Break Into Another World

Chapter 1933: 1 net

The abyss battlefield is vast and endless, with danger everywhere.

Finding someone in the abyss is more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack! And now... the seven abnormal quadrants, hundreds of millions of powerhouses, are catching Xu Ming's "needle" together.


"This Xu Ming is really able to hide!"

"That's right! Is it so hard to come out and die honestly?"

Many strong-tempered powerhouses scolded inwardly as they searched.

"Nightmare-level cosmic chains? Thirteenth-order strength?" An inconspicuous thin old man sneered at the corner of his mouth.

He is a "virtuous and poisonous half-respect", and in terms of strength, I am afraid that in the entire abyss battlefield, he is standing at the top of the existence - of course, except for Xu Ming!

"If it were an ordinary abyss battle, the strength of the thirteenth rank would indeed be able to run amuck in the abyss battlefield! It's a pity... you are still a nightmare-level cosmic chain!" Void Poison Banzun said to himself, "Even if it is ten Third-order existence, but also under the endless siege of hatred! Hehe, my virtual poison needle has not been used for many epochs..."

The Void Poison Banzun is very famous in the abyss battlefield, because... he once poisoned a "thirteenth-order" existence! Moreover, it was when that thirteenth-order existence was at its peak!

"Tier thirteenth? Ha! As long as I pierce my virulent poison needle into his divine body, it will still be the word 'death'! Unless... Xu Ming is also good at using poison!" False Poison Banzun sneered, "But... I But I've never heard that Xu Ming is good at using poison!"

Xu Ming is really not good at using poison.

But... I haven't heard of it, Xu Ming is actually not a "thirteenth-order" powerhouse, but a "seventeenth-order peak"!

If Void Poison Banzun knows Xu Ming's true strength, let alone poisoning Xu Ming, it's hard to say whether he dares to stay in the abyss battlefield now!

Just like the Void Poison Banzun, there are many strong men with terrifying ultimate moves!

"Tier thirteen?" The "Blood Venerable" who was burning in flames sneered, "Although my defense is weak, my attack has reached the level of 'thirteenth'! I don't know... this Xu Ming, Can you take me a few punches?"

Fierce Blood Banzun is a "twelfth-order" powerhouse in the fourth quadrant! In the sinking abyss of the fourth quadrant, he is definitely standing at the top!

However, Lie Xue Banzun "attacks the strong and defends the weak", and has always been proud of his tyrannical attacks.

The strong men who are proud of their own strength can't wait to find Xu Ming, then kill Xu Ming and get the battle honor! However, no matter how they searched, there was no news of Xu Ming. Zhen Nanming


A sky-shattering message shocked the entire abyss battlefield!

Shocked all the powerhouses in the Eight Great Limits!

Xu Ming... is attacking the "Middle Road Outer Tower" in the eighth quadrant!




Hearing this message, all the powerhouses in the entire abyss battlefield and the Eight Great Limits were shocked to the point of being stunned!

"Xu Ming is courting death!?"

"Even if it's courting death, it's not in such a hurry, right!?"

"Damn it! We, the experts in the seven quadrants, searched hard and couldn't find Xu Ming; I didn't expect that he would attack the light tower in the eighth quadrant by himself!?"

"Does Xu Ming really think that he is invincible if he is a 'thirteenth-rank' powerhouse!? He dares to push the tower!?"

"It's ridiculous! It's ridiculous! - Even if he is a thirteenth-order powerhouse, he can't match the light tower, right!?"

How can the light tower in the abyss battlefield be pushed down so easily?

If you want to "push the tower", you need tens of thousands of strong people to join forces to attack! If it is just an ordinary thirteenth-order powerhouse, it is really impossible to push down a light tower alone!

"I heard... Xu Ming really pushed the tower alone!"

"He... Who does he think he is, dare to push the tower alone!? Does he think he is a 14th-order powerhouse!?"

"A mere thirteenth rank, to be so arrogant... I can be considered a long experience!"

"If Xu Ming was killed by the light tower when he was pushing the tower, it would be funny..."

"Xu Ming shouldn't be so stupid, right!?"

"Not so stupid? Haha! If not so stupid, how could Xu Ming push the tower alone!"

The powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant all thought that Xu Ming was going to die! Almost no one thought that, in fact... Xu Ming's strength is far beyond the thirteenth order!

"I see!" Suddenly, a powerful messenger in the eighth quadrant shouted, "Xu Ming must be desperate, and wants to use this method of 'stealing the tower' to sneak in and slowly steal our crystal stone pillars. , end this abyss war!"

"Haha..." The other powerhouses laughed when they heard the words, "It is said that Xu Ming came to the abyss battlefield for the first time! After all, it is the first time to participate in the battle, so naive! Steal the tower? Is it so easy to steal?" medical celebrity

"Humph! Now that Xu Ming has revealed his position, he must have been targeted by countless powerhouses, and he can't escape!"

"Hurry up! If it's too late and Xu Ming is killed by other powerhouses, we can only drink soup and not eat meat!"

Every strong person coveted the battle honor represented by Xu It's just...

When a strong man was rushing to the "Middle Road Outer Tower" in the eighth quadrant, he didn't know at all—the truth was not what they imagined!

Steal the tower?

With Brother Ming's strength, do you need to steal the tower?

If Xu Ming wants to win this abyss battle, he can push it horizontally with a destructive attitude, and he can easily push down the crystal stone pillar in the eighth quadrant!

Xu Ming did not come to "steal the tower", but to "demolition"!

However, Xu Ming did not directly reveal his strength, but pretended to be difficult, carrying the light tower's attack hard, attacking the light tower one by one.

"This light tower is too weak!"

As Xu Ming attacked the light tower, he secretly said in his heart: "If I explode with all my strength, I am afraid that within three hits, this light tower will be destroyed!"

The strength of the seventeenth-order peak is not a joke!

"But... if I demolish this light tower with three strikes, the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant will definitely be too frightened to come over!" Thinking of this, Xu Ming smiled meaningfully.

Did Xu Ming come to push the tower?

Do not!

Pushing the tower is not Xu Ming's purpose at all!

Xu Ming's purpose is to take advantage of the tower to attract as many powerhouses as possible, and then... kill them all!


Kill them all!

Xu Ming needs their honors!

Moreover, Xu Ming knew that there was only one chance for such a large-scale slaughter! Because... after Xu Ming exploded his strength and slaughtered once, he would definitely scare the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant; in this way, he would have no chance for a second large-scale slaughter, and many people would even flee the abyss battlefield!

Only one chance!

Of course, Xu Ming had to take advantage of this opportunity for massacre! Show the enemy's weakness, and then... no matter how many come, they will all be wiped out!

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