Break Into Another World

Chapter 2026: war images

"You're going to stand up for him?"

The Supreme Being of Killing Enemy seems to be asking, but in fact it has a kind of warning in it, as if saying: If you really stand up for the Qinghai City Lord, then don't blame me for not giving you face!

The Supreme Being of Yanhong and other great powers also looked at the Supreme Being of the drunkard—how well-informed the information of these top-level Supreme Beings! Of course, they already knew about the grievances between Xu Ming and the Qinghai City Lord; they had also guessed that the drunkard Supreme was probably invited by the Qinghai City Lord.

Immediately, more than a dozen great experts, including Supreme Yan Hongdi, also looked at the Supreme Being of the drunk with a smile that was not a smile.

The great powers even had some vague expectations in their hearts - if the alcoholic Supreme dared to come forward, then they would just be able to clean up the alcoholic Supreme; in this way, they would be able to get closer to Xu Ming!

You must know that Xu Ming is likely to be a disciple of the Eternal Palace in the future. If he is not careful, he may become the top existence in the entire real universe. Now there is an opportunity to draw closer to friendship, and it is not expensive.

But actually…

The Supreme Being of Alcoholics did not come to intercede for the Qinghai City Lord! He just listened to the Qinghai City Lord's situation, and felt that if he came over now, it was an opportunity to make friends with Xu Ming, so he ran over - as for the Qinghai City Lord, the drunkard Supreme Venerable did not intend to control his life or death!

And now, after seeing the attitude of the great powers, the Supreme Being of the drinker immediately understood what he should do!

"Don't misunderstand, don't misunderstand!" The drunkard Supreme said, "Don't misunderstand everyone, I am not here to stand up for the Qinghai City Lord!"

"What!?" The Qinghai City Lord was stunned for a moment—he waited for a long time before his only hope came; but now, the first sentence of the drunkard's Supreme Being was to distance himself from him...

This Nima is simply "God's turning point"!

The Qinghai City Lord just wanted to say: You are not here to stand up for me, what are you doing here! ?


The Supreme Being of Yanhong, the Supreme Being of Killing Enemy and other great powers were also slightly stunned.

"The Sovereign of the drunkard, are you here...?" The Sovereign of Killing Enemy, as the host, asked.

"It's like this..." The drunkard's Supreme Being said with righteous indignation, "After I heard about the Qinghai City Lord's plot against Xu Ming, I was extremely indignant! - You know, Xu Ming is a peerless genius that is rare in our Shenyu City in hundreds of millions of years. Ah, it was calculated by a mob! The more I thought about it, the more angry I became, so I wanted to come and teach the Qinghai City Lord a lesson!"

Sovereign, the drunkard, immediately stated his position—he did not come to stand up for the Qinghai City Lord, but to teach the Qinghai City Lord!


"That's okay too?"

"This alcoholic... is so cheeky!"

Everyone couldn't help but laugh in their hearts.

"I..." The Qinghai City Lord had already vomited blood in his heart—he had waited for a long time for hope that he didn't come to help himself, and he had to teach himself a lesson...

"Brother Xu Ming!" At this time, the Supreme Being of the drunkard directly called him a brother, "If you have no opinion, I will directly kill the Qinghai City Lord!"

"Yeah!" Xu Ming nodded slightly, but did not speak.


The drinker's Supreme Sovereign shot with a bang, killing the Qinghai City Lord with one unceremonious move.

The Qinghai City Lord probably never dreamed that he did not die in the hands of Xu Ming, nor in the hands of the greats of the Shenyu Battle Stage, but in the hands of the helpers he invited.

Send off the great powers of all parties who came to visit.

The Supreme Being said: "Xu Ming, since you have decided to join the Eternal Palace, I will arrange to contact the Eternal Palace now! With your talent, there is definitely no problem in joining the Eternal Palace, but I don't know. Will you become a registered disciple first, or will you become a formal disciple directly!"

"Then there is work!" Xu Ming said.

Shenyu City, located in the border area of ​​the Eternal Domain, is extremely far away from the "Eternal Hall" at the core of the Eternal Domain. Xu Ming himself had no way of contacting the Eternal Hall, so he could only be helped by the Shenyu Battle Stage.

"You're welcome!" Supremacy of Killing Vengeance laughed, "I really envy you! Like me before, I didn't even have the qualifications to become a named disciple of the Eternal Palace, so I had to join a not very big force, and I've been involved until now. …Xu Ming, when you become a disciple of the Eternal Hall, don’t forget me in the future!”

The Supreme Being of Vengeance said half-jokingly.

In fact, the Supreme Being of Killing Enemy has done so much, to put it bluntly, to make friends with Xu Ming. After all... in the real universe, who can guarantee that he will never encounter danger or a strong enemy? At that time, if you have a powerful and powerful friend, you may be able to save your life!

Although Xu Ming's current strength is still weak, he obviously has the potential to become a super-powerful person - this is also the reason why such powers as Killing Enemy Supreme, Yanhong Supreme and other powerful people took the initiative to make friends with Xu Ming.

"I will arrange to contact the Eternal Palace immediately, but I have no way of knowing when I will get a reply from the Eternal Palace!" The Vengeful Land Supreme said again.

The Eternal Hall, after all, is the largest force in the Eternal Domain and even the entire True Universe! Even if there is any super genius who wants to join the Eternal Palace, the Eternal Palace may not immediately pay attention.

"So, during this time, you should try your best to move around Shenyu City, don't leave too far, and don't fall into any dangerous place!" The Supreme Being of Vengeance continued, "In order to avoid the Eternal Palace having a reply, but I contacted Not you!"

"Okay!" Xu Ming smiled.

However, Xu Ming is also planning to go to the upcoming auction in Shenyu City; therefore, Xu Ming should not leave Shenyu City in a short time.

After coming out of the Shenyu Battle Arena headquarters, Xu Ming found a place in the city and waited for the auction to start.

"It's been less than ten years since the auction started, and many great powers from all sides have already entered Shenyu City..." Xu Ming secretly said.

This time the auction is different from usual. At that time, there will be a lot of great powers to participate, and there may even be Heavenly Supreme Powerhouses!

At this moment, a stranger, the supreme powerhouse, approached Xu Ming.

"Senior Xu Ming!" This middle-ranking person is supreme, directly holding the junior salute, "The next one is from the Shenyu auction house, and I have come here to present a VIP letter! The VIP letter records some of the treasures that will appear at the auction; At that time, senior Xu Ming is also invited to attend!"

Not everyone is eligible to receive a VIP letter from the Shenyu auction house.

Eligible to receive a VIP letter is a recognition of identity! For example, Xu Ming... All the major forces in Shenyu City know that Xu Ming is about to enter the Eternal Hall; this is a kind of identity!

Xu Ming opened the VIP letter and looked.

"Most treasures can participate in the auction as long as they use the original chaotic core!" Xu Ming successfully challenged the "hundred defeats", and he bet one million of the original chaotic core before the challenge; he just won it from the Shenyu battle platform~www. has a trillion chaotic pronuclei.

It can be said that Xu Ming is not lacking in the primordial core of chaos. If he sees something he wants, Xu Ming will just shoot it!

Xu Ming browsed through the treasures at will.

Suddenly, Xu Ming's face changed drastically: "This is...?"

Xu Ming's eyes fell on a treasure.

This is a picture of a battle!

In the introduction, there are only a few words for a brief description: The real cosmos peak powerhouse gathers, the battle of the fall of the great master "Gu Hanmo"!

Xu Ming's expression changed instantly, his eyes were full of evil spirits!

"I must get this image of the war!"


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