The director's office, which was already very spacious, suddenly became extremely empty. Only Lu Bureau and Yan Zheng, who stood and looked at each other, were quiet enough to cause a sense of oppression.

Yan Yan finally moved.

He stretched out the chair behind the desk, raised his trousers and sat down casually, and smiled, "Oh, but I heard that this person is dead. Rescue operation three years ago? Who is rescued?"

There was no questioning or condemnation on Lu Ju ’s face that always seemed very kind, and his tone was not bad. “After the explosion, many people thought he was dead, but some people thought he did n’t. . "

The expression on Yan Yan's earnest listening was not abnormal, but he knew that there was a hint of wetness in his palm:


"Yue Guangping, former deputy mayor and public security director of Gongzhou."

Lu Bureau opened the thermos cup and drank tea, swallowed it carefully, and then put the thermos cup back on the table in Yan's gaze, making a soft noise.

"This matter is rarely known in the public security system, and even Lao Wei has only heard about the explosion. But in fact, after the explosion, the Gongzhou Public Security Department set up a task force to investigate the failure of the operation. The reason for this and the accountability of relevant personnel. One of the team ’s leaders, the newly retired deputy mayor Yue Guangping at the time, put forward that Jiang Zhan may not have died, but was hijacked by drug dealers. "

"..." Yan Xun smiled briefly at Lu Bureau's eyes, "It is not impossible."

Lu Bureau apparently didn't care how he responded: "The task force decided to adopt Yue Guangping's opinion."

"At the time, the first priority was to try to rescue the undercover police's" rivets ". According to analysis, he was likely to be detained in an abandoned house at the junction of Gongzhou and Jianning, and he was in danger of being killed by drug dealers at any time. . Soon after, the task force finally determined the exact location of the "rivets" detention, and decided to take immediate action. It was too late to join forces with Jianning and Gongzhou police. "

"It seemed as if the police were coming. The abandoned house was set on fire before the police car arrived. After the flames were extinguished, the police dug out Jiang Zeng's gun and 'rivet' body in the ruins, a heart in the brow. Bullet killed him. "

Lu Bureau stopped abruptly, and only a slight breathing sound was heard in Yan's office.

"The results of the ballistic analysis matched the speculation. Jiang Zhi found his own fresh fingerprints on the handle of the gun."

Obviously not loud, but in the void it seemed that something suffocating was sinking down.

"From this point alone, it is true that Jiang Zhan is very likely to kill the rivets." After a long time, Yan Zheng finally said.

If you scrutinize it, his answer is actually very flexible, seemingly agreeable, and actually did not bite, and even some skeptical hints, but Lu Bureau did not discuss with him thoroughly.

"That was the last time Jiang Jiang showed up in front of people, and since then he disappeared. The public security system made sacrifices and did not grant the title of martyr." Lu Bureau said lightly: "But personally, if he appears again, then It will be a precursor to the great danger coming again. "

He stretched his hand back to the computer monitor, Yan Yan looked at the frosty and handsome face turning with the screen.

"Lu Bureau ..."


Yan Yan opened his mouth and finally heard his voice: "What kind of person do you think Captain Jiang is?"

Lv Bureau packed the scattered materials on the table and said nothing, as if thinking something. After a long time he finally spit out a few words and said, "Young, decisive, and IQ is high. Terribly high."

After a pause, he said, "This makes me personally uncomfortable."

--Very uncomfortable.

This was the second time that Yan Qian heard the same description in just one hour, and his eyes changed unconsciously.

"You go back," Lu Bureau waved his hand. "The comrades in the criminal investigation have worked hard these days. After the case file has been transferred, they will ensure that all the people involved in the operation are enlarged. Ah, you tell everyone, and insist on it. . "

Yan Ying answered, and got up and walked towards the door.

Behind everything, Lu Bureau was sorting out the files, Yan Yan's hand touched the doorknob, and suddenly stopped. He almost forced himself to turn around and face Lu Bureau again, taking a deep breath, as if prepared by this action:

"Do you have anything else to ask me?"

"What?" Lu Bureau lifted his eyelids. "Nothing."


Lu Bureau's tone was unshakable: "You are the old Wei who watched growing up, now the deputy branch of criminal investigation, and the later branch of the branch. Whatever you do, it represents the Jianning Public Security Bureau. We do not trust you. Who else can you trust? Go ahead. "

Lu Bureau's fat and lean body leaned behind his desk, Yan Xun silent for a long time, owed him, and turned out.

Huang Xing came up and was waiting anxiously at the elevator entrance, seeing Yan Yan with an eye, immediately three steps and two steps forward: "Yan team ..."

Yan Zheng took a leisurely look at him and stepped into the elevator.

Huang Xing rubbed his hand and followed in: "The other day you asked me to position the chip, it was a trivial matter, and I didn't plan to tell others. But after Lu Bureau returned to the city bureau from the scene, he came to me like an unknown prophet and asked me, The technical investigation department retrieved the location records, so I really ... "

Yan Yan: "Huh?"

In fact, Huang Xing couldn't figure out what exactly happened, only vaguely guessed that Yan Xun's request for location was related to the child's blood coat found on the scene. However, due to the limited technology in the province, the blood coat was sent to the top physical evidence laboratory in Beijing after a report with the Ministry of Public Security for inspection. The results were also directly submitted to Lu Bureau. Others were not clear about the inside story.

From the words that Huang Xing heard, the DNA test result was related to the case sealed a few years ago. Yan Cheng Bacheng was involved in the operation without permission and was called and scolded by Lu Bureau.

"You said where can I expect this, I thought either someone ran away from your money, or your girlfriend ran away, or your mother told you to follow your dad ..."

Yan Yan said, "Well, the money belongs to my mother. My dad derailed and went out of the house!"

Huang Xing immediately praised Shun Mao for his flattering, and asked in guilty conscience: "Isn't Lu Bureau scolding you?"

The elevator door opened, Yan Yan held his hand, and hummed up and down to tour Huang Xing, until the latter laughed and lost the muscles on his face, and then took out his hand to pat him slowly:

"I can't swear, anyway, the five-star Zenitinn Pool BBQ BBQ I was going to invite you to is probably no good."

Huang Xing: "..."

Yan Xun shook his sleeves and walked away. Director Huang stared at his back with a stunned look, and made a sorrowful cry: "... Don't you say that there is barbecue?"

Director Huang couldn't regret it, but the ruthless landlord class Yan Yan ignored it. He went straight to the office of the Criminal Investigation Detachment. On his face, he saw many criminal policemen serving a cup of milk tea for snacks, cake chocolate, pizza and beef jerky. There were also two boxes of bright cherries the size of the thumb.

"Yo, eat and drink the public money, give me some." Yan Minshun drew a few cherries, grabbed them and ate them, and asked loudly: "Who pays for the bill? Later, when the detachment's financial reimbursement, Ma Xiang turns back to remind I record it as an informer fee! "

Ma Xiang eating the pizza vaguely said, "No need to bother, it's the victim's condolences to us, hey."

Yan Yan followed his gaze and looked out. A young man was standing in the corridor outside the big office. He didn't know what he was looking into the distance-it was Chu Ci.

"Eat! Just know to eat!" Yan Zheng immediately slap Ma Xiang: "You have eaten half a month's internship salary!"

"Brother Yan, you don't understand." Ma Xiang's two lines of tears burst out in tears, saying with emotion: "Our Jianning No. 1 evil force has been walking the rivers and lakes for so many years, and the first time I saw the victim came to the door instead of carrying a pennant, it was real I really bring snacks, I can't control how many I send! ... "

Yan Yan vomited the cherry pit, so she didn't put her hand on her five-figure trousers. She took out a paper towel, wiped it, and went out.

Chu Ci looked at him side by side, his expression heavy, and he was looking towards the end of the promenade in the other direction. Yan Zheng stood still and looked over, only to see that two policemen were holding Dang Dang, walking towards this side, ready to be brought to the detention center.

Ding Dang looks different from the innocence and weakness at the first sight, and the ruthlessness and madness on the day of the action. For more than ten years, Yan Gang has been a police officer. The criminal suspects sent to the detention center can take half a train. After the confession of the suspects, all kinds of behaviors are accustomed to them. Despair, madness, unwillingness, despair, and even vengeance. It is not unusual to report these. Dante's current performance is different from what he has seen. She stared at Chu Ci, her eyes seem full of hate, but if she looks closely when she approaches, it seems as if there is something more complicated and indescribable after hating poison. .

Chu Ci quietly looked back at her, and the two just passed by, and suddenly Dang Dang struggled and stopped.

"Don't stop!" The police immediately scolded and stopped, Yan Yan's eyes stopped.

"At the factory that night, before the police broke in, you said that I was the mastermind." Ding Dang looked at Chu Ci, gritted his teeth and asked, "How did you know?"

Chu Ci seemed to have expected that she would ask this question, and the response was very flat: "Because you said Feng Yuguang asked you to go out to sing on the evening of May 2nd. This is a lie."

Not only Ding Dang, but even Yan Xun had a strange feeling of "he even knew".

"You ... you, you knew it ..."

Ding Dang incredibly pale, Chu Ci seemed to want to say something, but swallowed back and smiled.

It's hard for outsiders to find, there is a trace of sadness in that smile.

"Of course," he said, "Feng Yuguang had a few review books in his bag the other day. Who brought books when dating?"

The hysterical shout of Ding Dang echoed in the corridor, and then he was taken away by the police and gradually disappeared at the end of the stairs.

"Ahem!" Yan Ming cleared his throat and hit the round: "Come here, it's so costly."

Chu Ci then took back the sight that saw her leave, and turned back to handing the plastic bag on her hand to Yan Yan, it seemed a little embarrassed: "I didn't buy anything good, thanks to the fact that you saved my life ..."

In that plastic bag were two hard smoked treasures.

Yan Yan said "Ouch", and after receiving two resignations, he was still in his hands, and smiled: "It happened that I was in famine here, thank you. But in fact it is not necessary, it is not that we saved you, you saved us- The hostages must have three lengths and two shorts. We have to sacrifice the whole bureau. Reports, reviews, bonuses, promotion, and how many people will go home to be beaten by their wives. "

Chu Ci laughed.

"What's wrong?" Yan Yan teased. "Are you still doing an internship? Will you return to Beijing or your hometown?"

Chu Ci said: "The original ticket was returned to Beijing three days ago. I just went to the station this morning to pick up my mother and my brother to travel from their hometown. But the doctor said that he hit his head during the explosion and it was very risky to leave the hospital early. Leave in the afternoon. "

"That's too late to invite you to dinner. Are you going to study for a doctor?"

Yan Yan thought he would say yes, but unexpectedly, Chu Ci stretched his waist, smiled slightly under his eyes, and replied, "Read a hammer."

Yan Yan: "..."

"I don't want to miss it. When I graduated from college, I wanted to find a job. My mother asked me to go to graduate school and say that I should read more books." Chu Ci said, "What is good, my brother pays 20,000 for the school fee. Sorry, if he worked two years earlier, he would focus on junior high school. "

Yan Yan didn't know what to answer, and half-heaved out, "That's really difficult."

"It's all right, there is a research institute that prepares me for an interview, and it will get better and better in the future."

Yan Zheng nodded, Chu Ci glanced at the time: "That doesn't delay your work, I'll go first."

"--Hey wait!"

Yan Zheng stopped him, thought for a while, beckoned to call a trainee policeman, took out the car key and threw it over: "You go downstairs and drive my car out, and I will send the victim to the train station. The team will pay for the money. Please come back for a meal and develop | Tickets. "

As soon as Chu Ci was about to quit, I saw the intern police officer overjoyed as if he had won the prize: "Oh, Brother Yan, I want to drive your car, you are really my brother!" far.

"Come back soon after you've finished the delivery! You hare!" Yan Yan shouted at his back, then shook his head helplessly: "It is estimated that you will not be able to come back after you have finished running. I will send you downstairs if you have a good student. "

In mid-May, summer is getting stronger, cicadas are intermittently ringing in the shade of the city's public security bureau, and Jin Chancan's sunshine is splashing and splashing on the road, roof, and distant vehicles. .

Yan Zheng sent Chu Ci to the front door and said, "Then you have a good interview, try to do it once, and find a good job report."

Chu Ci answered solemnly.

Even in their early twenties, even after soaking in the laboratory for many years, they have developed a quiet and quiet temperament, and their youth will not completely fade away. Yan Zheng put his arm around and watched him for a moment, as if he suddenly remembered something, and glanced around: "Hey, good students."


"I'm a little curious about something. You're almost gone, so I'll ask one more question. How much do you know about the molecular formula of that new fentanyl compound?"

"You want to ask if I can make it."

Yan Yan: "Ah, you guys hurt your feelings so directly ..."

"Not necessarily, it may be possible to study it further," Chu Ci said, "but I won't, rest assured."

"That's a lot of money," Yan Yan said in a long tone, smiling with laughter: "You've worked hard to make money go north, and others make a lot of money, is it fair?"

Chu Ci stood on the steps at the gate of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, facing away from the distant police badge on the top of the building, and seemed to be lost in thought. After a long time, he seemed to be thinking clearly. He shook his head and said, "It is indeed unfair. But there is nothing absolutely fair in the world."

Yan Yan said nothing.

"The **** came down the whole time, and the whole school was a sensation. Other grades came to block the door of our classroom. I erected the book in my seat to cover my face. My classmate said, Chu Ci, life is really unfair, I study harder than you, why can't I be admitted to a university in Beijing? "

"Look, if even I think this world is unfair, what would those people who have no more way out and no way out than me think? At least I can test it out in my own strength and bring a better life to my family. This kind of contentment is no less than the wealth of wealth that rich people get. "

Chu Ci looked up at the blue sky of Jianning in the summer, with a slight expression of comfort, and then turned to Yan Yan and laughed: "So I'm solid and poor, it's good, those blood-stained money, violate the law I do n’t think it ’s a killer. ”

He waved his hands with a smile, free and easy, strode down the steps, and walked towards the gate of the Municipal Bureau with the sun.

Behind him, Yan Zheng opened Yunyan, lighted one and slowly drew his mouth, narrowing his eyes thoughtfully.

He suddenly remembered that he called Jiangzhan two days ago to ask for his opinion, and asked if he would tell Chu Ci the motives of Ding Dang's killing. Jiang Zang told him to follow the process, don't do unnecessary things, and don't simplify any necessary procedures.

Forget it, Yan Yan thought, it is not easy for others to learn hegemony.

-Besides, he didn't even ask, maybe there was no need to bother to tell him again.

"It's quite easy to smoke," Yan Yan muttered to himself, took a handful of soot, took out his mobile phone, and turned to the city bureau building.

"Hey, Jiang Jinghua? It's all right, did you drink the third bowl of chicken soup? I'll tell you that Xueba came to eat today. Wait for me to drop you two pounds of cherry in the evening ..."

The sky of Wanli is as clear as the sky, and the summer breeze swept across the tall buildings, across the shoulder-mounted commercial street, and whirls through the traffic, horses, and pedestrians like weaving; it swings the dense phoenix trees on both sides of the long street, and howls to the sky.

Over the bustling city of Jianning, the flowing clouds are gradually converging, and the sun is hot and bright, reflecting on the silent silver police badge on the top of the city's public security bureau building. 2k novel reading network

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