Breath of the Dead

Chapter 10: Combat Team (please recommend)

Chapter 10 Combat Team (please recommend)

 As a skeleton walked up to Gu Xi, Gu Xi already knew clearly what he had gained this time.

There were a total of four hundred and seventy-three black-robed cultists who were killed in the bombing. Their souls and corpses were all used as materials for Gu Xi to summon souls.

 No matter whether the spiritualism is successful or failed, as long as the spiritualism is used, 1 spiritualism experience point will be gained.

 In fact, when the last few corpses were summoned, Gu Xi’s level of spiritualism had been raised to level 3.

Although it has not reached the level of directly summoning undead such as walking zombies, skeletons can also play a lot of tricks.

 Coupled with the new skeleton bosses and skeleton warriors, it can be said that the skeletons under Gu Xi have begun to transform into legions, and some special skeletons have also appeared.

[Combat Team 1 (level 0, unnamed, characteristics: life +1): Captain (1/1) Level 0 skeleton leader, team members (30/30) Level 1 skeletons (5 people), Level 0 skeletons (25 people) 】

[Battle Team 2 (Level 0, unnamed, characteristic: Attack +1): Captain (1/1) Level 0 Skeleton Boss, Team Members (35/35) Level 0 Skeleton Warriors (3 people), Level 1 Skeletons (3 people) ), level 0 skeleton (29 people)]

 【Combat Team 3 (level 0, unnamed, characteristics: life +1): captain (1/1) level 0 skeleton leader, team members (28/28) level 0 skeletons (28)】

[Combat Team 4 (Level 0, unnamed, Characteristics: Defense +1): Captain (1/1) Level 0 Skeleton Boss, Team Members (40/40) Level 0 Skeleton Warriors (6 people), Level 0 Skeleton Shield Guards ( 3 people), level 0 skeletons (31 people)]

 There are also 43 skeletons who are not included in the team, bringing the total strength to 180 skeleton soldiers.

These 43 skeletons were not included in the team, not because their attributes were bad, but because Gu Xi no longer had a skeleton leader that could be used to command them.

 Compared to Skeleton Warriors, Skeleton Bosses are harder to find.

 Among the undead souls under Gu Xi, apart from the ordinary undead souls, there are actually two branches.

One path is the direction of the boss, and you can lead 25 to 50 people of the same kind to fight. As for how many you can lead, it depends on the leadership level of the undead before he was alive.

 Following this direction, the next step is to have heroes who can lead seven teams and command the leader of seven heroes.

Through this method, the Necromancer can easily command undead disasters of more than a million people.

 The other path is the direction of warriors. They do not have the ability to command their own kind, but their combat effectiveness will be stronger than that of their kind.

For example, a normal level 0 skeleton has attack, 1 defense, 1 life and 10, while a warrior will have 3 attack, 2 defense and 2 life.

At the same time, they can also remember the combat skills they had during their lifetime, or they can remember the combat skills they had during their lifetime, which is a skill that belongs to powerful warriors.

 If they develop in this direction, they will become elites and finally brave men.

Of course, it’s the same as normal. No matter the elite or the brave, they can’t compare to the route of heroes and leaders.

 It's just that their fighting power is there, and Gu Xi has no intention of underestimating them.

 After all one hundred and eighty skeletons were standing, Gu Xi glanced at them.

 The strengthened skeleton is obviously much stronger than the previous skeleton.

Even if they are also level 0 skeletons, the bones on their bodies are no longer yellow withered bones, but normal bone color. At the same time, the bones are much thicker and look more flexible.

 In their hands, the weapons have also been significantly upgraded.

 At the beginning of the battle team led by Gu Xi, the skeleton in it was holding a dagger in one hand and a short wooden stick in the other.

After upgrading, the dagger held upside down is still there, but the short wooden stick held in the right hand has become a hatchet.

 Gu Xi couldn’t figure out where this hatchet came from, but in terms of style, all hatchets had an obvious undead style.

 The remaining three combat teams used two-handed swords, spears and sword and shield combinations.

The weapons of these troops have also become quite standard. As for the two-handed swords and spears, Gu Xi did not believe that they were picked out from corpses. It can be seen that the skill of undead control is still very important for the necromancer.

 “I’ll think of ways to add more when I get back.”

Gu Xi muttered, then raised his scimitar and pointed it at the abandoned stone gate not far away.

All the black-robed cultists along the way have been killed by Gu Xi's wave of corpse explosions just now. The new black-robed cultists have not been sent over yet, and now there are no enemies in front of them.

Gu Xi pointed in the direction of the abandoned stone door, and the skeletons began to move forward.

But he didn't expect that the skeletons had just started, and Jack rushed in with the group of people.

They didn’t care about the danger, stepping on the flesh and blood sludge left when the skeleton appeared, and rushed towards the abandoned stone door madly.

Looking at their appearance, Gu Xi was also a little surprised.

However, thinking about the performance of these people before, Gu Xi understood that they stayed with all their lives just for the legend.

 When faced with such legends, they were all desperate for their lives.

 After hesitating for a moment, Gu Xi still let the undead slow down a bit.

He is different from these people. Gu Xi’s goal is to destroy this abandoned stone gate.

Whether or not there is the fake city behind this stone gate that Jack and the others call it, it doesn't matter to Gu Xi.

 He just wanted to vent his anger at being captured.

 Once the stone gate is destroyed, he can find a safe place to leave.

As for Jack and the others’ idea of ​​entering the fake city to find the big boss, that has nothing to do with Gu Xi.

 Gu Xi asked his men to advance slower, which was already giving them face.

 The most we can do is to give in to the other side and wait for them to proceed before destroying the gate.

 It is considered that they have fulfilled their friendship in bringing news to themselves.

Jack and the others didn't know what Gu Xi was thinking. After they rushed through Gu Xi's skeleton army, their speed increased a lot.

They were really afraid that the abandoned stone gate would be destroyed if they took a break. Then they wanted to find one of the six gates of the mirror underground palace, but they didn't know where to look.

Just as Jack and the others were about to rush to the abandoned stone gate, a voice suddenly came from the abandoned stone gate.

 “Don’t come close!”

 But Jack and the others would not listen. Instead of stopping, they accelerated their progress and bumped into the stone door.

The moment they hit the stone door, the apparently abandoned stone door suddenly lit up. A large amount of mercury layer appeared in the middle of the stone door. It looked like a huge mirror standing in front of everyone.

When Jack and the others saw it, they really thought they had found the legendary door to the mirrored underground palace, and they rushed in without even thinking.

The next moment, Gu Xi felt a white light flash before his eyes, and the surrounding environment completely changed.

He was moved from the underground space to a lawn outside the palace. At the end of the lawn, where the abandoned gate was, a decaying guillotine was erected.

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 (End of this chapter)

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