Abandoned highways are lonely in reality, and the wind whizzes across the wilderness from a distance.

The gunfire didn't go off.

"... Jiang Zhan." Yan Yan's epilogue was not very stable, but he tried his best to make his voice sound calm and firm: "It doesn't matter, no matter what happened, it will pass, put down the gun first."

Outside the guardrail, Jiang Zhan half of his body was hidden in the night, as if controlled by some kind of devil from the depths of his soul. The arm with the gun raised and raised, and his fingers trembled slightly—

At this angle, the muzzle was leaning towards himself.

"It's true that something will always pass," Ajie said lightly, raised his hand and wiped the blood on his cheek, smiling. "But I think this 'something' refers to the present, not the past."

He was completely gone, even a little laid back. Yan Yan glanced at the past and sensitively found that at the end of the road in the distance, the two lights were turning over the hillside, approaching at full speed along the highway, and the roar unique to motorcycles soon came!

"Han Xiaomei!" Yan Yan said in a voice, "Be careful!"

In the distance, Han Xiaomei turned around and jumped to hide, and the motorcyclist swept past her!

Yan Jian stepped forward, leaped on the guardrail, landed on the ground, rolled up, came to the side of Jiang Ding with a thunderbolt, and seized m92; in this time, faster than blinking, Two riders rushed forward.

A Jie grabbed the back seat of a motorcycle as he passed by, and flew up and struck lightning. The other driver flicked his tail and leaned over a distance of more than ten meters. He lifted the metal sniper on the ground with one hand |

"Goodbye, the surname is Yan." Ajie turned back coldly. "The next time you meet is your death."

Yan Yan raised his hand and pulled the trigger, but the motorcycle suddenly started, rubbing against the bullets in the deafening roar, like a golden shooting star, galloping towards the wilderness at the end of the abandoned road.

boom! boom! boom!

The last three bullets chased after the smoke, and the lights disappeared in the dark night. Yan Xun's "Fuck!" Scolded the sentence and was about to chase. Suddenly I saw the distance, and the shadows on the hillside where I could not see my fingers light up a large number of taillights, like countless crimson eyes. There are countless people and ambush there !!

咣 Dang! As soon as the golden stone was exchanged, Yan Xie smashed the empty gun on the stone.

A sharp police car whistle fluttered in the wind, and flashing red and blue police lights finally appeared on the distant viaduct.

"Are you okay?" Yan Yan wiped his blood and turned around and asked, "Get on my car for the time being ... Jiangzhe!"

Jiang Zang pressed his eyebrows tightly. Most of his face was hidden behind his palms. Despite his best control, he couldn't calm his shoulders. Yan Yan stepped forward and grabbed his arm to forcibly pull away. I saw that his complexion was pale and white. In such a dark situation, he could see that the always thin and tight cold lips could not shake.

"Don't scare me, Jiang Zhan?" Yan Yan whispered, "Wake up!"

"I'm sorry." Jiang Zhan wanted to cover his face with his palms, but couldn't break his wrist from strict restraint. He could only cross the face nervously and forcefully: "... I just thought ...

"It's okay, okay." Yan Yan used his eyes to signal Han Xiaomei to stay in the car and not to approach him, and at the same time carefully stopped Jiang in his arms: "It will always pass, I'm here, ah? Obedient?"

"I was trying to help you just now," Jiang stopped hoarsely, "but I can't ... I--"

He paused and finally said the sentence:

"I can't hold the trigger."

Yan Yiwei was a little bit nervous, before he could understand what it meant. Suddenly Han Xiaomei poked his head out of Cherokee car with a walkie-talkie and said anxiously, "Vice Yan! The news came from the scene that the gathering point of the criminals was found. A suspicious remnant was found on the roof of a residential building to be demolished! "


"A seven- or eight-year-old kid's short-sleeved white undershirt with old blood stains!"

Yan Zheng only felt a move in his arms, and Jiang stopped pushing him away, panting, "... what?"

The depths of my mind seem to be filled with countless thoughts, and all are blank. Jiang Zhe staggered forward, took a few steps forward, and stretched out his hands again to hold the locked brows, but even if his nails cut deep into the flesh, he felt no pain.

In the end, the micro-intellect is like a gossamer, trying hard to maintain but unable to save, only to fall sharply towards the abyss.

He didn't realize that he was out of breath, and then he softened and lost consciousness.

"——Jiang Zhe!"

Yan Yan almost rushed forward, catching Jiang stopped, patted him on the cheek and yelled, "Wake up! Jiang stop!"

Han Xiaomei was stunned. She stepped forward in three steps and two steps, and saw Yan Zheng hug Jiang Zhan and hug him: "Get in the car and drive back, fast!"

At this time, the police cars on the viaduct were getting closer and closer, and the red and blue lights almost flashed in front of them. Han Xiaomei was helpless and pointed to him: "But Deputy Yan, everyone is already ..."

"Call the People's Hospital." Yan Yan held Jiang Park in the back seat of the car and forced himself to take a deep breath to calm down, decisively: "——No, wait. Call the private hospital and get in the car and I will tell you Which one. "

Ma Xiang came whistling in a police car, and after a few tens of meters, he saw Yan Yan stepping into the door in front of him.

"Hey Yan!" Ma Xiang lowered the window: "Let's hurry ... Hello?"

Cherokee completely ignored his call, and even didn't even mean to wait for it, whistling away in the opposite direction of the police car!

"..." A row of police cars stopped in turn, and everyone was dumbfounded in the dust. Half a moment Ma Xiang reached out the window and sorrowed angrily towards the rear lights that were getting farther and farther from the big cut: "Are you in such a hurry to see your wife have children? You have no wife! Hey!"

The flashing lights of Cherokee galloped at full speed on the open highway, breaking through a few red lights, leaving a black afterimage in the security surveillance.

In the rear-view mirror, Yan Hyun's eyes were reflected. He looked to the back seat—Jiang Zhuang swayed slightly with the bumps of the driving, and seemed to constantly relive some unmemorable memories in a coma. His eyes closed on his face A trace of pain emerged clearly.

I can't hold the trigger, he said so.

What do you mean? why?

What happened to the death of the undercover "rivets"?

In the past, Jiang always stopped, and Jiang must not sink in it--Yan Yan's mind was meditating over and over again.

It doesn't matter if you ever missed something. If you want to pay, at least you won't face the future alone.




Jiang Zhang couldn't tell where he was, but his body was hot but distressed, as if being detained in a small, dark space.

Am i dead he thinks.

The soul seemed to float slowly in the deep water, finally seeing the light, can't wait to drill up.


The little boy poked his head out of the river and made a cheerful laugh, and cleverly swam to the shore and climbed up, grabbed the square white shirt that was squarely stacked on the stone and put it on.

The midsummer evening sunset reflected his white side, bright as if his skin was soaked with water, and his black hair was wet on the cheek. His little buddy who was not in the water sat down on the stone in a regular manner, staring at it all silently, and looked for a long time before saying, "Your clothes are wet, don't you change one?"

"But I only have one."

"What to do if it's dirty?"

"Dirty to go back and get beaten."

The little boy sat down, looked at his friend who was always depressed and didn't know what he was thinking, and smiled and asked, "Are you still practicing the piano today?"

"Do you want to listen?"


His friend seemed to smile a little, and the smile was indescribable, and he got up and took his hand: "Come with me."

The golden red wind swept across the wilderness, rushing into the distance with the breath of a distant city. The stage is extravagant. As always, the setting sun passes through the high stained glass windows, reflecting the empty theater and the dusty seats; there is only a little boy laughing in the front row, applauding the violinist who performed alone-

hotsummerdays, rock \\\\\\\ 'n \\\\\\\' roll





The melody reverberates for a long time, and the performance never ends; as a child, I indulge in playfulness, as if the torrents of time can't wash away the thick makeup.

"I will always play for you alone," the little boy heard his partner say childishly.

Immediately their shoulders widened and their figures stretched, a deep, dumb voice repeated in their ears:

"I used to promise that I would always play for you alone."

Jiang Zhan looked up, but couldn't see anything. His body was full of explosive embers, scarred and described as embarrassed, and he was pushed into the room and handcuffed to an armchair; his eyes were covered by cloth, and even if he knew that the man was walking towards himself, he could not see the picture anyway Close up of smiling face.


He heard the sound of the piano ringing from his cell.


Those who played and laughed in the past, the summer night in July in Weiyang, the dust in the afterglow, the sea of ​​bright lights, at this moment converge into a torrent and burst through the gates, chanting and rising in the void to heaven:

Your glory, your face, the bright light like a diamond

Can you love me like never before?

——When Shaohua passed away and the performance ended, Bai Xia's fleeting years have passed; can you still applaud for me until the land is completely deserted?

The iron wheels of the hospital bed turned quickly, the red light in the emergency room flashed, and the figure of the nurse barn disappeared in the corridor.

"There is congestion inside the craniocerebra, which may be oppressive to the nerves at any time, very dangerous ..."

"At present, only the minimum consciousness can be maintained, and the possibility of re-entering a persistent vegetative state is not excluded ..."

Yang Mei covered her mouth with a trembling shout, but it was very low and short, and she knelt softly on her knees. Yan Min grabbed her arm and braced it. She couldn't help but pull it to the bench and looked up and asked, "Is there always a way? The best equipment, the best medical treatment, he just got unconscious and there is definitely a rescue! No matter what Method, I will talk about the congestion in the brain later, as long as I can stimulate my consciousness back now! "

"If the latest researched machines and supporting drugs are indeed possible, but things have not yet been approved in China, is it clinically effective?"

"Where is the instrument?"

The doctor hesitated a bit: "The whole story should be in Germany, but-"

"When the fastest international flight arrives, your machine will arrive." Yan Zheng didn't return, grabbed his mobile phone and rushed out of the emergency room corridor.

The soul broke free of the catheter and ventilator in the darkness, slowly emerged from the emergency room, and drifted towards the empty abyss in the distance.

dearlord, whenigethea | ven





But I have never loved you, Jiang stopped muttering in a louder chant.

The melody became more and more ups and downs, set off the magnificent hem of the golden red curtain, set off the dust of the old days, and even made a loud noise, even deafening, drowned out his hoarse calls for help and shouts.

But I never--no--

"You do," he heard the voice.

The police lights flickered in heavy rain, and there were loud noises around, and some people yelled in the rain: "It's found! Come! Come and inform the Jiang team!"

Under the desk lamp in the late night office, the pen was stroked on the paper, and happy jumping and joking came from outside the door, "Let's go to the Jiang team! See you tomorrow!"

The ground exploded, the glass of the factory building burst, and the fire and smoke burst into the sky instantly; he rushed towards the fire, and countless people shouted around the room: "Don't let him in!" "Jiang Team!" "Take him Pull away! "...

... I haven't seen you tomorrow, Jiang Ding thought. Never see you again.

The soul finally let go, jumping from the sky to the abyss, hugging the demon who laughed tightly.

In the rapid fall, they were far away from heaven, leaving the world far behind, and their fields of vision were full of evil spirits and fiery hell; the gorgeous theater was soaring, and the violin was still playing on the clouds. They rushed to the end of the journey together in that song, as if from the very beginning, they were inseparable, and fell to the giant purgatory gate that opened suddenly.

锵 ——!

It was like a rest, and suddenly everything was still.

Explosions, burnings, screams, callsigns ... all resounded like a silent mime, the flames faded to gray, and the ghosts at the bottom of the abyss were swallowed up instantly.

Jiang Zeng was suspended in mid-air like a returning embryo. I didn't know how long it took before finally turning around.

A strong and strong hand held him, looking up along his arms, the new-born light spread over the sky, a bright and handsome face reflected in the backlight, and frowning closely at him-

Jiang Zang closed his eyes with that light and opened slowly.

"Woke up!"

"Doctor! Doctor he woke up !!!"


Noisy and hazy footsteps, sounds like a layer of deep water. Jiang closed his eyes and felt that he was being fiddled with not knowing how many doctors and nurses. Some people were crying, some were calling, and some were cheering and laughing.

So happy? There was some doubt in his mind.

Finally, the surroundings gradually quieted down, and the instrument snorted regularly. Jiang Zhan's thick eyelashes moved a few times, then opened slowly, and found that there was still one person beside the hospital bed.

The face in the dream was staring at himself in reality. The light in the ward came from behind him, plating a solid edge on his solid and reliable figure, and there was some warmth in the room.

Yan Yan laughed, sitting sideways on the edge of the bed, with his index fingers crossed for a number: "Six days."

Jiang Zhan's spirit was still a bit loose, wearing a breathing mask.

"You have been in a coma for six days." Yan Yan said with a smile, and finally moved his neck and shoulders side by side, and randomly raised the entire set of inexplicable medical instruments around the bed and all the instilled drugs printed in German. Chin: "Between us, a vivid image of what it means to be 'you and I have no chance, it's all up to me to throw money'-I only know now that the words of the ancestors are really true and not deceiving.

"..." A smile appeared in Jiang Zhan's eyes.

Yan looked at him, suddenly leaned in his ears, and teased and asked, "Now we are destined, eh? Jiang team?"

Jiang Zhe opened his mouth slightly, and the warm white gas died on his breathing mask.

"Okay," he said. 2k ​​novel reading network

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