Breath of the Dead

Chapter 2: Counterattack

Chapter 2 Counterattack

 “If you withdraw from your sister, you will not withdraw.”

 When Gu Xi saw the last sentence, he couldn't help but roared.

  He turned a simple job assignment into what it is now, made him suffer so much, and made a contract with the worst undead.

 I want to drive him away now.

 That is impossible.

 If he doesn't put all those who captured him to justice, this matter will never be over.

 Gu Xi roared while holding up the dead mouse and throwing it at the two people outside the door who had not yet reacted.

Level 2 throws the dead rat accurately into one of the group's faces.

The man came back to his senses after being hit by Gu Xi like this. He looked at Gu Xi with murderous intent in his eyes, but just as he was about to draw his sword, he heard Gu Xi whisper something.


The dead rat that hit him in the face exploded on the spot. It was as powerful as a large firecracker, the kind that can blow up a pot into the sky.

The lethality can only be regarded as average, but it exploded right in front of the man's face. The shock wave of the explosion pierced his eyes and penetrated his head with the bones of the dead rat.

 【Kill the cultist (level 1) and gain 10 experience points. 】

 When another person on the side saw this situation, he quickly pulled out the dagger from his waist.

At this moment, his movements slowed down significantly, as if his joints were frozen.

Then Gu Xi looked behind the man in surprise. Luna, who was still standing in front of him, actually appeared behind the man.

Two bright blue tentacles stretched out from the mirror in Luna's arms and touched the man's back. White frost was slowly creeping up the man's body along the place where the tentacles touched. whole body.

 Then Luna opened her mouth gently towards the man's ear.

The guy who was still trying to pull out the dagger fell down immediately.

The moment he fell, Gu Xi could see that the face behind the hood was full of blood flowing from the seven orifices.

  【Luna (contracted undead) kills the cultist (level 1), you get 4 experience points, and the contracted undead gets 7 experience points. 】

 This situation surprised Gu Xi. He didn't take a fancy to Luna's fighting ability at first.

If he had no other choice, Gu Xi would not have thought of entering into a contract with such a weak ghost.

You must know that every time the Necromancer level increases by two levels or the Undead Contract skill increases by one level, you can sign one more undead contract.

  In return, the level of the contracted undead can normally be 5 levels higher than the level of the necromancer.

 Gu Xi’s initial plan was to pick a level 5 vampire or corpse witch to be his first contracted undead, so that when he summoned ordinary undead to serve as cannon fodder, he would also have helpers to command.

 Even if you are in danger, there will always be someone you can consult with or help you.

Luna’s attributes were much worse than Gu Xi’s. Gu Xi thought that his first contracted undead was useless.

Now it seems that this is not the case. Luna still has some fighting ability. At least she will take the initiative, and that's fine.

While Gu Xi was thinking, he quickly ran to the cell door. Without waiting for any orders from Gu Xi, Luna found the keys from the two corpses and threw them into Gu Xi's hands.

Holding the cold key in his hand, Gu Xi’s last trace of dissatisfaction disappeared when he contracted Luna.

 If you have a contract, then make good use of it.

As the contracted undead of the necromancer, they are different from the summoned undead.

 The contracted undead require almost no command, and the cooperation will only become more and more tacit.

 At that time, I will help Luna find a way to upgrade and make up for the missing levels.

Thinking of this, Gu Xi accepted Luna in his heart and regarded her as his partner.

 After opening the cell door with the key, Luna brought over a dagger and a scimitar.

 Obviously Luna had already searched the body when Gu Xi opened the door. “Divide the keys.”

Gu Xi took the scimitar and dagger, hung them on his waist, and at the same time threw a bunch of keys to Luna.

 Luna took the key, flew towards the nearby prison, and threw the keys one after another in front of the imprisoned people.

Taking this opportunity, Gu Xi also reached out and grabbed the two corpses, and two pale white light groups quickly flew out from the corpses.

 【You complete the soul extraction ritual and get soul fragments*1.4】

 Gu Xi did not immediately combine the soul fragments into a complete soul. He just put away these soul fragments, holding the scimitar in his hand, and ran towards the depths of the corridor outside the prison.

At this time, Luna had already given away all the keys. When Gu Xi stood up and ran away, she followed Gu Xi in a flash.

Gu Xi didn't look back. He just felt a chill behind him and knew that Luna had followed.

Having discovered this, Gu Xi sped up again. Although he didn't know why the cultists caught him, Gu Xi knew that this place was not safe.

 He doesn’t want to die here just after taking office.

 Let’s escape from here first.

Before he ran a few steps, Gu Xi heard rapid footsteps coming from ahead.

It seems that the explosion that occurred in the prison just now attracted the attention of the cultists.

In the prison below, all the sacrifices they captured were held. If something happened and one or two of the sacrifices were missing, they might also be sent to the altar.

 In order to survive, these cultists still work very hard.

Looking at the figure rushing out in front of him, Gu Xi retracted his left hand, and the dagger fell into Gu Xi's hand.

At this time, the cultists on the opposite side also noticed Gu Xi, and one of them shouted loudly.

 “The sacrifices ran out, the sacrifices ran out…”

Before he could finish his words, Gu Xi's dagger pierced his forehead.

  【Kill the cultist (level 1) and gain 12 experience points. 】

Seeing that Gu Xi actually took the initiative, the nearby cultists were also angry. They stepped over the corpses of their companions and rushed towards Gu Xi with weapons in their hands.

However, the cooperation between Gu Xi and Luna was beyond the imagination of the cultists. The moment Gu Xi threw the dagger, Luna came to Gu Xi. The tentacles wrapped around the mirror touched the ground, and instantly they were on the ground. There was a layer of frost on the top.

Gu Xi also took this opportunity to point at the corpse on the ground.


The secondary corpse explosion skill was activated again, and the corpse of the cultist who had just fallen exploded on the spot.

Compared to the dead rat that Gu Xi had thrown out before, which was as powerful as a firecracker, the power caused by the explosion of the cultist's corpse in front of him was obviously much greater.

 When the corpse explodes, the power is equivalent to the power of a serious land mine.

In a relatively small location like the corridor, and other cultists happened to be crowded together and ran over the corpse, the explosion blew them all up on the spot.

Taking this opportunity, Luna opened her mouth at the place where the cultist was blown away, and a wave of waves invisible to normal people spread outward with Luna as the center.

Those cultists who happened to be within the explosion range of the secondary corpse explosion had themselves been seriously injured. Luna's wave of banshees continued to wail and took away the last of the cultists' lives on the spot.

 A series of messages kept beating in front of Gu Xi, telling Gu Xi what he had gained this time.

  【Kill the cultist (level 1) and gain 9 experience points. 】

  【Luna (contracted undead) kills the cultist (level 1), you get 6 experience points, and the contracted undead get 8 experience points. 】


 (End of this chapter)

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