The 520 Frozen Corps Case finally ended its detection and entered the interrogation process.

The work of the criminal police in the film and television series ended when the suspect was successfully arrested, but in fact, the really difficult battle began from this time.

Interrogation, attacking toughness, both hard and soft, 72 methods of 18 martial arts, screening effective information from true and fake confessions of criminals, deducting details and deducting words, repeatedly interrogating one by one, and even winning all.

It ’s difficult to tell in words how much you enter and retreat, and how smart you are. The only thing that can be concretely displayed is how many hours the criminal investigation detachment of the Municipal Public Security Bureau has added, and how much the lights of the deputy captain's office have turned on. All night.

The sound of water stopped in the bathroom. After learning about it for a moment, Yan Yan pushed out the door with a wet hair like a hedgehog, hummed Xiaohuang into the cloakroom, and pulled out the black from the drawer that could not be closed. T-shirt, just put on and paused.

Then he threw away the t-shirt three times, five, two, and barely sturdy back muscles that hadn't dried off the drops of water, and opened a closet that would only be available when a blind date was reached.

Half an hour later, Yan ’s deputy detachment put a pair of sunglasses on her nose and waxed her hair. She wore cesareattolini custom shirts and trousers, wore a watch that was more expensive than a car, and drove a car worth ten watches. , Went out happily.

After half an hour, Vice Vice Yan's cheerful mood was severely challenged.

"No," he casually grabbed the rounds doctor, dissatisfiedly compared to the ward and said, "I pay this every day to make them date here every day?"


Yang Mei diligently scooped out the third bowl of chicken soup: "Come, Brother Jiang, Xiao Liu boiled for half a night, let's drink another bowl! Ah-"

Jiang Zhan: "Wait, there's something to say, you put down first ..."

Yan Yan coughed heavily, his entire sleeves, and stepped into the door.

Yan Ying ’s image in Yang Mei ’s heart has become very complicated. On the one hand, she is really grateful. On the other hand, whenever she sees Yan Ye ’s gesture of “I ’m incapable of doing it, you come”, she feels all in her heart. It resonates very closely with Wei Bureau who can't wait for a fly swatter to send Yan Yan back to Mars.

"I have some discussions with the Jiang team," Yan Yan said in a tone that seemed to be stubborn, but "you go out for a while, and I will come in later."

Yang Mei: "?????"

Yang Meigang couldn't help but retort, Yan Yan used the corner of his eyes to stop Jiang Jiang with an innocent face on his face, and said intensified, "Ding Dang explained."

"Yang Mei, go back first," Jiang Zhan immediately followed the good, "you come back when you have time."

"..." Ms. Yang could only clean up, and out of patience, she swallowed out of the ward.

At the end of the corridor of this inpatient department, just after turning around the corner of the corridor, Yang Mei saw a little girl in her twenties hanging her arms, walking slowly around the window. Yang Mei looked at the figure a little familiar, frowning and thinking, suddenly remembering that this was Han Meimei, a criminal investigation team intern who was sent to the hospital with Jiang Zhan that night.

——Han Xiaomei's injury cannot be considered serious, and she will definitely be admitted to a public hospital according to normal procedures. But she stunned consultant Lu's coma and endangered light, and took it to this private hospital where everybody lives in a single room like a hotel. The bill was naturally sent to her boss.

She was hanging her hands, carefully moving her stiff shoulders, and suddenly she heard only a lazy but high voice from behind her: "Han Meimei?"


As soon as Han Xiaomei turned around, she was almost blinded by her beautiful younger sister with 24k gold diamond dog eyes.

Yang Mei's hair dyed in dark maroon was lifted up, and a white key necklace was hung from her white neck, wearing a dark pink velvet skirt, **** powder with suede high heels, and a bag that Han Xiaomei might not be able to afford for half a year. With a half-circle around Han Xiaomei, her makeup was perfect and her eyes were full of harshness. She looked up from her two-dollar plastic slippers all the way to her unwashed head for three days.

"You were the intern policewoman who was sitting in the car with Brother Jiang when the accident happened?"

Han Xiaomei was so frightened that she finally realized who the lady is from:

"Yes, my name is Han Xiaomei, you must be Yang—"

Yang Mei took another half-circle, and her steps swayed gracefully, showing her s-shaped awesome figure in all directions, pressing **** coated with light nail polish on Han Xiaomei's cheeks, gently skimming past , Carefully observed the lower skin, the look is similar to checking the mouth when buying a donkey.

Han Xiaomei's donkey was tremblingly inspected, listening only to Yang Mei lazily: "The car that crashed was mine."

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean it ..." Han Xiaomei didn't know why she was conditioned to start apologizing.

"Are your interns ready to do anything else?"

"I didn't really notice ... then?"

"Follow Jiang all day, why not go to the street and catch the thief?"

Han Xiaomei is really a donkey, and she is unaware of the murderous undercurrents: "Oh, because Vice Yan made me look at Jiang ... Lu ... Advisor Lu said that he would immediately notify him of any changes. He killed half a step away, so ... "

Yang Mei was not surprised: "Yan Yan? Why?"

Han Xiaomei looked at the neck and confirmed that there were no people around, so she whispered, "I don't know. Maybe a man with a cancerous heart may be in the air."

Yang Mei took a sigh of relief, and almost three steps back on the spot, Han Xiaomei also piqued her mouth and made a meaningful expression on her.

"..." However, Yang Mei deserved to drag Jiang Zhan from the scene of the highway accident and sent him to the hospital to rescue a small life. For so many years, a woman who had experienced a lot of wind and waves, reacted in a blink of an eye. Quickly formulated offensive and defensive strategies and counter-objects within seconds, grabbed Han Xiaomei's rough hand:

"younger sister!"

Han Xiaomei: "?????"

"Look that you are so thin and pitiful, come with your sister soon." Yang Mei laughed like a female fox who just became fine, and said warmly, "Hello sister, please have a meal."

"Ding Dang explained?" At the same time, Jiang Ding confirmed in the ward.

Yan Yan pulled the chair with his hands, sitting on the side of the bed with a golden knife, his elbows resting on the armrests on both sides, his fingers crossed, and his two long legs crossed. He lived like a young and handsome president. He looked at Jiang Dian for a while with a smile, and then he sang word by word: "Dang ~ ran ~ la ~"

Jiang Zang said, "I thought she should be the more difficult one."

"It mainly depends on which great **** went to trial in person. Guess?"

The ward was full of sunshine, and the bed was filled with a handful of lilies, emitting a scent of fragrance. Jiang Zhan's face was plain white. At first glance, he was in the same color as the soft cotton-white patient's coat, arms folded over his chest, and leaned on a loose pillow.

Although it is not obvious, the corner of his pale red lips did bend a curve: "Is this great **** sitting in front of me?"

Yan Yan's smile deepened.

"Ah, serious." Yan Yan drew a soft Chinese sturgeon from the cigarette case in his mouth, and pulled the chair forward again: "How do you know that the girl named Ding was the fourth kidnapper?"

Time backed back more than ten days ago, Yan Yan stood by the police car and turned his head, the window slowly lowered, revealing Jiang Zhan's fair and chilly cheeks on the side, saying-not three kidnappers, but four.

Therefore, when Yan Zheng broke through the door at the scene, he caught Ding Dang as the first person. After the explosion, he rushed to the death and seized the gun in Ding Dang's hand. It turns out that this judgment saved the hostage's life.

Jiang Ding said: "Ding Dang's going to the police station should be true, but he doesn't want to surrender, but reports it."

Yan Yan is personable and made a gesture to continue.

"She wanted to report Ding Jiawang, Chi Rui Wang Le, and others. The rhetoric was the same as what she told Chu Ci later. She put the responsibility of planning drug trafficking and dealing with Hu Weisheng on her dad. This coincided with Zhang Jiao's confession. Perhaps the two mothers and daughters secretly discussed what to say in the event of an incident before the drug trafficking. This is understandable. After all, most women | love their children more than their husbands. "

"So after Diao Yong was controlled, Ding Dang found police surveillance personnel. She knew that she was already suspected. At this time, the only idea she could think of was to take the lead, so she went to the police station and planned to throw out her prepared speech. He took a breath and said, "But maybe through observation or conversation or other ways, Chi Rui and others first noticed that she had a dislike, so they started off and tied her back."

"Then she chose to cooperate with the kidnappers," Yan Min said.

"Yes, she has to," Jiang Zang said, "because your speculation is very correct, the female accomplice in Hu Weisheng's car the night of the 52nd incident was Ding Dang. Even, she probably murdered Feng Yuguang intentionally."

Yan holding the cigarette, looked at him for a moment with a smile, and finally leaned back in the back of the chair, repeating slowly: "Intentional murder."

He didn't speak for a long time, as if he enjoyed the moment of being alone with Jiang Zhan, and then he asked, "You can also guess, tell me why?"

"Feng Yuguang has always passed the exam by taking psychoactive drugs such as Adela, Moda | Fini, and he should have a fixed and trusted seller in Beijing. But after coming to Jianning, because of the risk of express delivery of illegal drugs, coupled with the very high purchase demand Urgently, he accepted Ding Dang, the first supplier of Yueshui near the platform, as a new source of supply. What he did not expect was that Ding Dang actually wanted to kill him. "

"On the night of the incident, Feng Yuguang's penultimate phone number was called to Ding Dang. I guess Ding Dang gave him another mobile phone number without a real name to contact after receiving the call, which was also a way that she confused the follow-up investigation. Means. After Feng Yuguang dialed the unregistered mobile phone number, he got into Hu Weisheng's car according to the instructions. The rest of the things should be the same as what you had previously speculated. "

Jiang paused, leaned his head back on the soft pillow, and subconsciously rubbed his throat.

Yan Zheng has discovered that this is the habit of Jiang Ding's thinking. He looked intently, and suddenly felt that his throat was a little tight, and he couldn't help swallowing his mouth.

-As if the hand was rubbing lightly on his neck.

"Then why do you suspect that she was intentionally murdered?" It seemed to disguise her abnormality, and Yan Xuansheng looked away and asked with a smile: "Perhaps she just wanted to seduce Feng Yuguang to take drugs, but she got the wrong goods."

Jiang Zeng shook his head.

"The medicine taken by Feng Yuguang is a failed product faked by Ding Jiawang and should have been destroyed long ago. Even if there is a surplus, it will not be randomly piled in the pot like methylbenzene | propylamine. The possibility is not high. Moreover, Ding Dang's attempt to kill Feng Yuguang may not even know Hu Weisheng, otherwise he would not move Feng Yuguang's bag and sell it to a second-hand luxury store the next day, leaving himself so obvious Clues-and Hu Weisheng's stubborn and unexplained attitude in order to protect Ding Dang. In the face of such a loyal and daring boyfriend, if Ding Dang wanted to kill Feng Yuguang and Hu Weisheng was hiding it, the killing motive was, It should be more subtle. "

At this point, Jiang stopped talking and smiled, "But I also said that this is all speculation. Intentional homicide and sentencing are different. Ding Dang should not admit it."

Yan shouted, forefinger stopped to Jiang a little bit: "She admitted."

Even Jiang stopped unexpectedly. "Oh?"

"The district was not here, and I personally led people to fight for a long time. In a literal sense, I dug the Dingjia Xiaoyuan to three feet, and it really lived up to expectations. I found evidence. What do you guess?"

This time Jiang Jiang made a hand gesture.


In the amazement of the opposite side, Yan Ye contented himself, saying, "The dead bodies of more than ten stray cats and dogs that were poisoned, the dates of death are very close, and several claws have detected Dang Dana."

Jiang Zhan drew a soft breath and understood: "Test the lethal dose."

"——Intentional poisoning, the evidence is like a mountain." Yan applauded: "That girl collapsed on the spot, hahaha!"

Witnesses, physical evidence, and confession files all corresponded to form a tight chain of evidence, completely killing the gang with guns and poison.

Yan Yan fought this battle, which can be described as beautiful.

"Then Hu Weisheng was really introduced to his daughter by Ding Jiawang?" Jiang Ding asked.

Yan Yan waved his hand: "Hey, you heard that girl sucking. The owner of Sanchun Flower KTV's bamboo pole is explained. Ding Danglao was their famous socializing flower. Maybe Hu Weisheng asked her to drink. People hooked up, and then Ding Jiawang was pulled into the water and started to make drugs, and there was no such thing as a good one from beginning to end. "

Jiang Zhan seemed to be a little sighed and sighed, "This girl."

"Young people these days, oh ..."

Jiang Zhan gently squeezed his chin, shook his head, and did not agree.

"What do you want?" Yan Yan asked sensitively.

"... I'm thinking." Jiang Ding slowly said, "Ding Dang is the source of this group of people starting to make drugs. It is the hub that connects Hu Weisheng's drug trafficking channels to Ding Jiawang. At the same time, for Hu Weisheng or more men, she is like Drugs are tempting, deadly, addictive ... "

He seemed to be thinking about the proper description, and after a while he finally said, "I don't know why, this trait makes me very uncomfortable."

Yan Min noticed that the words he used were not disgusting, disgusting, or even disgusting.

Is uncomfortable.

——A person who is uncomfortable with a certain trait may be because of the contradiction of the three views, or it may be because he sees the unwillingness to face himself.

"You care about her, how could a prisoner be comfortable?" Yan Yan's face had no abnormalities, and she loosened the cervical spine very naturally. It seemed to suddenly come to mind: "Hey, Hu Weisheng's autopsy result Out."

Jiang Zhan raised his eyes.

"Peanut flour is allergic."


"The diacetylmorphine that killed him was previously applied for training by the police dog brigade. When it was returned, it was mixed with glucose and peanut powder. Several trainers have been taken by me." Yan Yan said lightly. "The Lu Bureau asked Lao Huang to thoroughly inspect the contraband warehouse and found that the purity of several drugs was wrong. The joint responsibility is now being settled."

Jiang Zhan nodded his head and said, "It's a coincidence."

Indeed-it's a coincidence.

Even if there are a few sea | loin mixed with impurities, why is it peanut powder? Why is Hu Weisheng being given peanut allergy?

Every detail on the night of Hu Weisheng's death, which part is the intention of God, and which part is intentional?

"Unfortunately, I couldn't find it at one and a half moments. Fortunately, I came to the Japanese side." Yan Yan leaned forward, swiping the river with his back to stop his chest, and teased: "The Japanese side is long-fortunately, your little life is considered me I picked it up. "

Jiang Zhan looked at him quietly, and his eyes seemed to be flashing with some obscure emotions.

"Take care of the Jiang team." Yan Yan laughed, "Xi Zi is holding on to the physique of the past, and I dare not overwork your Buddha in the future."

He stood up and stretched a lazy waist, clicked and pressed each knuckle, and suddenly only heard Jiang stopped calling: "Yan Yan."

The voice was not high, and at first glance there was nothing unusual, Yan Yan looked at it.

Jiang stopped leaning on the white bed, his eyes were quiet like a deep pool of water, saying:

"Thank you. The day I return to Gongzhou, if it is convenient, can you take me on the road?"

They stared at each other so quietly for a moment, Yan Yan raised an unexplained smile, as if a small stone was thrown into the lake without causing the ripples he deserved. Immediately he saw what he felt out of his pants pocket and raised his hand. throw:

"Let's talk about the future. Yang Mei's KTV people are very confused. It's best to go to my house after leaving the hospital."

Jiang stopped and caught the parabola steadily, and he saw the key in his palm, his expression stagnant.

"Gone," Yan said without looking back, waved his hand, opened the door of the ward, and went out.

The snow-white room returned to quietness, the sunlight passed through the glass windows, and a lily flower petal slowly dropped a crystal clear waterdrop.

Jiang Zhe threw the key gently on the bedside and exhaled silently.

"Yo, Brother Yan, just returned from a blind date?"

At the entrance of the Criminal Investigation Building of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Yan Yan walked up the steps like a flying enclave, and several opponents under the police laughed and laughed at him: "What is a blind date, vulgar!-Are the materials finished? Is the evidence list ready? File transfer Did you give it to the procuratorate? None? What are you doing here! Go back and work! "

The criminals rushed away with their cigarettes in their hands.

"Hey, Lao Yan--" Technical Investigation Director Huang Xing stood at the door of the deputy detachment's office. It seemed to have been waiting for a long time, and Zhaosheng immediately called back.

Yan Ye looked him up and down, "What's the matter with you, borrow money?"

Huang Xing laughed dryly, but did not hide the worry and contradiction in his eyes.

This looks very unusual, Yan Yan frowned unconsciously, and saw Huang Xing barely cough: "The child's shirt found on the roof of the sniper on the night of the operation had some old blood on it. The DNA test result was just Out."

Yan Yan looked slightly for a moment.

"Lu Bureau," Huang Xing said and stopped: "Lu Bureau let you go there."

"..." Yan Yan laughed, and Zhang Jun magically stole all emotions, patted Huang Xing's shoulder: "I'll go."

He really turned and walked towards the elevator without even asking half a word. On the contrary, Huang Xing hurried for a while and seemed to want to explain something, but eventually hesitated.

Secretary's office.


As soon as the knock on the door fell, a familiar voice came in: "Come in."

Yan Yan pushed in the door.

Behind the large desk, the back of the swivel chair faces the doorway, revealing a faint arm. On the desktop, the desktop computer screen was turned at an angle, Yan Yan's eyes fell on it, and he first recognized that the background of the window was very familiar-the public security intranet.

The familiar face I saw just half an hour ago was carrying three four-pointed star flowers, and cast a cold, clear look on him.

Yan Yan's footsteps stopped.

"The sniper who fired four bullets at the scene of the police operation and ran away, pressed a child's t-shirt with stones on the ground before leaving, and left old blood on the chest and abdomen. According to DNA comparison, in a police rescue operation three years ago, The extracted blood stains coincide. "

The armchair turned, Lu Bureau looked at Yan Yan calmly:

"Belongs to the Gongzhou City Public Security Department, former captain of the Second Anti-drug Corps, Jiang Zhan." 2k novel reading network

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