Breath of the Dead

Chapter 100: Harvest (please subscribe)

Chapter 100 Harvest (please subscribe)

Gu Xi pointed in the direction of the Walrus Tomb, and the incarnation of death rushed over.

Then Gu Xi stopped looking at the situation over there. He turned around and stepped on the evil coffin to the man's body.

At this moment, Gu Xi finally saw the situation of the man in front of him clearly.

Although this man tried very hard to act like a living person, Gu Xi could tell at a glance that the corpse in front of him was a corpse that had been dead for a long time.

 The bones of the corpse have been stiffened by the cold, and they were bitten in two by the incarnation of death, but not much blood came out.

At the same time, because the skin on his body was peeled off from other people, it went through some special processing when it was sewn on, so it didn't look like blue-gray like dead skin, but rather had a lively feel.

But this sense of freshness is a bit weird when it's half of the body.

 Gu Xi had to deal with such an enemy. He quickly touched the White Walker man's body for a moment, and finally tore off a piece of tattoo from his back.

 【You picked up undigested blood tattoo (green)*2】

[Undigested blood tattoo (green): Blood tattoo is a habit of blood demon hunters. They always like to turn the enemies they kill into tattoos on their bodies, so that they can borrow the power of their prey during battle. .

 Some people aim to hunt blood demon hunters and sew blood demon hunters' tattoos on their skin to enhance their combat effectiveness.

  It can be sewn onto the skin of the undead to improve certain attributes of the undead. The attributes are mainly based on the condition of the tattoo. 】

 This is okay.

Gu Xi smiled happily. Just two of them were tattooed on one piece. There were quite a lot of tattoos on this corpse.

But Gu Xi was a little disappointed. He searched for this White Walker man for a long time, but finally found nothing.

 Other tattoo powers have been digested and cannot be peeled off anymore.

With no choice, Gu Xi could only focus on the three pieces of equipment of this White Walker man.

 The first thing that caught Gu Xi's eyes was the pink oil lamp that looked like a flower.

This thing has been carried in the hand of the White Walker man. When he wanted to fight back before, he also used this oil lamp first.

Just as Gu Xi raised the oil lamp, a voice rang in his ears.

  【You picked up the Soul Lamp (blue)*1】

  【Psychic Lamp (blue, off-hand item)】

  【Defense: 4】

 【After equipped: Intelligence +5】

 【Equipment requirements: Intelligence 3】

   【Special 1: Confuse people's hearts, hypnotize an enemy, and make it act according to your wishes for five minutes (note, the stronger the strength, the more severe the resistance, but as long as it is a living person, it will be hypnotized). 】

  【Special 2: Soul Flame, ignites an enemy, allowing the enemy to use his mind and body as firewood to burn (the ignited enemy cannot extinguish the flame of his mind unless he dies). 】

  【Explanation: Guess whether this pink brain flower is sweet or salty. 】

Hold the soul lamp, Gu Xi felt that his mind was clear and clear, and many things that he couldn't understand seemed to be figured out in one go.

 Actually, Gu Xi also understood that this was an illusion after improving his intelligence. After this period of time has passed, I still don’t understand the things I don’t understand, and I still don’t know the math I don’t know.

But the Mind Lamp in front of me is a good off-hand item, and most importantly, it is more suitable for mages to use.

 Not to mention anything else, just 5 points of intelligence can increase Gu Xi's mana by that amount.

Such a discovery made Gu Xi very happy. If there is one thing, there must be two. The White Walker man carries such a good piece of equipment in his hand, and his main hand weapon must be better.

The person he used before he recovered was a sickle. Gu Xi saw this from a distance during the battle.

Now Gu Xi naturally wants to retrieve the sickle.

But Gu Xi never expected that the White Walker man used his scythe to hit the death dragon's breath of the incarnation of death for three seconds, and now the scythe had been broken into two pieces.

  【You get broken sickle fragments (gray)*1】

[Broken sickle fragment (grey): This is a powerful weapon that has killed many strong men. Its original quality has risen to the blue +5 level, but due to the impact of a more powerful force, only one of it is left. A small cut, but regardless, this is a good material that can be used to craft equipment. 】

Looking at the explanation in front of him, Gu Xi was stunned for a moment. He seemed to remember where he had encountered similar information.

 Gu Xi thought about it seriously, wasn't this the same as the corrupted head he got when he took the steam bus in Victoria City?

It seems that this kind of shabby garbage still needs to be rescued.

This made Gu Xi's heart stir. He planned to go out and ask someone sensible to see if he could build a better weapon after this mission was completed.

  After all, the description also says that the initial quality of this scythe has risen to the blue +5 level. Maybe it can be restored to a certain quality with some new pieces.

 Putting away the pieces of the sickle, Gu Xi looked around again.

 Finally, his eyes fell on the baboon skin that the White Walker man was wearing at the beginning.

This made Gu Xi a little curious. He stepped forward and picked up the skin of the baboon that had been beaten far away. As soon as he picked up the skin, Gu Xi's mouth opened wide. He did not expect that he would find such a situation in the first battle.

  【You got white baboon skin (green)】

  【White baboon skin (green, identification): The cloak of a special White Walker organization. As long as you put this white baboon skin on your body, you can pretend to be a member of this White Walker organization. 】

【Note: After wearing the white baboon skin, you will be affected by some external forces. If you wear this skin for a long time, you are likely to be assimilated by the White Walker organization. 】

Seeing this situation, Gu Xi couldn't help but think that this special White Walker organization could not be an undead organization that invaded this world.

 If this is the case, Gu Xi has found a clue to the enemy.

 This is the rhythm of making great achievements.

Thinking of this, Gu Xi immediately thought of sending the white baboon skin back.

But after thinking about his mission, Gu Xi finally suppressed his thoughts for the time being.

His mission is to send the main force to the Sanxian Garden. If he misses the time, it will be a big deal.

 Besides, there must be other players from Chaoyang Guild in Sanxian Garden, so just tell them about this matter.

Thinking of this, Gu Xi stopped worrying. He put away the white baboon skin and looked back at the battle between the Death Incarnation and the Walrus Tomb.

As soon as Gu Xicai turned his head, there was a flower in front of him, and then he heard a bang, and something hit him hard in front of him.

 (End of this chapter)

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