Breath of the Dead

Chapter 3: The Power of the Necromancer

Chapter 3 The Power of the Necromancer

 After killing this group of cultists, Gu Xi and Luna started to act separately with a tacit understanding.

With Gu Xi in a state of ecstasy, Luna touched the corpses and disposed of them very quickly.

The only pity is that the cultists are poor people with few good things in their hands. The weapons they find have no attributes. Some are so poor that they don't even have a dagger.

 Such a situation made Gu Xi a little doubtful that he had been put down by such a poor man.

 What did he do in the first place to be put down by such a bastard?

At this moment, Gu Xi's arm felt slightly cold. Gu Xi looked sideways and found Luna appearing beside him, patting his arm gently, paying attention to Gu Xi's face with her empty eyes.

 “Don’t think too much, you are not alone now.”

 Gu Xi's face twitched slightly.

Are you being comforted by the souls of your undead men?

 Is his performance that obvious?

 Gu Xi shook his head and didn’t think much. He just walked quickly to the body that had just been disposed of.

 As Gu Xi walked past these corpses, his fingers kept popping out.

Each time it pops up, a ball of light will fall on the complete or incomplete corpse.


 “Secondary bone shield!”


Following Gu Xi's movements, corresponding prompts kept ringing in his ears.

 【You successfully used spiritualism and got a skeleton (level 0) and 1 spiritualist experience point. 】

 【Skeleton (level 0, summoned object): experience (0/100) attack 1, defense 1, life 10, no skills】

 【You successfully used spiritualism and got a skeleton (level 0) and 1 spiritualist experience point. 】

  【If you fail to use spiritualism, you will gain 1 spiritualism experience point. 】

  【You use the secondary bone shield successfully, and the secondary bone shield has 1 experience point. 】


At the same time, the corpses on the ground exploded one after another. Some turned into withered yellow skeletons and stood behind Gu Xi, while others turned into gray-white air masses, hovering around Gu Xi and Luna.

 “Okay, let’s go.”

 After all the corpses were disposed of, Gu Xi said hello to Luna.

 At this time, Luna had just finished distributing weapons to the newly transformed skeletons.

The weapons they used were all things Luna had picked up just now. They were all chopped scimitars, or simply iron rods and wooden staffs.

Although these weapons are not very good, given the current situation, it would be good to get them a weapon.

Hearing Gu Xi's order, the three transformed skeletons rushed forward with weapons in hand without Luna's need to control them.

Their steps are easy and decisive, and their goals are clear. They are not like the unintelligent undead who always move aimlessly when walking.

 They always move forward aggressively, and when they see something that can be broken, they always go forward and hit it.

  Even the rice dishes and water jugs on the roadside were stepped forward and kicked away.

Gu Xi followed behind with a scimitar in one hand and a dagger in the other. Seeing this situation, he couldn't help but wonder why these skeletons were different from what was said in the book.

Luna who was following Gu Xi didn't know all this. She was like an elf, floating around Gu Xi, appearing in front of Gu Xi from time to time, and disappearing from time to time.

 But no matter where he was, Gu Xi could always clearly feel Luna's presence.

This made Gu Xi feel more at ease. Maybe this is the meaning of the existence of contractual partners.

At this moment, a rushing sound suddenly came from the distance.

 “It’s a skeleton, there’s a necromancer!”

 After speaking, another group of cultists rushed out from a distance. They are no different from the cultists who were killed by Gu Xi before. They are all covered in black hooded robes and hold weapons in their hands that can be easily lifted.

 Gu Xi even saw some people rushing forward with candlesticks and benches.

Looking at them charging so fervently, Gu Xi felt like he was facing a group of lunatics.


Gu Xi roared loudly and began to rush forward.

Luna understood Gu Xi's order tacitly, and immediately appeared in front of Gu Xi, screaming at the cultists who rushed over.

 The Banshee Wail is activated.

 The screams rushed toward the cultists with waves. During the waves, all the cultists bleed from their orifices at the same time.

At this moment, Gu Xi took the opportunity to rush out more than 20 meters. He threw the dagger in his hand and hit the cultist at the front.

Then Gu Xi pointed his finger at the cultist who was stabbed by the dagger.

 “Secondary corpse explosion!”


The cultist's body exploded on the spot, and the power of the explosion affected several cultists behind him, killing the cultist who was seriously injured under the wail of the banshee on the spot.

  【Kill the cultist (level 1) and gain 9 experience points. 】

  【Luna (contracted undead) kills the cultist (level 1), you get 6 experience points, and the contracted undead gets 8 experience points. 】

  【Killing the elite cultist (level 2), you get 22 experience points. Due to your cooperation in killing, the contracted undead get 11 experience points. 】


 “You don’t have to worry about old age when doing tricks, as long as they are easy to use.”

Looking at the effect of this wave of attacks, Gu Xi muttered happily, pointed at a corpse that was killed and struck again.

 “Secondary corpse explosion!”

 A cultist who had just gotten up from the explosion was killed by another zombie explosion before he could react.

 Also blown to pieces were the two invisible thieves behind.

 【Kill the elite thief (level 2) and gain 35 experience points. 】

 【Kill the thief (level 2) and gain 28 experience points. 】

 Looking at the iron rod that fell to the ground from the thief's hand, Gu Xi didn't know why, but his unhappiness disappeared a lot.

Before Gu Xi had time to think about it, three skeletons had already rushed to the corpse.

Without waiting for Gu Xi’s orders, the three skeletons picked up the weapons on the ground and replaced them with newer weapons.

At the same time, the old weapon was not thrown away, but was held in hand waiting for Gu Xi's arrival.

 Gu Xi rushed forward and reached out to grab the place where he had just fought from a distance. A large number of soul fragments flew out from the blasted corpse and formed five new soul light groups in Gu Xi's hands.

At this time, Gu Xi happened to run to the corpses. He glanced at the corpses, and then two points of soul light popped up and fell into the two relatively complete corpses.

 【You successfully used spiritualism and got a skeleton (level 0) and 1 spiritualist experience point. 】

  【You failed to use spiritualism and gained 1 spiritualism experience point. 】

 Failed again. It seems that the success rate of spiritualism is not high.

 Gu Xi's heart moved slightly. He was about to ask the three skeletons in front to move back and distribute an extra weapon to the new companions, when he heard the sound of weapons fighting from the corner of the front corridor.

It seemed that there was another enemy. Gu Xi turned to look at Luna. Without Gu Xi's orders, Luna had already rushed out in advance, and in a few blinks she was almost at the turning point.

 Gu Xi took out the dagger and prepared the secondary corpse explosion with his right hand.

As he said, you don’t have to worry about old age when it comes to tricks, as long as they are easy to use.

 (End of this chapter)

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