Break Into Another World

Chapter 1763: The old man "Black Qiu"

call out-

Xu Ming's figure shuttled through Zhenyu County in a hurry.

"It's interesting!" Xu Ming's mouth twitched slightly.

In fact, when he saw his father-in-law Taihao, Xu Ming was already suspicious; the more he communicated with the other party, the more suspicious Xu Ming became.

Because he felt that the other party had a conspiracy, Xu Ming even tried to enslave the other party with "forced slavery"; but to Xu Ming's surprise, "forced slavery" actually couldn't enslave Gong Taihao!

To know…

No matter how strong the realm of all things is, it is only the realm of all things. You only need a level 18 hanging point to enslave!

It stands to reason that with Xu Ming's hanging point, even if he enslaves the genius of the entire Zhenyu County, it will be easy! And now, can't enslave a grandfather Taihao?

"Even in the domain master realm, I can easily enslave me! What is the origin of this father-in-law Taihao?" Xu Ming couldn't help but wonder.

However, Xu Ming did not take it too seriously.

"Since he lured me into the eternal battlefield, then he must have some purpose... Don't worry! When he shows the fox's tail, I will naturally know!"

As for Gong Taihao, will he threaten him? —Xu Ming really didn’t worry about it!

"Infinite clone" hangs, "time pause" hangs... All kinds of powerful plug-ins are added; how could the mere grandfather Taihao of all things threaten Xu Ming?

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if Gong Taihao really threatened Xu Ming and even killed Xu Ming, so what? - Xu Ming's "immortal mark" hangs on it, and he can be resurrected immediately and jumping alive.

Xu Ming is really... without any worries.

The Eternal Battlefield is also not in the world of Yizhongtian.

However, the space passage to the eternal battlefield is much more stable than the sea of ​​​​cosmic flowers!

Without consuming points, Xu Ming stepped directly into the space passage to the Eternal Battlefield.

call out-

Time and space are extremely changing.

Xu Ming could feel that he had left the scope of the first layer of the world; however, he had no way of knowing where he was going.

for a long time…


Xu Ming finally passed through the space passage.

"This time and space seems to be suppressed by rules! Here, it is impossible to break through to the realm of destruction, and the highest can only reach the realm of all things!" Xu Ming carefully felt the surrounding environment.

This is an extremely gloomy, empty space-time, and there is hardly much light to be seen. Outside the distant space, a tiny light spot can be seen - Xu Ming looked at it intently, and the light spot was magnified in his eyes.

"It's a divine city!" Xu Ming secretly said.

At this moment, Xu Ming felt several breaths approaching.

"Someone!" But Xu Ming wasn't too afraid.

One is because Xu Ming has absolute confidence in his own strength.

The second is because, according to Xu Ming’s understanding, the battlefield of Eternal Age is the place where the geniuses of the second quadrant and other quadrants fight; and he has just arrived at the battlefield of Eternal Age, and he must be near the old nest in the second quadrant—this area, not There may be enemies, all of whom are geniuses in the second quadrant!

Since they are all geniuses in the second quadrant, there is no reason to shoot each other.

call out-

Several breaths approached, a total of five powerhouses.

Flying in the middle is a genius in Tsing Yi. The other four were an old man, a one-armed strong man, and two female nuns; all of them seemed to respect the geniuses in Tsing Yi.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! …

Soon, the five people arrived in front of Xu Ming.

"It's in the second quadrant!" The genius in Tsing Yi looked at Xu Ming and felt the breath of the Zhenyu Palace talisman on Xu Ming's body, so he felt relieved, "Did you just come to the battlefield of Eternal Age? I thought it was in other quadrants. The powerhouse, dare to sneak into the door of our second quadrant!"

Xu Ming also felt the breath of the talismans on the five people—geniuses in the second quadrant of the first layer of heaven, when they entered Zhenyu County, they would get a dark purple Zhenyu Palace Token; Tokens are the means of identification.

Because the Zhenyu Palace Token can only be refined once, the powerhouses in other quadrants cannot pretend to be people in the second quadrant even if they kill the powerhouses in the second quadrant and get the talisman.

"How many are...?" Xu Ming said with a smile - he is not very familiar with the Eternal Battlefield. Since he just met someone, he can take this opportunity to learn some information about the Eternal Battlefield.

"I, Ye Juetian!" The genius in Tsing Yi declared his name proudly, "These four are my teammates!"

"Xu Ming!" Xu Ming also reported his name - he knew that in the battlefield of the ages, he usually formed a small team. After all, the geniuses in the other quadrants are teamed up. If you don't team up, you will definitely suffer; unless you have the confidence to be outnumbered!

"Heiqiu!" said the old man in black.

"Pick the sky!"

"Moon Cold!"

"Bao Xuewei!"

Everyone is named.

"Brother Xu Ming!" Although Tsing Yi genius Ye Juetian was a little arrogant, but his bearing was extraordinary, he took the initiative to invite, "Brother Zhaitian, was injured in the battle, a few of us sent him back specially! I wanted to enter the city. , and then find another teammate; since you have the fate to meet Brother Xu Ming, why don't you join us, Brother Xu Ming?"

Having said that, Ye Juetian did not forget to look at Zhaitian and said, "Brother Zhaitian, the city of God is just ahead, you should be able to go back, right?"

The one-armed man picked up the sky and said with a smile: "If I can't go back, I might as well die!"

"Brother Xu Ming?" Ye Juetian looked at Xu Ming again, "If you are willing to join us, then there is no need for us to go into the city to find You can go directly out to the battlefield now! "

Zhaitian also said, "Brother Xu Ming, Brother Ye's strength is very extraordinary, and he is also very good; if I hadn't been seriously injured, I wouldn't be willing to leave his team! It is most suitable for Brother Ye to go together! - With Brother Ye taking care of you, you are also the safest!"

Xu Ming could see that these five people were quite harmonious.

In fact, this is normal in the Eternal Battlefield—after all, the teammates in the Eternal Battlefield rely on their lives; if they are not in harmony, it is impossible to give their backs to their teammates with confidence!

"To be honest, if you didn't just come to the battlefield, Brother Ye wouldn't necessarily invite you!" The one-armed man picked up the sky and said again.

From the command symbol, it can be sensed whether it is the first time to come to the eternal battlefield.

Newcomers who have just arrived, although their strength is not necessarily strong, they are more trustworthy. And those old fritters who have been in the battlefield for a long time, maybe they will join other people's teammates with some conspiracy, and then stab them in the back at a critical time.

"Okay!" Xu Ming didn't think much, and then agreed.

Xu Ming didn't care about Ye Juetian's strength and personality; Xu Ming just wanted to borrow this team to get acquainted with the eternal battlefield.

"Welcome!" Ye Juetian said with a smile - it's not easy to find a teammate who has just entered the eternal battlefield!

"Brother Ye, congratulations on finding a teammate so smoothly, I will go back first! When I recover from my injury, I hope to have the opportunity to join forces with you again!"

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