Breath of the Dead

Chapter 5: The person who escaped (seeking for further reading)

 Chapter 5 People who escaped (please read)

Although Gu Xi didn't know what was going on behind him, he quickly lowered his head, and then there was a bang from behind, and a huge stone hit the black-robed cultists like a pendulum.

The boulder was estimated to have weighed several tons, and it was not known how it was thrown up. The black-robed cultist who rushed at the front was knocked out on the spot, and more than a dozen people were directly killed on the spot.

 At this time, another voice came from behind Gu Xi.

 “This way, come this way!”

Gu Xi looked up and saw an unattractive young man sticking his head out from nearby, waving at Gu Xi.

Gu Xi was a little curious. Just as he was hesitating, the sound of black-robed cultists moving boulders came from behind.

Gu Xi didn't think much and immediately ran towards the young man.

After running two steps, Gu Xi discovered that the young man was hiding in a passage behind the wall.

If he hadn't waved in person, Gu Xi wouldn't have discovered the existence of this passage.

Without thinking much, Gu Xi quickly approached. The young man grabbed Gu Xi's hand and dragged Gu Xi into the passage.

When being dragged away, Gu Xi noticed that the young man’s arms were so thin that only skin and bones were left, and there were even a few teeth marks on his arms.

The young man didn't react much. He led the way and pressed the mechanism on the wall.

Although he didn't look back, Gu Xi could hear that the wall behind him seemed to be moving.

 Gu Xi was not sure what was going on, so he could only raise his mind and secretly communicate with Luna. If the young man messed up, he would give the young man a hard slap.

They ran forward for more than thirty meters, and after turning a few turns, they came to a small room of seven or eight square meters.

As soon as Gu Xi entered the small room, he found that there were four or five men and women in the room. They all looked thinner. When Gu Xi and the others came in, they were all sitting weakly.

But Gu Xi could see anger and murderous intent in their eyes.

 Looking closely at the way they were sitting, Gu Xi couldn't help but let out a sigh.

 “You are not…”

"Yes, we are right next to your cell. My name is Jack, little Jack the Flea. When you escaped, you threw the key to us."

 The young man who brought Gu Xi over saw that Gu Xi discovered the situation here, so he explained to Gu Xi.

“It turns out it’s you guys, just run away, but why didn’t you run away?”

Seeing that they were fellow prisoners who had also been captured inexplicably, Gu Xi was half relieved, but he still looked at these people with some surprise.

Judging from what I saw just now, the small room in front of me was not dug out by them.

If they really had such mechanism technology, they would not have to wait for Gu Xi to take action and would have escaped hundreds of years ago.

"Oh, those who wanted to leave have already fled. The few of us who stayed are because we know some secrets. I said, sir, you are a professional."

 Jack looked at Gu Xi mysteriously.

 “Yes, Necromancer.”

  When Gu Xi said this, Luna also poked her face out from behind Gu Xi.

That empty look in his eyes startled so many people present.

 Fortunately, Jack reacted quickly and said quickly: "Sir, sir, please don't. We have no intention of targeting you. These are all left by me. We know a secret here.

 This is why those people arrested us. "

Hearing this, Gu Xi's eyes narrowed. He had been locked up here for so long and almost couldn't complete his appointment. He always remembered this.

 After successfully taking office, he did not leave immediately in order to find an opportunity to take revenge. Gu Xi was excited to hear such news now.

"what reason?"

"Those guys discovered the mirror underground palace, and we are the sacrifices used to open the mirror door."

As Jack spoke, he looked at Gu Xi proudly, trying to see the shocked look in Gu Xi's eyes.

 But Gu Xizhen didn’t know anything about the mirror underground palace.

 He came to this world only to serve as a necromancer.

According to his past experience, he only needs to select a suitable undead in the cemetery to be his contracted undead, and the job will be successful.

 At that time, he can leave this world directly.

 How can I read the various background information of this world carefully?

Everything Jack said was just flirting with a blind man. Gu Xi didn't even know the importance of the information in Jack's words.

Seeing that Gu Xi didn't respond at all, Jack thought that Gu Xi didn't like the news, so he had to explain more.

“Sir, it’s like this. When I was first imprisoned, the person next door to me was an architect.

 When he was imprisoned here, he still refused to give up and wanted to escape.

He was also planning to dig a tunnel. I helped him at that time, but his movements were too big and he was soon seriously injured by those people.

 If I hadn’t given him some water from time to time, he might have died faster.

Later he told me that when he was digging the tunnel, he found some different bricks. According to his judgment, this should be the legendary mirror underground palace. "

  When talking about the mirror underground palace, Jack deliberately emphasized his words.

 But Gu Xi really didn't understand this, so he said directly: "Is there anything wrong with the mirror underground palace?"

When Jack heard it, he thought, there are some things that really can’t be explained.

 Gu Xi really doesn’t know.

 So Jack and the others explained to Gu Xi about the mirror underground palace.

It turns out that this mirror underground palace is a legend in Victoria City.

About three hundred years ago, the city of Victoria still belonged to the Stuart dynasty. In order to obtain the throne, James I sacrificed the entire city of Victoria to an unknown being as a sacrifice.

However, after he ascended the throne, he was unwilling to give up the city of Victoria, so he thought of a way.

He took the Victoria Tower, the core of Victoria City, as the starting point and made an exact replica of Victoria City on a one-to-one scale.

 After that, he dedicated this fake city to an unknown existence, and used the method of mirroring to banish that existence to a different space together with the fake city.

 After that, this fake city became the background of ghost stories and legends in Victoria City.

Among the various true and false legends, the only thing that is certain is that the only way to enter the exiled fake city is a building that is completely opposite to the Victoria Tower.

The mirrored underground palace that has never been discovered.

And those black-robed cultists were followers of the unknown boss. They had only one goal in capturing Gu Xi and others, which was to open the passage from the mirror underground palace to the fake city and release the boss they believed in.

   Open the book and upload 10,000 words, please read and recommend!



 (End of this chapter)

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