Break Into Another World

Chapter 1842: Trample you, what's the deal with you!

The Misunderstanding and Conflict between the Black Tribulation Hall, Destiny Temple, Yuan Zun, Xu Ming naturally did not know.

At this point, Xu Ming had already left the heavenly realm and returned in the direction of the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm.

"This **** cosmic chain!"

The cosmic chains were firmly imprinted on Xu Ming, suppressing his strength. No matter how Xu Ming tried his best, he couldn't get rid of the cosmic chains.

"Little hanging." Xu Ming said in the depths of his heart.

Now, Xu Ming didn't dare to let his voice spread out of the world of his heart.

"Xiaohang, even you can't analyze it, why am I being suppressed by the universe?"

Xiaohang's voice also sounded in Xu Ming's heart: "It's not that I can't analyze it, and... there is no answer to this matter at all!"

"No answer?" Xu Ming was a little puzzled.

Why is there no answer?

"For example..." Xiao Hang said, "Suppose you are an ant. Suddenly one day, you were trampled to death by someone's foot. Can you analyze why that person trampled you to death?"

"Uh..." Xu Ming was stunned, and seemed to understand Xiaohang's meaning.

Xiaohang continued: "The person who trampled you to death may just be passing by and accidentally stepped on you; it may be that she was in a bad mood and deliberately trampled you to death; it may also be that you are an interesting ant, so directly It's possible to be trampled to death... but to put it simply... trample you to death, no reason needed!"

Trample you, no reason needed!

"And now..." Xiaohang said again, "The universe is the 'person'; and you, the 'ant'!"

"Yeah..." Xu Ming looked up at the sky and smiled bitterly, "The universe wants to trample me to death, why does it need any reason? How can there be any answer?"

Trample you, what does it have to do with you?

At this moment, Xu Ming deeply felt his own insignificance!

Just when Xu Ming's strength was soaring rapidly; when Xu Ming felt that he clearly understood the 'true way', understood the 'chaos to the way', controlled the world, and was omnipotent... The suppression from the universe, mercilessly. Tell Xu Ming: You are just an ant!

Even open ants are just ants!

"Then... is there a way to break this cosmic chain?" This was what Xu Ming cared about the most.

Xiao Hang was silent for a moment, before answering: "Yes!"

Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm.

Among the countless virtual universes of "Destiny Heaven", it is just a very ordinary one.

In the past, except for a few great masters such as Yuan Zun, very few people set their sights on the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm.


Now it's different!

In addition to Yuan Zun, the Temple of Despair and other forces also paid attention to the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm.

call out-

A divine body with a power like a shadow flew out of the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm and entered the realm of disorder.

If Xu Ming was here, he would definitely recognize this almighty, who is... the Master of the Shadow Realm.

In the Chaos Realm of Divine Phoenix, there are only so many great powers at the level of the realm master; and the realm master of Daoying happens to be someone Xu Ming knows.

The Daoying World Lord looked at the endless void and said lightly, "Come out!"


A ghostly figure emerged from the depths of the void.

This ghostly figure, his eyes are like an abyss: "Everyone brought it?"

Daoyingjie said: "I couldn't catch it!"

"Huh!?" The ghostly figure's expression suddenly became gloomy, "For so long, how many people can't be arrested?"

Daoyingjie said: "Xu Ming's family are all missing, I can't find any of them! Even the chaotic world where Xu Ming was born is missing - I suspect that Xu Ming is likely to be with him. With his hometown! Therefore, it is almost impossible to capture Xu Ming's relatives and friends!"

"That's actually the case?" The ghostly figure said gloomily, "Then... Since you called me, you should have something to gain, right?"

"That's right!" Daoyingjie said, "I brought all Xu Ming's disciples with me!"


"Yes!" Daoying World Lord nodded, "Xu Ming has received dozens of disciples in Wendao Mansion; now, I have brought them all!"

The ghostly figure frowned and said, "If it's just some disciples, then...the price will be low!"

Obviously, this ghostly figure was doing something against Xu Ming; he even wanted to capture all of Xu Ming's relatives and friends. Fortunately, Xu Ming had already moved the entire Divine Realm into the "independent space", so he failed to succeed; however, the disciples Xu Ming had accepted in Wendao Mansion were slaughtered.

And Daoying World Lord, obviously for some benefit, acted as an accomplice to the ghostly figure.


The Daoying World Lord waved his hand and released Xu Ming's disciples.

Lin Lan, Zhao Xu, Bai Qingqiu, Qin Jian, Feng Banqiu... After dozens of disciples were released, they were all a little confused.

"Daoying World Lord, didn't you say that you wanted to give us a chance?" Lin Lan could not help asking when she noticed that the atmosphere was a bit wrong.

Before, when Daoying World Lord went to Wen Dao Mansion, he told Lin Lan and the others that he wanted to give them a chance; therefore, Lin Lan and other dozens of disciples followed Daoying World Lord without hesitation and left Wen Dao. Taoist government.

If Lin Lan and the others were unwilling to leave, then... even the Daoying World Master would never want to forcibly take away a genius from Wen Dao Mansion.

"Half a fish ghost?" Daoying World Lord asked, looking at the ghostly figure.

"It's just some disciples, then... I can only give you three primordial chaotic cores!" Yugui Banzun said.

"Three dollars? That's too little, right?" Daoying World Master was a little dissatisfied, "Five dollars!"

"No! It's only three yuan!" Yugui Banzun sneered, "Even if it's just three pieces of the primordial core of chaos, I don't know if I'll make some money this trip! If it's five yuan, I'll be at a loss. Yes! - If you want, we will make a deal; if you don't want to, then take all these people back!"

When Lin Lan and the other disciples heard the conversation between the two, they immediately reacted - Daoyingjie is going to sell them!

"Take it back?" Daoyingjie was a little depressed in his heart - if the person who was finally caught was brought back, wouldn't it be a waste of time? Not only is the work in vain, but people have already offended...

Daoying World Lord gritted his teeth: "Three is three!"

"No—" Lin Lan and the other disciples even wanted to flee in the direction of the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm when they heard the words.

However, among the disciples, the one with the highest cultivation base is only in the prehistoric realm. How could he escape the hands of the world master and the half-respected almighty?

Fish Ghost Banzun laughed a few times, and with a wave of his hand, he took Lin Lan and other dozens of disciples into his pocket.

"Haha!" Yugui Banzun laughed, "I hope you can catch Xu Ming's relatives and friends. In that case, the price will never be a problem!"

The Master of the Shadow Realm watched the Fish Ghost Banzun leave, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth: "Xu Ming, Xu Ming! Don't blame me, you can only blame yourself for offending the Temple of Death! And the price the other party gave to deal with you. It really moved my heart!"

Daoying World Lord is about to return.

Suddenly, a will came from within the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm—it was the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord.

"Daoying, what are you doing?" The Divine Phoenix Realm Master, as the controller of the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, naturally noticed this scene.

The Daoying World Lord was startled and continued: "It's nothing, it's just some inconspicuous little in exchange for some benefits!"

Daoying World Lord, but the world leader realm power; in the entire Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, it is the topmost existence. Under normal circumstances, as he said, exchanging some inconspicuous little people for some benefits would not be a problem at all; the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord would not bother about it.

However, the Divine Phoenix Realm Master noticed something was wrong: "The one you sent out just now was Xu Ming's disciple?"

"Yeah!" Daoying World Master said indifferently - in his eyes, even Xu Ming was only a genius, not a great power; as for Xu Ming's disciples, he even ignored it, selling It's also sold.

The Divine Phoenix World Lord was a little speechless: "If you move other people, forget it, why should you move Xu Ming's disciple? Forget it, come back first, and I will explain a few words to you; when you turn back, you can talk to Xu Ming again. Sorry!"

Although the Divine Phoenix Realm said so, in fact, he didn’t really care about it—after all, in the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, he was the absolute controller! Anyone in the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm must follow his will!

(End of this chapter)

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