Breath of the Dead

Chapter 9: Strong upgrade

Chapter 9 Strong upgrade


Gu Xi, who was still upset about the appearance of the royal spies, became angry when he saw the black-robed cultists pouring over.

He didn't care about anything else and pointed at the corpses of several black-robed cultists not far away that had not yet been disposed of.

 “Corpse explodes, corpse explodes, corpse explodes again…!”

 Boom, boom, boom!

 Under the effect of Gu Xi's secondary corpse explosion, many of the black-robed cultists who rushed over were blown away.

Luna understood Gu Xi’s thoughts best. Seeing that Gu Xi took action regardless, she flew to the front line of the battlefield and howled at the three waves of banshees that came to the black-robed cultists who were not yet dead.

 The power and range of Corpse Explosion and Banshee Wail are quite large.

 Most of the black-robed cultists who rushed over were killed or injured instantly.

 A large number of kill information flashed in front of Gu Xi like a screen.

  【Kill the cultist (level 2), gain 11 experience points. Due to cooperation in killing, the contracted undead gain 8 experience points. 】

  【Kill the elite cultist (level 2), gain 9 experience points. Due to cooperation in killing, the contracted undead gain 19 experience points. 】

 【Kill the cultist (level 2), gain 13 experience points, and due to cooperation in killing, the contracted undead gain 10 experience points. 】


  【Ding, the total experience has reached the upgrade standard, please choose whether to upgrade. 】

  【Kill the cultist (level 2) and gain 15 experience points (11 points for overflow storage). Due to cooperation in killing, the contracted undead gain 10 experience points. 】

  【Kill the elite cultist (Level 2) and gain 19 experience points (19 points are saved for overflow). Due to cooperation in killing, the contracted undead gain 20 experience points. 】


This situation made Gu Xi pause for a moment. He didn't expect that this wave would be so fat, and it was about to escalate.

  【After upgrading, the level will be upgraded to level 2, life and mana will be replenished, all adverse conditions will be cleared, intelligence +1, and one of the following three skills will be selected as a reward. 】

   【Dark Knowledge: Passive skill, can be upgraded. After mastering it, you can learn dark magic. As the level increases, the power of dark magic will also increase. 】

  【Meditation Practice: Passive skill, can be upgraded. After mastering it, you can learn the meditation technique. As the level increases, the difficulty of the meditation that can be learned will also increase. 】

  【Undead Dominance: Passive skill, can be upgraded. Once mastered, all undead contracted, summoned, and created by the necromancer can be strengthened. When summoning souls, there is a higher chance (5%) of generating special undead. 】

 Gu Xi glanced at the upgrade prompt, then at the remaining 400 mana points, and now he laughed.

 “Luna, move forward!”

Luna looked back at Gu Xi and found that Gu Xi was walking forward with the battle team. As he walked forward, he was gathering mana. She knew that Gu Xi had made up his mind.

So Luna didn’t think much and moved forward on the spot.

After advancing more than ten meters, Luna opened her mouth, and a banshee wail woke up the four to five hundred black-robed cultists who were still standing in front of the abandoned gate.

After roaring, Luna quickly turned back and approached Gu Xi.

The fighting team beside Gu Xi quickly stepped forward and faced the four to five hundred black-robed cultists head-on.

Before the two parties came into contact, Gu Xi, who was summoning the soul, turned the spell on his hand and pointed at the corpse in front of the black-robed cultist that had not had time to summon the soul.

 “Corpse explosion!”

 Gu Xi used all his magic power in one breath.

This time there were not just two or three secondary corpse explosions, but more than eighty secondary corpse explosions. At first, Gu Xi pointed at the corpses on the ground and took action, but later he just looked at the black-robed cultists who were blown up into the sky and took action directly.

Under the secondary corpse explosions one after another, the entire underground space was awakened. More and more black-robed cultists woke up from where they were standing and rushed towards the area where Gu Xi released the corpse explosions.

After draining the last bit of mana, Gu Xi took a step back and reached out to grab the location where the series of explosions had just occurred.

With Gu Xi's movement, a large number of white light points flew towards his hand.


 After consuming all his mana, Gu Xi's face turned a little pale. Standing behind the white light point guided by him, he had a strange aura about him.

 After the white light spots gathered together, Gu Xi did not synthesize these soul fragments one by one into a complete soul like before.

But as soon as the handle is turned, the soul fragments automatically collide together.

Then Gu Xi didn't want these complete souls, nor any corpses. He pressed down with his hands, and the complete souls fell like raindrops on the corpses that had just been killed by the explosion.

 “Upgrade, choose Undead Domination, Soul Calling! Get up!”

With a golden light flashing on Gu Xi, Gu Xi's depleted mana was quickly replenished. At the same time, his life and status were also replenished.

  【Name: Gu Xi

 Game number: 629SHD2S0FXC30

 Occupation: Necromancer

 Level: Level 2 (2356/5000)

Talent: Not activated

 Status: Life (310/310, hunger), Mana (550/550)

 Attributes: Strength 3.2, Agility 3.3, Constitution 3.1, Intelligence 5.5, Perception 3.7, Charisma 3.6

 Professional skills: Spiritualism Level 1 (36/100), Secondary Corpse Explosion Level 2 (17/200), Secondary Bone Shield Level 1 (3/100)

 Active skill: Throwing Level 2 (61/200)

 Passive skills: Undead Knowledge Level 3, Undead Contract Level 1, Magic Knowledge Level 4, Basic Science Level 3, Basic Reading Level 2, Basic Scribe Level 2, Undead Dominance Level 1. 】

 After glancing at the new level status, Gu Xi focused on the spiritualism he had just released.

As white light spots fell on the corpse like raindrops, the corpse on the ground that had been exploded exploded again.

It's just that the explosion this time was not that powerful. It only blew up the corpse into a **** mess.

 Amidst the flying flesh and blood, one skeleton after another climbed up from the flesh and blood.

At the same time, one message after another popped up in front of Gu Xi.

  【You successfully use spiritualism, get a skeleton (level 0), 1 spiritualist experience point, undead control automatically strengthened, incorporated into a combat team, team members +1. 】

  【You successfully use spiritualism, get a skeleton (level 0), 1 spiritualist experience point, undead control automatically strengthened, incorporated into a combat team, team members +1. 】

  【You failed to use spiritualism and gained 1 spiritualism experience point. 】

                                                                gers ground's [0] by a skull (level 0), 1 point of spiritualist experience, undead **** is automatically strengthened, and a new combat team is generated, with a maximum of 35 members in the combat team. 】

  【You successfully use spiritualism and get a skeleton warrior (level 0), spiritualism experience 1 point, undead control automatically strengthened, formed into a new combat team, team members +1. 】


 (End of this chapter)

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