Breath of the Dead

Chapter 1: Inaugurated Necromancer

Chapter 1 Inauguration of the Necromancer


As a subtle voice came, Gu Xi, who was half asleep, opened his eyes.

Squeezing the stone in his hand, Gu Xi looked toward the darkness of the prison, where a thin mouse poked its head out.

 In the direction of the mouse's progress, some crushed black bread was being thrown on the ground.

Gently raised his right hand, Gu Xi followed the mouse's movements closely.

Just as the mouse sprang forward, Gu Xi waved his arm and the stone hit the mouse on the head.

  【Kill mice (small animals) and get 0 experience points! 】

Gu Xi ignored the information that flashed before his eyes. He grabbed the rat that was stoned to death at a speed that ordinary people could not imagine.

"what sound."

The sound of footsteps was heard outside the prison. Gu Xi pressed the dead mouse on his body, leaned against the wall, and pretended to sleep with his eyes closed.

Two men wrapped in black robes and hoods hurriedly walked outside the cell door. They glanced at Gu Xi, who was leaning against the wall, and one of them said viciously.

“Boy, it’s you again. If you want to die early, just tell me and I’ll send you on your way now.”

Gu Xi didn't even raise his head. He lowered his head, closed his eyes, and pretended that he didn't hear anything. He didn't even pay attention to the two people who were shouting outside.

At the same time, the movements of his hands behind his back did not stop. He lifted the dead mouse upside down in his left hand, and with his right hand, he made a false grab at the position of the dead mouse, and a small ball of pale white light was pulled out from the body of the dead mouse.

  【䱱Complete the soul extraction ceremony and obtain soul fragments*0.1】

It’s done, a thought flashed through Gu Xi’s mind, and a smile appeared on his lips.

 As a result, the two men outside saw this smile, and they became even more angry.

“You’re still laughing, you did it on purpose. Open the door, I don’t think I’ll chop this guy to death.” A man shouted, drawing a knife and rushing in to teach Gu Xi a lesson.

 The other man finally knew what was going on. Seeing his companion like this, he quickly hugged him.

“Forget it, he won’t live long anyway, there’s no need for us to be familiar with this kind of human sacrifice.”

When Gu Xi heard this, he ignored it at all. At this moment, nine identical soul fragments quickly appeared in his hand.

 This is the result of his self-rescue during this period.

 Gu Xi is a player who comes from a world where gaming is a living. He has just graduated and has not yet completed his job, so he is considered a newbie.

His career direction had already been decided when he was in college, that is, the Necromancer.

 In this game, he came here to complete his inaugural mission.

As a result, it was only the first day after entering the game world. Before I could figure out the mission, I was knocked over by someone with a sap from behind and thrown into this death row where I couldn't even see my fingers.

 In this dark place, Gu Xi didn’t know how long he had been detained.

He only knew that someone would throw some black bread in every once in a while to ensure that the people imprisoned here would not die.

 No one will care about the rest.

 In order to save himself, Gu Xi thought of many ways.

But because he was arrested as soon as he came to this world, he didn’t have any materials on hand.

The only way to survive is to catch a few mice and work hard to piece together the soul fragments.

Now that the tenth soul fragment has been obtained, Gu Xi has no intention of pretending anymore.

Holding all the soul fragments in his hands, Gu Xi took out another scroll from the game backpack.

 This is his inaugural mission.

 Originally, Gu Xi should have recruited a powerful undead through soul fragments in the cemetery or graveyard to serve as his contracted undead, thus starting his path as a necromancer.

 But now Gu Xi had to give up this idea.

As long as there is an undead person contracted by him, it doesn't matter whether he is strong or not.

  The important thing is that he can work as a necromancer and use various skills of the necromancer.

 Gu Xi’s movement was quite obvious, and the two men outside also noticed it.     “What are you doing, hand over what is behind you.”

They were also a little anxious, and the one who was blocking his companion didn't care about anything else and quickly searched for the keys.

But it was already too late. As Gu Xi activated the scroll in his hand, wind blew on the ground in the small cell, and a cold breath crawled onto the two men.

Gu Xi stopped pretending. He opened his eyes, turned over his hand, and tore the scroll apart with all his strength. He saw a little girl who was about 1.3 meters tall, with a bright white light all over her body, and a pot head with bangs. Just appeared in front of Gu Xi.

 This little girl has a round face with no eyes in the dark sockets.

In her hand she held a bronze mirror with a diameter of thirty centimeters. On the back of the bronze mirror were countless rotating gears. In the middle of the gears were eyes of various sizes, blinking constantly.

Looking at the past, I don’t know who is the soul and who is the body.

 The little girl floats about ten centimeters above the ground when she moves.

 Floating in front of Gu Xi, the little girl opened her mouth.

“Brother, did you call me out?”

The sound was like water dripping on ice, making people feel extremely cold.

As soon as this voice came out, not only did the two men outside the door freeze, but even Gu Xi, who had summoned the girl, felt like his whole body was on fire.

 Gu Xi tried hard to recall the knowledge he had learned in class. He raised his head forcefully and stared into the girl's empty eyes. Before he could speak, the girl opened her mouth again.

“Brother, did you call me out?”

 The chill in the voice this time was obviously stronger.

At this moment, Gu Xi realized what he was doing. He quickly reached out his hand and spoke seriously to the girl.

"My name is Gu Xi. I hope to sign a contract with you and use your power to become a necromancer."

As Gu Xi spoke, a light blue ball of light flew up from his hand, which was a completely synthesized soul.

Hearing Gu Xi's words, the little girl showed a look of surprise on her face and spoke a little eagerly.

"Me? I really...can. I am willing to be your contracted undead."

 But she reacted immediately, suppressed the joy on her face, and stretched out her hand just a little bit on the soul light group.

When Gu Xi saw it, he quickly tapped it with his right index finger. Following their actions, the scroll Gu Xi tore up flew up and burned to ashes in front of them.

【Ding! The contract with the undead was successful, and player 629SHD2S0FXC30 officially took office as the necromancer. 】

As this prompt sounded, all the functions that had been locked and unable to be opened were launched to Gu Xi.

  【Name: Gu Xi

 Game number: 629SHD2S0FXC30

 Occupation: Necromancer

 Level: Level 1 (0/1000)

Talent: Not activated

Status: Life (105/310, hungry, weak), Mana (220/450, insomnia, mental confusion)

 Attributes: Strength 3.2, Agility 3.3, Constitution 3.1, Intelligence 4.5, Perception 3.7, Charisma 3.6

Professional skills: Spiritualism Level 1 (0/100), consumes 1 mana point, 1 unit soul and 1 corpse, there is a 25% chance of summoning an undead to fight for you (Level 0, the undead type is skeleton, you can Growth, unlimited quantity)

Level 1 secondary corpse explosion (0/100), which consumes 5 mana points. One corpse can be used for corpse explosion. The power of the corpse explosion is 50% of the corpse’s vitality.

Secondary bone shield level 1 (0/100), consumes 5 mana points, 1 unit soul and 1 corpse, releases three bone shields for automatic defense, the bone shield's vitality is 25% of the corpse's vitality

 Active skill: Throw level 2 (18/200)

 Passive skills: Undead Knowledge Level 3, Undead Contract Level 1, Magic Knowledge Level 4, Basic Science Level 3, Basic Reading Level 2, and Basic Scribe Level 2. 】

  【Name: Luna (Contracted Undead)

Race: Ghost

 Level: Level 1 (0/1000)

Talent: Mirror Movement

 Status: Life (110/110), Mana (150/150)

 Attributes: Strength 1.2, Agility 1.3, Constitution 1.1, Intelligence 1.5, Perception 1.7, Charisma 1.6

 Skills: Ice Touch level 1, Banshee Wail level 1, Alertness level 1]

  【Player 629SHD2S0FXC30 has completed the inauguration mission, would you like to exit the game now? If you do not want to exit, you can leave at any time in the safe area! 】

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 (End of this chapter)

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