It was time when I tried to put more effort into my feet as I swung at more speed.

"Stop. It's an interval."

Yamadile rang the bell and stopped us. The moment he hears it, he turns his back to the corner.

"Ojisan ... water. Water". "Oh, good boy, Amae. Thank you."

Amae gives a cup of water to the goose who went to the corner. A goose that strokes Amae's head and receives it. Amae happily sings. Well ... is that a break?

"That ..." "How is it? Child

Literally, I went to the corner with my tongue while feeling like I was watered. Then the grinned trainer was waiting for me.

"I have a back. What is that martial art ...? Did you even think about it? "Well ... punch, kick, throw, joints, and dynamic techniques that use the environment ... rather than defeating people, it is a technique to attract, excite, and entertain people." Kanezo!意識 It was almost time for my consciousness to fly! 』

She complains to Traina in her heart, but she still seems to be having fun.

"Hmm. Water" "Ah, oh, can you give me?" "Hmm" "Sorry ... Thank you" "... Muff. Amae ... Iikodamon ♪"

At that time, Amae ran up to me and me from the other corner and gave me water. Apparently, they seem to be fair. I gratefully take it and drink it, then put it on my head and calm down.


Then, calm down and calmly recall the battle. The technique that the goose has put out. But the cooler, the more you'll never have to do that. Yeah, it ’s just decent…

"Tsuka, Trainer! You, I'm not going to avoid that thing ... What are you thinking! "No, no, not a good experience. Also, he would have been sloppy, and those skills were great, but the power was dispersing from the beginning ... "" ... It was so shy ... "" I was cheering! "Shi, Shiranwa ..."

Trainer who starts to face Soppo when I stare at Jito eyes. Apparently upset.見 て Looking at the trainer that looks like that, I inadvertently smiled.

"... Is it something you've thought of? "" ... Num ... "" And ... Is there a guy who inherited it? "" ... Child ... ""

When I heard that, Trainer closed her mouth as if thinking a bit. Looks like you know. But I only saw the reaction and didn't listen any further.

"I'll start the next round!"

And the end of the interval is announced by Yamadile, and the bell rings again. At the same time I get out of the corner ...

"... I'll be enough if you're there ... I'll tell you." ? 』

It was like a new determination, I spontaneously spoke out. That's it. Not inherited by Yamadile, but inherited from Traina himself ...

"Let's start!" "What's next?" "I'm sure you'll always be surprised at Macho's skill ..." "Oh. Hey? "

If you notice, there are quite a few people around the ring. And I noticed earlier in that ...

"What is he ... what is it?" "Um, you're fighting with the strongest warrior geese ..." "Isn't it a lie? That's ... a person about the same age as us ..." I'm not scared !? "

I'll stay up to them. What are you doing Did you skip school? Well, it seemed difficult. And remember at the same time. What did I tell them when they left? Don't be lazy, let's raise the man somehow ... I guess I've been told that "I'll run away using my feet"

"I'm going, goose!"

I'm not going to make such a stupid attack. But I don't think you've escaped using your feet to evade attacks. I'll show you, "Fight with your feet."

"Come on."

Going forward, crossing the center of the ring first and approaching the goose still on the way to the front. At the same time, I squeeze my right fist vigorously, shake it in motion, and strike from the very beginning.

"Daima full swing!"

Shake your fist to shake off your fist. Normally it's not that easy, but the geese are all "intentionally" attacking rather than being unable to respond to my attacks. My fist sinks into my nose. However, the geese don't blink at all, and their feet and neck do not shake. And I have my numbness spread all over my right arm. Hard ... but ...

"Don't do it ... next is here" "Nu !?" "Mamagoku knuckle arrow!"

The geese swing at me as if to throw them at me. A punch that made my full swing even bigger. Shake it down on me like a fist bone ... but ... it won't hit.

"Well," "......... huh ..."

Well, I'm not surprised that you knew that the geese won't hit either, but I moved my geese just a little bit, "the distance between head and shoulders." Avoidance. But the goose attack doesn't end there.

“Magic pole true horizontal chop!” “Hoi” “…… mu…”

This time, I'll avoid the attack like a sword with a hand sword. With these two evasions, the goose noticed something and his eyebrows moved a little.

"... this is ..." "... child ..."

And both Yamadile and Traina seemed to know what I was doing.

"Ah, I'm avoiding it again." "Well, amateurs couldn't be attacked by geese."

Only the gallery has not yet noticed. But from here ...

"Daima One-Two!" "Tsuu ... Nu ... Magic pole straight knuckle!"

A straight punch that pokes the geese's face with my one-two, and is fed by the geese in a counterattack. I buckled it up and over ... I swayed around and barely touched my bangs.

"Uohoo, but it's not so awesome!" You can't see it! "

Involuntarily crossing hair while breathing from the gallery. However, now she has changed her face.

"You ..." "It's Boss !! Daima One Two!"

One-two strikes again aiming at the end of the geese's fist. Of course, there is no damage to the geese and they will fight back soon.

"Magic pole true water surface kick!"

A low altitude kick that drops my waist and pays my feet. I lowered the kick back and avoided it with "distance of whether my shin is barely shaved".

"You ... tsu, true inverted pole chop!"

The goose's attack becomes faster and is released almost simultaneously at the top and bottom.

"I don't let you touch it anymore."

Repeat “Darefully avoid” at the shortest distance. Finally, the gallery seems to start to notice.

"Oh, hey ..." "What's wrong ...?" "I'm so close ... can't you touch me?" "Look, look! He's ... his leg movements!" "Ojisan's punch ... No

Yeah, we don't use the whole ring to fight at great distances. Dare, super close combat. Among them, always move the feet little by little, avoiding the opponent's attack as fast as possible at the shortest distance. And if the goose's attack speeds up, the speed will also increase here, and if the opponent's attack power increases, this will gradually return to the counter.

"Wow, that's awesome ... what a hell, what is he!" "Magical ... use it ... I'm alive ... why could you do that?" I can't imagine ... "" ... ge ... it's art "

Stop your feet and beat each other fairly?る Run away using your feet? Wrong. I beat each other with my feet. It started on the day I studied with Traina, my way. And what I inherited.

"Well ... what a rush ... and a solid left and a blunt right ... like this ..." "You can still go fast, goose-san."

Even though there is no damage, the goose seems to be surprised to see his eyes wide open. Finally, did you get a little serious?

"... Surely your feet are brilliant ... but ... but that's not where we really admire, because Karui is up for just a simple speed, so ... you should admire ... it's like he made a mistake Don't be scared.

At that time, Yamidile, who was looking at me with sharp eyes, muttered quietly.

"Even though it is a large swing, even if it hits even a little, the damage can not be escaped ... much less an opponent is a mysterious warrior ... Without blinking one's attack in a super close combat, dare bare skin, paper Evade at a distance ... that means that the child is nervous about that attack, but is not doing anything that slows down the reaction with fear ... the first Lariat is unknown I was nervous because of my skill ...

And in the corner, Trainer, who had been shaking up a while ago, muttered with a warm glance.

"Huh ... a little tantrum ... a kid ... are you showing off?か Do you want to look at yourself? 』

Yes, trainer. Don't miss the old days and look away. I think you will be here now!

"Yeah, yeah ... Yakimochi ... cute guy" "Chigeyo! "Kora ... Don't distract yourself during the spar, stay focused." 』

And, like a trainer pushing my back, I ran again and ...

"This time it's right! Futtobe!" "T !?" "Daima Smash !!"

Regardless of the painful fist, I just smashed the smash that was no damage on the left and this time on the right on the lower jaw of Mr. Macho.

“Ttsu …………”

He's still stiff, he doesn't shake his knees, he doesn't move backwards. What are you doing? Is my fist okay? But it's still a smash with speed and a counter. I think it's a pretty big thing ...

"Wow ... it's a big deal ... I see ..."

Then the geese who received my smash ...

"It looks like ... it's your own attack ... not scary ... or you know even stronger attacks?"

He suddenly lifted his posture and muttered as he relaxed his whole body.

"You're probably ... a fist that's more destructive than yourself ... a kick that's sharper than you ... an attack that's more irregular and faster than you ... ? "

Masu-san looks up and looks straight at me. On that question, I naturally remembered the faces of the four.

Aka's fist. Kick of bro. Torow speed and tricky attack. Trainer strength.

That was exactly the case.

"Oh, that's right."

No matter how fascinating what you see, I can't go out and lose. With that in mind, I answered Mr. Machi.

"Oh, hey ... I don't know if the bell is still ringing?" "What happened?"

The goose stopped suddenly and stopped the hand of the spar itself. After showing a little thought, head to Yamadile under the ring ...

"Teacher. You shouldn't do any more." "... a man who moves this much ... you have to do your best to capture it ... but it's not sparring anymore."

A request from the geese to suspend the spar. It seems like a judgment that it is no longer a mock battle.

"... Surely ... if we do any more ...... the dojos are going to be broken ... each other ..." "I'm sorry" "... Earth Lagann ... Is that okay with you too?" … Well …… If you are n’t motivated there …… ”

My body was warmed up and it was still a long way off, but I accepted the interruption of the spar. Certainly, I was convinced that I would go beyond the mock battle.

"But this spar is my defeat. It was a great move."

And the goose refreshedly acknowledged the defeat at this point.

"Well, what are you ... I'm not happy at all, I don't think I've won anything. Even if someone who doesn't do my best does not say anything." "You're not doing your best? Is it the same? "

Still, I have a breakthrough. Apparently, both Macho and I are seeing that we are going one step further from here. That said, I knew it was like each other. Even the geese can't see the bottom yet. That is why we do not expose each other's hands any more here, and the conclusion is ...

"So ... this time ..." "Oh, three months later, until the end."

Settle on the day to come. With that promise, our spar closed the curtain.

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