Breath of the Dead

Chapter 102: Upgrade (8102)

 Chapter 102 Upgrade (8102)

  Hahaha, I have ordered 1020, which is over a thousand. Thank you very much. I will pay back the debt slowly. I also ask for your support. Today is another day of hard work! —


 Lying on the coffin board, Gu Xi hugged the quilt tightly. He never expected that Xie Coffin could reach this speed by accelerating at full speed.

 This all flew directly on the water.

If he hadn't been lying down firmly, he might have been carried away by the cold wind blowing in front of him.

Finally rushed from the center of the lake to the shore. Before Gu Xi could even breathe a sigh of relief, he turned back to look at the situation behind him.

  The ice surface of Baixing Lake, which was originally sealed by ice, completely cracked, and various buildings on the lake sank into the lake when the ice cracked.

As these buildings sank, whirlpools of ice even appeared on the lake.

 It looked like someone had dug a hole in the bottom of the lake, and a lot of the lake water was swallowed up.

This change lasted for nearly half an hour. When the lake calmed down again, Gu Xi found that the lake had become more than one meter shallower.

At the same time, there is still a large amount of construction debris floating on the lake, and the originally peaceful and peaceful Baixing Lake has completely disappeared.

 Only a large area of ​​ruins was exposed on the lake.

However, Gu Xi did not see this scene. At this time, he was already some distance away from Baixing Lake.

At the same time, Gu Xi, who was lying on the coffin lid, was making this choice.

 When he left the battle, Gu Xi had already received a piece of information.

 [Death Incarnation (spell product) kills the special Undead Walrus Tomb (level 10), and you gain 6332 experience points. 】

  【Ding, the total experience has reached the upgrade standard, please choose whether to upgrade. 】

  【When the level reaches level 4, life and magic power will be replenished, all adverse conditions will be cleared, perception +1, and one of the following three skills will be selected as a reward. 】

【Enlightenment: Passive skill, can be upgraded. After mastering it, it can increase the experience gained by the master during combat and learning, and it can increase 1 free attribute point every 4 levels. 】

  【Summoning Magic: Passive skill, can be upgraded. After mastering it, you can learn basic summoning magic and improve the combat effectiveness of summoned creatures. 】

  【Magic Undead: Passive skill, can be upgraded. Once mastered, all undead contracted, summoned, and created by the necromancer can be strengthened. When summoning souls, there is a higher chance (50%) of having a magical attribute. 】

Facing such a choice this time, Gu Xi hesitated. The three skills in front of him were all considered good skills.

Enlightenment is the most direct. After mastering it, you can increase your experience by 5% for each level. The most important thing is that Gu Xi heard someone in the Nether Bone Wind Academy say that if you follow the path of enlightenment, in the end A special skill will appear.

  King of the Zombies: Special skills. Due to outstanding achievements in the field of death research, the knowledge of the necromancer is permanently +1, while the ratio of soul summoning is increased by 5%, and the starting level of the undead summoned by soul summoning is +1. 】

It can be said that this is Gu Xi’s first exposure to special skills. Although this is a bad special skill, for some people, having it is better than not having it at all.

 The summoning magic and magical undead are used to strengthen the undead army.

 Summoning Magic apparently allows players to learn various summoning spells, such as bee swarms, various elements, and so on.

But no matter which game it is, it must be admitted that the undead summoned by spiritualism are summoned creatures. The fact that summoning magic can improve the combat effectiveness of summoned creatures applies to the undead army.

 Not to mention anything else, his death incarnation is the purest summoned creature.

  If you choose this option, the combat effectiveness of Death Incarnation can be further improved.

 As for the magical undead, this is a skill that adds magical attributes to the undead.

 The success rate of 50% is not bad, but what kind of magic attribute is added is a bit uncontrollable.

For example, there will be a magic effect like magic resistance for a skeleton shooter.

 So choosing this path is equivalent to choosing to take a gamble. Gu Xi, who was lying on the coffin lid, quickly analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of these three skills.

There is already a bias in my heart, strengthening some of the combat effectiveness and gambling opportunities for every time the soul recruitment, Gu Xi is more willing to hit everything steadily.

 “Upgrade, choose enlightenment!”

Following Gu Xi’s command, a golden light fell on the lying Gu Xi.

 Gu Xi felt a warmth all over his body, and his spirit, which was a little sluggish due to the cold wind, came back in an instant.

  【Name: Gu Xi

 Game number: 629SHD2S0FXC30

 Occupation: Necromancer

 Level: Level 4 (1225/15000)

Talent: Not activated

 Status: Life (460/460), Mana (1300/1300)

 Attributes: Strength 5.2, Agility 4.3, Constitution 4.1, Intelligence 7.5+5, Perception 5.7, Charisma 4.6

Professional skills: Spiritualism Level 4 (533/1000), Secondary Corpse Explosion Level 3 (1/500), Secondary Bone Shield Level 1 (21/100), Bone Spur Level 1 (32/100), Death City Level 2 , Death Incarnation Level 3

 Active skill: Throwing Level 2 (131/200)

  Passive skills: Undead Knowledge Level 4, Undead Contract Level 1, Magic Knowledge Level 5, Basic Science Level 4, Basic Reading Level 2, Basic Scribe Level 2, Undead Dominance Level 1, Enlightenment Level 1. 】

 Looking at the newly improved attributes, Gu Xi's eyes also lit up.

With 1300 points of mana, Gu Xi can use corpse explosion to make the enemy doubt their life on a battlefield.

Not to mention other attributes that have been improved, it seems that this world is really a treasure, and it is faster to upgrade here than elsewhere.

At the same time, Gu Xi also discovered that as he chose the passive skill of Enlightenment, his level has now reached level 4, and he also has 1 more free attribute point.

Currently, Gu Xi is studying his own attributes and wants to see where he should add his attribute points.

 Normally speaking, as a mage, even a necromancer, one should increase intelligence.

 After all, the power of spells is closely related to intelligence.

Even if adding intelligence cannot increase the power of spiritualism, the mana value is actually visible.

 What the mage fears most on the battlefield is not being approached, but the lack of mana.

 Gu Xi himself has Death Incarnation, a mana-hungry man who directly drains all mana from his body. The current increase in mana is actually good for him.

Thinking of this, Gu Xi, who was lying on the coffin lid, also laughed.

Several ghosts saw the sound and looked back at Gu Xi. They found that there was no problem, so there was nothing wrong with it.

And the evil coffin didn't even care about Gu Xi. It just determined the path and flew in one direction.

Soon Gu Xi, who was wrapped in a quilt, noticed that the surrounding environment had changed. The amount of ice and snow had significantly decreased, and the nearby peaks had also turned blue and translucent.

 In this mountain peak, there is a path made of ice.

Looking at the map, Gu Xi understood that this was the path closest to the Dispersed Fairy Garden.

  Ice network valley.

 (End of this chapter)

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