Break Into Another World

Chapter 2027: Great Master's Treasure

"I must get this image of the war!"

Xu Mingzhi is sure to win!

Immediately, Xu Ming noticed that the starting price of this war image was not high, and it was auctioned using the original chaotic nucleus; it can be seen that the quality of this war image should not be very high.

Continuing to read, Xu Ming also saw some treasures that require the "Origin of the Universe" to participate in the auction; among them, there are "Origin of the Universe·Void", and even "Origin of the Universe·True"!

"Huh?" Xu Ming was startled suddenly, thinking of something, "I can also get something to sell!"

Chaos pro-core, level 22 hanging points, Xu Ming is not lacking.

However, the 23-level hanging point and the 24-level hanging point, Xu Ming is short!

And now, there is an opportunity to earn the "Origin of the Universe" before Xu Ming!

"Before, I got a lot of treasures in the Supreme Mansion of the Deficient Land, and I should be able to sell some 'Cosmic Origin, Void'!" Xu Ming secretly said, "If you want 'Cosmic Origin, True'..."

Xu Ming thought of one thing - a picture of feeding kun.

The Kun-feeding map was obtained by Xu Ming in the "Eternal Battlefield". Although now to Xu Ming, the Kun-feeding map seems to be of little use; however, Xu Ming still has no plans to sell it! However... Kun-feeding map records a practice "Kunpeng Nine Changes", but it can be copied and sold.

"Measured by the level of the exercises in the real universe, "Kunpeng Nine Transformations" should be a "Heavenly Supreme Level" exercise! If you sell it, you can definitely sell it for 'Cosmic Origin·True'!"

"Origin of the Universe·True" can be exchanged for 24-level hanging points!

And 1 point of the 24-level hanging point can be exchanged for tens of thousands of 23-level hanging points!

That is to say, as long as Xu Ming can get "Origin of the Universe·True", even if he only gets a few points, then... in the future, Xu Ming can open the "Infinite Resurrection" unscrupulously in the True Universe!

How terrible is it to open the "Infinite Resurrection" indefinitely?

At that time, Xu Ming is in the real universe, who else needs to be afraid? Even the existence of the Great Senior level, I am afraid that he is not qualified to make Xu Ming fear!

"I have to change my identity and go to the Shenyu auction house to consign these treasures!"

It's easy!

With Feng Zhou Ding present, Xu Ming directly disguised as Tian Zhizun and went to consign the treasures; in that way, with the cultivation of "Tian Zhizun" as a deterrent, there was no need to worry that the Shenyu auction house would dare to greedily drop his treasures.

Xu Ming is about to leave...

A cold voice came from outside the door: "Is Xu Ming there?"

Hearing this somewhat familiar voice, Xu Ming frowned slightly: "Moon Demon? What did she come to me for?"

"Come in!" Xu Ming waved his hand and opened the door.

A cold, silver-haired girl walked in.

"Moon Demon." Xu Ming looked at the other party, "Is something wrong?"

"Xu Ming!" The Moon Demon looked directly at Xu Ming, and did not feel cowardly because his strength and identity were inferior to Xu Ming, "I want to ask you for help!"

The Moon Demon went straight to the point and said directly.

"Please help me?" Xu Ming smiled, "Why should I help you?"

The Moon Demon is just a high-ranking Supreme. Although he was considered a genius among the high-ranking supreme beings, in Xu Ming's eyes, he was still mediocre!

The cultivation base is low and mediocre! - Xu Ming didn't think that if he helped the Moon Demon, what kind of reward would he get!

Moreover, Xu Ming and Moon Demon, to be honest, really have no friendship! So... why did Xu Ming help?

"Because..." The Moon Demon looked at Xu Ming and spit out two words, "Benefits!"


Xu Ming couldn't help looking at the Moon Demon with a playful look: "It's just you?"

This is a kind of temptation for Xu Ming - he would like to see what benefits the Moon Demon can offer to make his heart flutter!

The Moon Demon looked at Xu Ming, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "I hold a key to the 'Great Relic'!"

"Great Relic?" Xu Ming was surprised.

"Yes!" Moon Demon said, "It's a fallen Great Venerable who signed a contract with the Dao Realm! And with this key of mine, I can get the treasure stored by the almighty!"

The wealth left by a great senior really can't help but make people tempted!

"Which Great Senior?" Xu Ming couldn't help asking.

"I don't know which Great Senior..." Moon Demon said, "But for sure, it is definitely the treasure that leads to Great Senior's legacy!"

Xu Ming actually believed it a little bit.

And the point is, Xu Ming has absolute confidence in himself! Even if the Moon Demon pits himself, even if it is "dead in the pit", Xu Ming can still rely on "Infinite Resurrection" to be resurrected - in this case, what is there to be afraid of?

"You want me to go with you to the treasures of the Great Venerable?" Xu Ming asked with a smile, "There are such good things in the world? Could it be that you want to use me as cannon fodder?"

"No!" Moon Demon shook his head, "The key is not in my hands yet!"

"Huh?" Xu Ming couldn't help but wonder - just now, the Moon Demon clearly said that she was in control of the key, but now she said that the key is not in her hands?

The Moon Demon said again: "The key is in the seal of my clan! After my parents passed away, only I can unlock the seal! But..."

Hearing this, Xu Ming understood: "You want me to accompany you back to the clan and solve some enemies?"

"Yes!" Moon Demon said, "But... your current strength is still a little short! When you break through to the supreme realm, your strength will undergo a huge transformation. At that time, with your talent, you should be able to Touch the strength threshold of the 'Earth Supreme'! At that time, you can go back to the clan with me and help me!"

Seeing that Xu Ming didn't speak, the Moon Demon said again: "With your talent, it shouldn't take much time to break through to the supreme cultivation level! And don't worry, I will never let you do it in vain; that key can make two When an individual enters the treasure, what can be obtained after entering, we all depend on our ability!"

"Haha!" Xu Ming couldn't help laughing, "You believe me like that?"

Even if it's just Xu Ming's strength, if he wants to kill the Moon Demon, that's an easy thing to do.

The Moon Demon's expression did not fluctuate: "Compared to other I am more willing to trust you! And...I can only gamble!"

"Okay!" Xu Ming said with a smile, "I will break through to the supreme realm as soon as possible, and try my best to succeed before the auction!"

In fact, Xu Ming's cultivation base has long been a high-ranking supreme; saying this is just to maintain a disguise.

After sending away the Moon Demon, Xu Ming, as the "Heavenly Supreme", sent "Kunpeng Nine Transformations" and some of the Supreme Divine Weapons to the Shenyu Auction to participate in the auction.

When the identity of Tian Zhizun appeared, naturally no one dared to embarrass him; and at that time, Xu Ming would not have to worry that Shenyu Auction would be greedy for his own treasures. After all, the Shenyu auction house does not dare to offend the Heavenly Supreme Powerhouse casually!

At least... I won't offend a Heavenly Supreme Powerhouse for such a treasure!


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