Breakthrough with the Forbidden Master

Episode 104: Three Months Later

At the end of sparring, get down the ring while wiping the sweat. Well, it was more like a self-introduction than a sparring. Because there is not much damage to each other. The pain in my back isn't going down, and my numbness is getting better. But if I could do that with all my might, I would have been sorry.

"But it was amazing muscle ... Is it really human?" "Oh, he's definitely human"

After seeing the goose wiping his sweat with a towel, I thought for a moment, "Similar to Bro, actually the goose ...", but Trainer denied that.

"It has the limit of physique, skeleton, and muscle that is more blessed than humans. In a sense, it is likely that humans have something close to the limit of the muscle mass that can be obtained by training" pure " . Without being arrogant to the blessed talents, I guess it was gained at the end of bloody training. "

talent. Trainer also said after my Max measurement. No matter how hard I train, I can't keep up with Machi's power. Certainly, despite being the same person, that fat muscle is substandard, and it's the result of talent and effort. Three months later, that power will be released with full power. It was interesting and quite annoying.

"... Suh ... amazing ..." "Hmm?"

At that time, I noticed that dozens of people gathered around me who got off the ring. Apparently, everyone seemed to give me a little glance, and it was terrible. Above all ...

"You were so ... this was so amazing" "Wow, who are you, Temee!" "Why ... can you do that ...?" What? "

The guys at the magic school were surprised and puzzled by me, and even looked somewhat complicated. Perhaps, like me, I was seen in a wrap-up like "one of the many other men besides Yosei."

"Hey, thank you. But it's still much more." , But my final goal isn't there. "

so. Higher, stronger. A feat beyond the father who defeated Traina ... There is no strength to achieve it "it's enough here."

"Even if you say you defeated, it's a sneaky hand ~"

That's the trainer who listens to me, but still. You know because you sparred many times. From the point of view of me, who still can't even hit the trainer, the father who beat such trainer, even if it was a sneaky hand, is still far behind me. Hmm? that? But in that sense ...

"I guess it's better than I imagined.

Yamidile comes to work for me after the spur. That's it. Fathers who once saved the world, seven heroes. Yamadile, one of the six major warlords who can be said to be almost equal to the Seven Heroes. If you fight this guy, it's almost like a distance ...

"Stop it. "Sole" is still early ... "

And trainers like "I'm going to have a baby!" In other words, the difference is still big ...

"Huh, huh, do you want me to be a little sloppy! I heard you won now, but really, really ?!"

Then it was that time. The sound of running up the stairs. The voice of a woman raising her voice while holding her breath. A woman who appeared after breaking through the crowd.

"Hah, huh, huh ... hey? I guess it's true that the geese did a spar? And it's a great spar ... and it's really a goal to win!"

As soon as she arrives, she speaks words. A ponytail with shopping bags in both hands, short sleeves and shorts, and long black hair combined behind the head. The forehead is wrapped in a band to prevent bangs from getting into your eyes. And her body is ... a woman who is quite trained. A lean body. It is reminiscent of Shinobu. However, the only difference from Shinobu is ... with melons on both chests and shaking with Yusa Yusa ...

"Tsukushi, are you back now?" "One-chan" "Mashou-san !? That's really sparring, isn't it?"

Yeah ... this is Amae or Karui ... but I thought that my two sisters would be young, but it wasn't much different from me ... about one or two?

"Oh, it was strong. The tournament three months later ... It feels like an unexpected enemy has appeared." "Oh, so much ...?" "Yes, the man there."

A woman named Tsukushi who looks at me when told by a goose. I just bowed and greeted me. Then, a woman named Tsukushi ...

"Oh! Hey ... he's a boy brought by the high priest ..." "Oh, that's right." "Oh, yes ..." It was so strong that the goose praised that much ... , This, this means that the geese also won the tournament ... it's getting tougher ...?

Hmm? While it may be that pinch of the geese's victory, isn't it glad? Yes, Karui and Yamadile were like that ... and I was finally worried. What is really there if you win? No way, I guess you can't sacrifice, right?

"What? Tsukushi is worried that he may not be able to win?" "Eh !? Yeah, no, not that kind of thing ... no, kana ..." I have to work harder to win the championship three months later. "" Ah, no, um ... geese are working hard enough, but they don't have to work that much anymore. Maybe ...?

Nevertheless, the "good atmosphere" that floated between them somewhat warmed the indoor atmosphere. Are these two people in such a relationship?

"Well ...... Hello, kana?" "I? Oh," "because I horsetail. Seventeen years old. I live in the same church as the Karui and graces get to support your life, Regards, kana?"

Tsukusi saying hello to me ... 17 years old! ?

"Oh, two more than me?" "Oh, then, are you fifteen years old? If you have any trouble, leave it to Onee-chan, kana ♪" "Oh, no, no" You can call me! "

With that said, Tsukushi smiles and hits her chest ... Don't think I was the only one who saw her shaking with her. Anyway ...

"Well, how much is a goose ... how old are you?" "I'm myself? 27 years old ..." "27, 27 years old !?"

I wondered if I could go over thirty, but surprisingly ...

"But, Mashiko and Tsukushi ..." "One-chan!" "... Tsukusi's older sister ..." "Well ... well, what's the compromise? So, what happened to me and Mashiko?" No, they're a couple ten years apart ... "" That !! ?? "

Well, it may not be unusual for a young couple to be older, but it's amazing that our teens are in love with ten more. Even Saddis and me are four points apart ... I couldn't get along!け ど I couldn't get along like that!

"Eh ?! Pee, e !? Pee ?! Pee, is that so? Pee !? Puki, do you see that ?!"

Tsukushi's older sister suddenly turns her face red and begins to wear. Hmm? that? Is it still different?

"Hahaha, it's different, youth. Tsukushi, like Amae and Karui, has been around since she was very young, and she's like a daughter or a younger sister. That's it. "


Oh, and while saying a smile while refreshingly smiling, Tsukushi's older sister, who bears the heavy air of "Zune" and falls blatantly. And the people in the dojo and the streets who smile.

Oh, sure. I see.

In other words, Masou's words are correct in a way, but his remarks are too cruel ... and he has no malice. Didn't you notice? I didn't want Saddis to be treated like a child and a brother ...

"... Oh, I see ..." "Hah, yes" "... Hah, is that a man in this country? Are you deaf or insensitive to people?" "... Hmm? What's that?"

What do you know about people's feelings without noticing the feelings of a woman with such an explicit attitude?

"Hey, baby ... do you say that? ""Ah? Panda. I'm not deaf, I'm not insensitive. I heard Shinobu's confession, and I felt so painful that I was thinking a lot, so I thought a lot ... "" "... Huh ..." "What? "No, just ... I just thought it was pitiful." 』

Somehow, the trainer sighed like a terrible sigh to me.

"You are ... that ..."

At that time, the boys at the magic school seemed uncomfortable before me. Surely this guy is a motleyage ...

"If you're going to win the tournament three months later ... are you going to win Yosei?"

Honestly, he didn't care so much ...

"That's right. I'll knock everyone down ... no matter who."

I told him to be heard around and dare to hear the goose.


The goose smiles with a grin. After receiving such a challenge letter ...

"I see. But I can't lose. There are reasons why I can't lose." "I'm sorry.

Somewhere refreshing, but our spark was scattered. The surroundings are also exaggerated, and Tsukushi's older sister mutters, "I hope ...", but ... Yeah, let's find out what will happen if we win the game. And ...

"Well, I have a request!-To you!"

A motriage that seems to decide something for me ...

"With you ... could you train me too? I too ... I want to be strong!"

I was asked to make sense of it, but I declined it, and I would rework for three months ...

"Well, oh, wait a minute! む I'll ask you too!… I'm also struck with the strongest geese and you fighting brilliantly! Ask me! ね I'm gonna give you special training together!" "... I want to change myself ... I want to be confident in myself!" "I'm asking! We aren't going to end this way! We are ... I'm too frustrated! We're human That's it! "

Well, for the time being, muscle training is fine.

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