Breath of the Dead

Chapter 101: Discovery in battle (please subscribe)

Chapter 101 Discovery in the battle (please subscribe)

The one who reacted faster than Gu Xi was Xie Coffin. As soon as the black fog rose, Xie Coffin instantly moved more than thirty meters, just past the position of the thing that fell down.

At this time, Gu Xi finally saw clearly what was going on. It turned out that the one who fell down was actually the giant guy from the Walrus Tomb.

It’s just that compared to the first jumping attack, the Walrus Tomb in front of me was really thrown here.

 The Walrus Mound is now trying hard to turn over and get up from the ice.

The incarnation of death flying high in the sky did not give Walrus Tomb any chance to react. He turned into black mist with powerful destructive power, fell from the sky and hit Walrus Tomb on the spot.

With this collision, the originally thick ice surface was actually broken, and the Death Incarnation and the Walrus Tomb all rushed into the White Star Lake.

At this time, Gu Xi retreated again and again, retreating continuously for more than sixty meters before exiting the range of the cracked ice surface.

While retreating, Gu Xi also noticed that as the battle here escalated, the black mist formed by the incarnation of death became more and more destructive.

 As long as the black fog flies over, all the houses and ice will be lifted up.

 This is true even if you go underwater.

The black mist moves underwater no slower than on the ground. When it moves, the nearby water flow will be affected by the black mist and concentrate towards the black mist.

If you take a closer look at this time, you will find that it turns out that the reason why the black mist destroys everything nearby is not the corrosiveness of the black mist, nor the powerful impact, but the black mist itself will form a tornado-like tornado. cyclone.

These cyclones are the source of power that destroys everything.

 I couldn't see anything when flying in the air before, but now I can see everything clearly underwater.

The Walrus Tomb, which was driven underwater, thought that he could use his underwater combat ability to make a comeback.

I didn’t expect that the incarnation of death would be as powerful underwater.

Dragging Walrus Mound into the black mist, the Incarnation of Death kept biting Walrus Mound's body. Although Walrus Mound's body was big, it was not strong. Unlike the Death Incarnation, its body was that of a bone dragon, and its hardness was stronger than that of a bone dragon. Steel is even harder.

The Walrus Tomb's attack hit the Death Incarnation. Not only did it not injure the Death Incarnation, but it actually injured itself.

 At this moment, Death Incarnate released its control over the Walrus Tomb.

Gu Xi, who was standing in front of the ice cave and observing the situation below, was also stunned. He was about to give an order, but he felt a chill around him, and Luna appeared next to Gu Xi.

"did you mean?"

Seeing Luna coming, Gu Xi understood the situation here.

Luna nodded, "The walrus-like monster is in the same situation as me. It belongs to a certain place where the spirit body transformed after death. It's just that I turned into a ghost and he turned into a zombie.

 I want to find where his body is, and if possible, we can get another piece of land. "

After listening to Luna's words, Gu Xi glanced at the incarnation of death in the underwater battle again, "You only have half an hour. Where are the people in the bone-cutting camp, are they all idle? Come over quickly to clean the battlefield and go to the house to take a look. , there are no living walrus people.”

Under Gu Xi's order, the various skeleton soldiers released before became coolies again. They rushed into the houses in Baixing Lake, looking for various materials.

 For skeleton soldiers, as long as they can be taken away, all materials can be used.

In this White Star Lake, the most numerous types of dried fish and salted fish are naturally the most abundant, followed by bone weapons and animal skins.

 Finally, there are scattered crystals and gems.

 Such a situation made Gu Xi feel a little surprised. You must know that the map said that Baixing Lake mainly produces crystals and gems. Is this the result?

 Gu Xi was speechless.

But these are considered free benefits, and Gu Xi couldn't refuse them. He simply moved the city gate of Alidovi nearby to make it easier for the skeleton soldiers to carry it.

 Because after the city gate moved closer, Gu Xi discovered that these skeleton soldiers started to demolish the houses after emptying the inventory in Baixing Lake.

This was something Gu Xi had never thought of. At the same time, he also didn't expect that these houses were made of high-quality wood, which was an important building material.

Such a discovery made Gu Xi very happy. Even if he didn't get many gems and crystals, the wood was still a good harvest.

 At this moment, Luna, who had been observing the underwater battle, suddenly said.

"found it."

 Gu Xi glanced at Luna and quickly came to Luna's side. Following Luna's gaze, Gu Xi found that the underwater battle was coming to an end.

  The walrus mound was pushed back and forth under the water again and again by the incarnation of death, stirring up the mud at the bottom of the water.

At the same time, the walrus graveyard was also found by the incarnation of death in the turmoil again and again, and a large number of walrus corpses were dug up together with the mud.

The walruses that can be buried here are all old walruses who feel that they are going to die. Their bodies have grown to the limit of walruses, and they are at least three to five meters long.

 When they were buried in the lake, their skin, flesh, and fat had melted away, leaving only their white bones.

But because the bones of the Walrus Man are relatively famous, and the blood, flesh and fat of the walrus are mixed in the mud after death, nourishing these bones, the bones of the Walrus Man that have been dug out now are all as white as jade and of high quality.

  While watching the bones being turned out, Luna turned back and glanced at Gu Xi.

 Gu Xi instantly understood what Luna meant. The gate of Alidovi City changed its direction again. This time, the tall gate appeared at the bottom of the lake.

 Luna also took this opportunity to jump into the lake and began to move a piece of land as large as the Walrus Cemetery.

Seeing Gu Xi and the others taking action, the Incarnation of Death knew that there was no need to drag it on any longer. He turned his head, bit **** Walrus Tomb's neck, and kept shaking his body.

 Each blow tore a piece of flesh from the Walrus Mound.

 Walrus Mound wanted to make a final struggle, but it was too late. Under the attack of the incarnation of death, Walrus Mound's body was finally torn into pieces.

At this time, Luna had also completed capturing the soul of the Walrus Tomb and the Walrus Tomb.

All the walrus bones underwater were sucked into the city gate, and then the incarnation of death turned its body and disappeared in front of Gu Xi.

 This is how the battle ended.

"My lord, I will go back first. There are many things that need to be dealt with here. After I have dealt with them, I will report to my lord what I have learned this time."

 Gu Xi heard Luna's voice in his ears, and then Gu Xi found that Luna had disappeared into the city gate.

At the same time, the sound of ice breaking was heard on the surface of Baixing Lake.

Gu Xi quickly ordered loudly: "All troops, all go back, Xie Coffin, let's go!"

 (End of this chapter)

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