouse in the Supreme Realm! Moreover, at the supreme level, they are all extremely strong existences! But... he is willing to take great risks and reincarnate to practice, which shows how big his ambition is!

You must know that reincarnation practice is extremely dangerous! It is very likely that some memories of the previous life have not been awakened before they have fallen! - In that case, you will really die!

"If you succeed, you will reach the sky in one step, and it will not be difficult to dominate the real universe! If you fail, you will be wiped out!" In the eyes of Grandpa Taihao, there was an incomparably fierce light.

At the same time, he also began to arrange for the communication, so that the men scattered in the battlefield of the ancient times were ready to deal with Xu Ming.

I have been staying up late this month because I am too busy; I want to rest early tonight, so there is only one update, sorry.

After another four or five days, I will be busy, and I will make up for the two weeks owed by then. uh... I'm sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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