Breath of the Dead

Chapter 4: underground space

Chapter 4 Underground Space

Just after turning the corner, Gu Xi raised the dagger and was about to throw it out.

 But at this moment, Gu Xi paused.

When he rushed over, he thought the skeletons were blocked by cultists and wanted to rush over to save them.

 But he never expected that the situation in front of him would be such a situation.

 At the corner of the corridor, there is a quite large underground space.

The entire space is as big as seven or eight football fields. When you look up, you can't even see the ceiling. You can only see the vines hanging down from above.

At the other end of the underground space, there is a huge abandoned stone door. A group of black-robed cultists stood like statues around the stone door. Even if there was a fight here, they did not react much.

In the dark underground space, they looked motionless, like neatly arranged terracotta warriors and horses.

No matter who it is, seeing such a scene in the dark will make them feel hairy all over.

 The most important thing is not this.

Gu Xi could clearly hear the breathing of these black-robed cultists, but they didn't even turn their heads. They all faced the abandoned stone door and remained motionless, like statues.

Even if the skeletons appeared with weapons, they would not react at all. Unless the weapons hit them, they would draw their weapons and fight back.

 Because of this reason, Gu Xi's four skeletons have already been beaten to the front.

This situation made Gu Xi stunned for a moment, and then he laughed.

 This is a good thing. You won't wake up until you are hit, then none of you will be able to wake up.

Gu Xi picked up a machete and slashed at a black-robed cultist next to him.

When Gu Xi slashed with his sword, he felt as if he had struck a broken piece of wood, and it didn't feel like he had struck a human body at all.

Luna also dodged behind the black-robed cultist at the same time. A blue tentacle popped out from the bronze mirror she held in her arms, and touched the black-robed cultist's back.

The black-robed cultist who was slashed by Gu Xi was about to pull out his weapon and fight back. When Luna stopped him, his whole body was quickly covered with frost and he lost his normal power.

Gu Xi struck another blow with his backhand and chopped off the head of the black-robed cultist on the spot.

With a ding sound, a message popped up in front of Gu Xi.

  【Kill the elite cultist (level 2), gain 19 experience points. Due to cooperation in killing, the contracted undead gain 16 experience points. 】

 After glancing at the information, Gu Xi's eyes immediately lit up.

 Seeing so many motionless black-robed cultists here, Gu Xi felt that he was so happy.

This is really a catastrophe, but there will be blessings in the future.

He just escaped and encountered such a treasure trove of experience. Now he doesn't do special brushing. How long will it take to upgrade his level?


Luna immediately understood what Gu Xi meant. No need for Gu Xi to issue any more orders. The ice touch moved forward a little, and the black-robed cultist standing nearby was hit.

 Gu Xi also took a machete and cut the cultist's neck with one slash.

This cultist's luck was even worse. He didn't even have a chance to recover and died under Gu Xi's knife.

 【Killing the elite cultist (level 2), you will get 17 experience points. Due to your cooperation in killing, the contracted undead will get 13 experience points. 】

As soon as the two cultists were dead, Gu Xi knew that it was done. He took Luna up quickly and turned his target to other nearby black-robed cultists.

Just as Gu Xi and Luna were preparing to kill them, another group of men in black robes walked out of the nearby passage.

There were twelve of them in total, divided into four groups. They looked like two black-robed cultists carrying a motionless black-robed man.

The passage where these men in black robes appeared was relatively close to the passage where Gu Xi came out. As soon as they entered this underground space, they saw Gu Xi who was about to kill someone.

 “Who? There is an invasion of pagans!”

As soon as they saw Gu Xi, they shouted and drew their weapons and rushed over. The man in black robe they were carrying was thrown to the ground on the spot, unable to move.

When they shouted like this, Gu Xi found that the black-robed cultists nearby started to turn their heads to look at him.

"Back off!" Gu Xi made the decision immediately. He bent down and dragged up the body of a black-robed cultist, and then retreated to the passage where he came out.

 Luna immediately stepped back, holding a bronze mirror and floating in front of Gu Xi.

Several skeletons who had already fought far away also received Gu Xi's order, gave up on the enemies they were facing, and rushed towards Gu Xi and the others with weapons in hand.

But these skeletons were quickly surrounded by the active black-robed cultists, and all four skeletons were beaten into pieces in twos and twos.

 After killing the skeleton, more and more black-robed cultists turned their attention to Gu Xi.

At this time, Gu Xi was holding a scimitar tightly in one hand while watching the movements of these black-robed cultists.

 There are too many.

If they are still as motionless as before, taking a moment to rest can turn them into experiences.

 Must run away now.

Gu Xi winked at Luna, who opened her mouth and took a breath at the black-robed cultist rushing outside.


 The Banshee Wail is activated.

More than a dozen black-robed cultists who rushed over simultaneously squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands.

At this moment, Gu Xi kicked the corpse he had just dragged over to the side of these cultists. .

 “Secondary corpse explosion!”


 The power of the corpse explosion killed six black-robed cultists on the spot.

  【Kill the cultist (level 1), gain 9 experience points. Due to cooperation in killing, the contracted undead gain 6 experience points. 】

  【Kill the elite cultist (level 2), gain 8 experience points. Due to cooperation in killing, the contracted undead gain 19 experience points. 】

  【Kill the cultist (level 2), gain 11 experience points. Due to cooperation in killing, the contracted undead gain 10 experience points. 】


However, immediately after the corpse explosion, new black-robed cultists rushed over.

They stepped on the corpses of their comrades who were killed in the bombing and rushed towards Gu Xi with weapons raised.

Gu Xi still wanted to slow down, but there was no time to slow down. He pointed at the corpse on the ground and launched a secondary corpse explosion again.

 At the same time as the corpse burst erupted, Luna also launched the Banshee Wail again.

Two kinds of magic exploded at the same time, killing a group of black-robed cultists again.

  【Kill the cultist (level 2), gain 13 experience points. Due to cooperation in killing, the contracted undead gain 5 experience points. 】

 【Kill the elite cultist (level 2) and gain 16 experience points. Due to cooperation in killing, the contracted undead gain 11 experience points. 】

  【Kill a cultist (level 1) and gain 4 experience points. Due to cooperation in killing, the contracted undead gain 3 experience points. 】


 But at this time, all the black-robed cultists in the underground space came to life. Like zombies, they crowded towards Gu Xi.

The corpse explosion here has just ended, and more than 20 black-robed cultists were crowded into the location where the explosion was caused.

 Gu Xi took a look at his own magic power.

"Luna, five more corpse explosions, you put an ice touch to freeze this place."

 Luna nodded and quickly prepared herself for the banshee wail.

Just when Gu Xi was about to point at the corpse at the feet of the black-robed cultist, a voice came from behind Gu Xi.

 “Lower your head!”

 (End of this chapter)

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