Break Into Another World

Chapter 1934: Chives are in place




The terrifying attack shook the outer tower of the middle road in the eighth quadrant again and again.

With every attack, time and space are shaken!

But in fact... Xu Ming has already controlled the power of every blow! Every blow seems to be powerful, but in fact the destruction of the light tower is very limited!

"My current attack power should be considered to be a fairly well-established 'thirteenth-order' level, right?" Xu Ming felt that he played quite well, "The defense is stronger! attack is so weak, I shouldn't be scared. These abnormal quadrant powerhouses!"

Xu Ming is playing the role of a thirteenth-order peak powerhouse who can "defend the strong and attack the weak"!

"It's just... these visionary powerhouses are too slow to come, right? If you don't come quickly, I'm going to be unable to play!"

At this time, many powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant have arrived and are hiding around.

With Xu Ming's strength, it was easy to see through the potential of the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant; however, Xu Ming pretended not to see anything and continued to "concentrate" on pushing the tower.

And those powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant who have arrived, see that Xu Ming has not responded, so they will not take the initiative to expose - after all, Xu Ming's strength cannot be underestimated; of course, the more people who participate in the siege, the more insurance!

Those hidden powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant were also commenting on Xu Ming's strength.

"What a strong defense!"

"It's really strong! After taking the light tower's attack for so long, the divine body has hardly weakened!"

"I'm afraid this defense has barely reached the 'fourteenth-order' level? - No wonder you dare to steal the tower, it turns out that you are relying on your own defense to be tyrannical!"

"What's the use of defending against tyranny? If you can't attack, he's just a 'thirteenth-order'!"

"That's right! When we have more people, we'll just kill him! At that time, no matter how strong Xu Ming's defense is, it will be useful? All of us powerhouses will directly treat him as a turtle!"

"Haha!" Immediately, many great experts laughed.

"Also, did you find out, Xu Ming's vigilance is too bad!"

"Yeah! Surrounded by so many of us, he still doesn't seem to know anything, and continues to steal towers there..."

"How stupid!"

Where did these powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant think that the real fool was not Xu Ming, but them!

The reason why Xu Ming is showing his weakness to the enemy is that he is catching big fish with a long line!

More and more powerhouses from the abnormal quadrant have gathered, but no one has ever made a move.

Millions of...

Thousands of…

Finally, when the number of powerhouses exceeded 100 million, these abnormal quadrant powerhouses finally couldn't bear it any longer, and they all rushed out of their hiding places to kill Xu Ming.

"Hundreds of millions of powerhouses!?" Xu Ming looked at the powerhouses pouring in like a tide, but he still felt a little bit too little in his heart! After all... Xu Ming has only one chance to massacre! If the slaughter is not enough this time, then it will be difficult to win the battle in the future!

Xu Ming is a nightmare-level cosmic chain. Even if he wants to invite the fallen demon master to take action, the required battle merit must be an extremely terrifying number!

"To kill? Or not to kill!?"

Xu Ming hesitated!

Kill... Then, Xu Ming can get the battle honors of hundreds of millions of extraordinary quadrant powerhouses at his fingertips!

Don't kill... it's okay! Xu Ming can use "coordinate teleportation" to escape. In that case, in the eyes of the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant, Xu Ming must have escaped with a strange treasure because he was afraid. Next time, Xu Ming will "steal the tower" again. At the same time, it will definitely attract more powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant and more battles!

The leeks are in place!

To cut, or not to cut?

Xu Ming hesitated for a moment: "Cut it!"

After all, Xu Ming has one more important thing in addition to his battle honors - killing the abnormal quadrant!

"Hundreds of millions of powerhouses have won a lot of battles!" Xu Ming secretly said, "Even if I lure one more time, I am afraid that the number of powerhouses I can lure will be limited!"

Xu Ming didn't want to waste time for "more is limited".

"Since that's the case..." Xu Ming immediately accelerated his attack, and frantically bombarded the light tower - anyway, he was going to kill, so let's tear down this light tower first!

"I don't know... How many battles can a tower of light have?"

And just then-


"Xu Ming, you want to steal our light tower just because you are alone? It's too naive!"

"Suffer to die in peace!"

Swish! Swish! Swish! …

In an instant, more than a dozen figures rushed towards Xu Ming at a speed much faster than other powerhouses.

These more than ten figures are all the top powerhouses from various elephants; each of them also has a hole card at the bottom of the box - in their opinion, more than ten of them join forces, and it is even possible to kill Xu Ming directly! Even if it can't be beheaded, it shouldn't be a problem to be seriously injured!

"Humph! Kill Xu Ming and keep the Light Tower!"

The more light towers you keep, the more honors you will be rewarded after the abyss battle is over!

In this abyss battle, the seven quadrants teamed up to deal with the second quadrant. Naturally, it is necessary to keep as many light towers as possible! The best thing is that one is not demolished!

"Ha!" Xu Ming couldn't help laughing, "How ignorant and fearless! They didn't know they were about to die, and they rushed up to stop me from pushing the tower..."

Xu Ming had already seen that more than a dozen strong men were using their stunts to kill him.

call out-

A poisonous needle shot at Xu Ming extremely secretly - it was Banzun's stunt, the virtual poisonous needle that once killed a "thirteenth-order" powerhouse!


The double fists of the **** half-respect also rumbled through time and space; the icy ice sword, the terrifying thunder...all the attacks that reached the "thirteenth order" level, all enveloped Xu Ming!

But Xu Ming turned a blind eye!

An attack that barely reached the thirteenth level was just a tickling for Xu Ming! Attacks at this level, no matter how many, would at most "scratch" Xu Ming's skin, and would not hurt Xu Ming much at all.

"Break it for me!"

Break the tower first!

Murder after!


Under the last blow of Xu Ming's "slight burst", the light tower shattered. At the same time, Xu Ming saw that his battle merits increased by 20 million!

Destroying a light tower alone can get 20 million battle honors!

"not bad!"

After the light tower was broken, Xu Ming was about to kill when he was stunned—he heard a reminder from Xiaohang!

"Mysterious power appears in the abyss battlefield, which is related to the level 23 hanging point!"

"Mysterious power appears in the abyss is related to the level 23 hanging point!"

"Mysterious power appears in the abyss battlefield, which is related to the level 23 hanging point!"

Level 23 hanging point!

Xu Ming suddenly widened his eyes! - He already has an inexhaustible level of 22 hanging points, and he has been searching for a level 23 hanging point, but he has no clue! And now, things that are linked to level 23 have finally appeared!

Is the level 23 hanging point important, or is it important to fight?

That must be a level 23 hanging point!

Zhan Xun... As long as Xu Ming is willing, he can get it at any time!

But the 23-level hanging point, but it is impossible to find! At least now, this is Xu Ming's first encounter!

"I have to quickly figure out the source of this mysterious power!" Xu Ming secretly said.

And just when Xu Ming was stunned, the "thirteenth-order" level of attacks that the more than ten strong men unleashed had already reached Xu Ming. It seems that Xu Ming is already unavoidable!

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