Break Into Another World

Chapter 1841: deceiving too much

The frontier of disorder.

Chaos and disorder.

In many places, there is not even the Dao of Chaos; there are only the rules of the universe, which maintain the reluctance of time and space in the dark.

In the disordered frontier, it is divided into countless pieces of "heaven". Hundreds of millions of virtual universes, revolving around a heaven, is a "sky" - such as the "destiny heaven" where Xu Ming lived.



Two figures, one black and one red, swiftly swept across the border of disorder, and had already reached the border zone of "Destiny Heaven".

These two figures are the black and red twins from the Black Tribulation Hall.

"Too deceitful! It's too deceitful!" Hei Banzun shouted angrily, "In the entire second quadrant, and even the entire border of disorder... How many of us dare not give us face when we act in the Black Tribulation Hall?"

"That's right!" Hong Banzun was also murderous, "That Yuanzun, just a mere low-ranking supreme, dares to beat us... hum! When we return to the branch hall and report this matter, we must let Yuanzun pay. cost!"

"Not bad!" Hei Banzun shouted angrily, "A lower-ranking Supreme, dare to be so arrogant! Even if we can't kill him, we will forever block him in our own virtual universe!"

The Hall of Black Tribulation is the top killer force in the entire Disordered Frontier. In the Eight Elephant Limits, they all have a terrifying reputation, and they have always acted arrogantly.

The Black and Red Shuangzun, although only members of the "branch hall" of the Black Tribulation Hall, are rampant in the disorderly border, and few people dare not to give them face, let alone be slapped in the face.

Just when the black and red twins were about to leave the "Destiny Heaven" territory...


A spiritual thought with terrifying power suddenly enveloped them.

"It is the existence of the Supreme Realm!" The black and red twins suddenly stopped and became alert.

Hei Banzun even asked: "I don't know who is blocking our way, please come and see!"

At the end of the chaotic time and space, two figures soon appeared.

One of the figures, both black and red, knew each other. It was the Jueyun Banzun who was beaten away by the two of them when they were in the heavenly realm of Destiny Heaven!

And the almighty beside Jueyun Banzun is a powerhouse in the Supreme Realm!

"It's you..." The black and red twins said subconsciously.

"Humph! That's right! It's me!" Jueyun Banzun sneered, "What? After hitting me, I just wanted to leave 'Destiny Heaven' like this? Don't you know, Destiny Heaven, which force's territory is?"

Destiny Heaven, which side is the territory of?

There is no doubt that it is the site of the "Death Temple"!

The Temple of Destiny directly named its power after the name "Destiny Heaven"; its power naturally crushed the entire Destiny Heaven!

The Supreme Realm powerhouse who accompanied Jueyun Banzun also said: "In Destiny Day, the person who moved our Destiny Temple wants to leave without leaving any explanation?"

The Black and Red Shuangzun naturally knew that the power of the Temple of Despair was strong; however, the power behind them was the stronger "Hall of Black Tribulation", but they were not afraid of the Temple of Destruction.

"Humph!" Hei Banzun's imposing manner was not weak at all, but he said without fear, "Dare to hinder our Black Tribulation Hall from doing things, so what if you fight?"

Acting in the Black Tribulation Hall, it has always been extremely domineering!

Even if it is a force stronger than the Temple of Death, the black and red twins will not be afraid! Because... there is no one party who dares to move the Black Tribulation Hall; if anyone moves, then what they will face next is the endless revenge of the Black Tribulation Hall!

Looking at the entire chaotic frontier, how many forces are there, dare to say that they can withstand the endless revenge of the Black Tribulation Hall?

"So what if you hit?" The Supreme Being of the Temple of Despair originally thought that when he appeared in person, the other party would at least apologize in a respectful and sincere manner; he did not expect that the other party not only did not apologize, but was so arrogant!

In this way, what the black and red duo slapped was not just the face of Jueyun Banzun, but the face of the entire shrine of death!

Was the face of the Temple of Destiny hit casually?


The Supreme Realm powerhouse of the Temple of Despair suddenly shot, and the palm of his hand was like lightning!

clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap...

In an instant, there were countless slaps on the faces of the black and red duo. Although these slaps are still far from Xu Ming in terms of "artistic value"; The momentum of the slap already has a certain charm of the palm.

"You..." The Black and Red Shuangzun was shocked and angry, "You dare to attack our Black Tribulation Hall!?"

"Huh! These slaps have nothing to do with the Black Tribulation Temple, just teach you two juniors!" The Supreme Realm powerhouse said lightly, "You beat our people in the Temple of Destiny, and I'm back now. ... This matter is settled here!"

"Liang Qing!?" The black and red twins have red eyes, "Who has cleared with you? - You wait for me!"

No matter how strong the Temple of Destiny is, it is only a local snake that dominates Destiny Heaven.

And the entire disordered frontier, such as "Destiny Heaven", is more than hundreds of millions? And the Hall of Black Tribulation is the pinnacle force that dominates the territory of hundreds of millions!

As members of the Black Tribulation Hall, the Black and Red Shuangzun naturally refused to accept these slaps!

But no matter how dissatisfied they are, at the moment, they can only let go of harsh words, but they dare not make a move - after all, it is completely self-inflicted humiliation to do something to a Supreme Realm powerhouse!

"Humph!" The black and red duo put down their harsh words, turned around and left, leaving the Territory of Destiny.

And the supreme powerhouse of the Temple of Despair did not chase.

"Supreme Master!" Jueyun Banzun couldn't help but ask, "Will we be in trouble if we beat the people in the Hall of Black Tribulation?"

"Trouble?" Supreme Master Zhang Yu sneered, "If it's on our side, it will really be a little troublesome. But in this case, it's the two black and red twins, not us; and , I didn't kill anyone, I just punished a little! - It's just such a trivial matter, the Black Tribulation Hall won't come to seek revenge for our Destiny Temple!"

Not for revenge?

Hall of Black Tribulation.

Split hall.

The black and red twins are crying with the master of the branch hall, a "superior" existence.

"Too deceiving!"

"The great power of Destiny Heaven is too bullying!"

The head of the branch hall said coldly, "What's going on? Didn't you take the mission to kill Xu Ming? What happened, please tell me slowly!"

"Palace Master, the information is very inaccurate!" Hei Banzun cried, "Beside Xu Ming, there is not only the protection of the powerhouse of the Temple of Despair, but also the protection of a Supreme Realm 'Yuan Zun'! - Such an assassination mission, There's no way we can do it!"

"Oh? Is there protection in the Supreme Realm?" The Hall Master of the branch hall was startled, and then asked, "Then what's going on when you say 'too much deceiving'?"

Hei Banzun continued to cry: "That Yuan saw that we were going to deal with Xu Ming, so he directly attacked us! Even, we even reported the name of 'Black Tribulation Hall' , it's useless!"

Hong Banzun also said: "As for the Temple of Destiny, it's even more deceiving! - When we were about to leave the 'Desperate Heaven', they actually sent a supreme powerhouse and angered us two countless times. hand!"

"Is there such a thing?" The head of the branch hall turned gloomy when he heard this.



The black and red twins are connected.

"How unreasonable!" The head of the branch hall shouted coldly, "There has always been only the truth of our Black Tribulation Hall bullying others, when will it be someone else's turn to bully our Black Tribulation Hall? - This is already a matter of our Black Tribulation Hall's face. Don't worry, this revenge, this hall master will definitely avenge you!"

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