Breath of the Dead

Chapter 104: Start the war (please subscribe)

Chapter 104 The war begins (please subscribe)

 The skeleton soldiers under Gu Xi, no matter which combat team they were from, all followed the skeletons of the Sunshine Bone Group.

When Gu Xi released all these troops, he had already seen that the enemy's ghost soldiers were about the same strength as the skeleton soldiers of the Sunshine Bone Regiment, and they were almost at level 5 to 6.

 But in terms of numbers, Gu Xi’s 5,500 undead troops had the advantage.

Although it may not turn into a crushing battle, the damage will not be too great.

At this time, mix the skeleton soldiers with the skeletons of the Sunshine Bones and let them follow the Sunshine Bones to fight peacefully, make up for last hits and so on. That is a good way to take advantage of the situation at hand.

 After letting his men out, Gu Xi looked back, only to find that Luna, who was supposed to be there, did not come out.

This situation shocked Gu Xi. Something will happen to Luna.

 Gu Xizheng was about to ask what was going on here, when the Ray Archer Group also took action at the same time.

Different from the more than a hundred skeleton archers under Gu Xi, although the Light Archers Group are also skeleton archers, the arrows they use have obvious light attributes.

 When an arrow is shot into the air, it will give people the feeling of being enveloped by a rain of light.

When the Sunshine Bone Corps charged forward, the ghost soldiers had actually already rushed forward more than ten steps, preparing to face the Sunshine Bone Corps head-on.

 As a result, they were attacked by the light arrows before they could break into the Sunshine Bone Group.

When the light arrow fell on them, there were wounds as big as the mouth of a bowl on their bodies on the spot.

 The most terrible thing is that this kind of attack with sunlight will do great harm to the ghost soldiers.

 Some ghost soldiers who were hit in vital points even turned into gas and disappeared on the spot, leaving only the bronze armor with arrows stuck on the ground.

 “So strong.”

Looking at the scene in front of him, Gu Xi couldn't help but sigh at the power of these undead troops.

These are just two skeleton troops. What will happen if there are zombies with the same strength as the weak Skeleton Dragon and ghosts with a higher level?

While Gu Xi was thinking about this, the Sunshine Bone Group had also collided with the ghost soldiers.

The skeleton soldiers of the Sunshine Bone Corps hold swords and shields in their hands. From the appearance, they are the most basic skeleton soldiers, but their swords and shields are not simple when charging forward.

The shields of the skeleton soldiers of the Sunshine Bone Corps formed a defensive cover like an eggshell in front of each skeleton, and the long swords they held in their hands also turned into white lightsabers, which looked extraordinary at first glance.

With just one strike of this lightsaber, no matter how thick the armor on the ghost soldier is, everything will be broken.

If you cut the head or a key part of the chest, you can even kill the ghost soldier instantly.

The ghost soldiers also showed strong combat power at this time. They faced off against the skeleton soldiers of the Sunshine Bone Regiment. They used the big swords in their hands to attack the skeleton soldiers. Even if they were seriously injured, they still wanted to slash the skeleton soldiers.

Most of their attacks were blocked by the defensive barrier. It would take at least four attacks from the ghost soldiers to break such a defensive barrier.

 But for the skeleton soldiers, four attacks are enough for them to fight a long way.

General ghost soldiers can only cut the skeleton soldiers twice, and some of them are knocked down on the spot without even making a single cut.

Facing such a powerful fighting force, Gu Xi didn't know what he was going to do for a while.

Is it possible that this is the pleasure of a necromancer? Go to the battlefield and release the undead under him, and then just wait and watch the show?

At this time, the bearded man who had been standing on the monster finally moved. He held a thigh in his hand, put it to his mouth and took a heavy bite, and then bit the rest of the thigh to the one below him. Monster.

 “You all die!”

The bearded man roared loudly, kicked his feet, jumped up high, and then sat down again.

  Boom! The bearded man in blue immediately took his seat where the battle was most intense.

More than a dozen skeleton soldiers who were fighting were knocked away on the spot. After that, the bearded man became domineering in the battle, and whenever he saw a skeleton soldier, he would punch and kick him.

No matter how strong these skeleton soldiers are, they cannot withstand three punches from the bearded man. Some of them will even be killed with one punch.

The Sunshine Skeleton Group, which originally had the upper hand, suddenly fell into a disadvantage.

 “Ghost, come on!”

Looking at the situation in front of him, Gu Xi gave the order decisively, and the two ghost troops set off at the same time, flying in the direction of Big Beard.

Seeing the ghost flying over, the bearded man glanced at Gu Xi in surprise.

 He didn't expect Gu Xi to see through his weakness so quickly.

This bearded man's abilities are all in his fists and feet. If he fights with weapons, his strength will be weakened by three points. If he mounts a war horse, his strength can only be displayed by half.

 Only fists and feet are his destiny.

 But there is a very serious problem with his fists and kicks. His fists and kicks are physical attacks.

  Hitting ghosts will be restrained by ghosts.

 So Beard usually avoids fighting ghosts.

Now it seems that the enemy commander also has vision.

 The bearded man secretly praised Gu Xi in his heart, and at the same time shouted, "Xuehong, kill that commander!"

The monster that had been lying on the ground also moved at this time. He put his hands on the ground and roared at the sky.

As he roared like this, Gu Xi smelled a strong smell of sulfur.

 “This guy can’t be a devil.”

Before Gu Xi could finish his words, the monster had already jumped high and rushed towards Gu Xi who was at the back of the battlefield.

 “Enter the zombie.”

 Gu Xi still has enough troops on hand, and 1,500 heavily armored zombies are beside Gu Xi. They move relatively slowly, and it is impossible to rush to the battlefield immediately.

 But if they were to defend themselves against their commander, they could definitely do it.

Under Gu Xi's order, 1,500 heavily armored zombies formed 15 thick lines of defense. The zombies behind did not even intend to use shields, but instead held iron hooks with iron chains, intending to drag the monsters away. Live and kill.

But Gu Xi never expected that this monster would be so strong. The moment it collided with the heavily armored zombies, he flicked his front paw and six heavily armored zombies were knocked away.

Then the monster's one eye glared, and a gray light shot out from his eye.

Under the light, five heavily armored zombies had their upper bodies melted away.

Hunting away the heavily armored zombies on the first line of defense, the monster strode towards Gu Xi.

 The distance of tens of meters is nothing to such a huge monster, it is only seven or eight steps at most.

The reaction of the heavily armored zombie was not slow. The heavily armored zombie raised its shield and threw its iron hook, but none of them could stop the monster.

Seeing that the monster was about to rush in front of Gu Xi, Gu Xi didn't have any fear in his eyes. He held up the smashing staff.

 “Bone spur, bone spur, bone spur, death incarnate!”

 (End of this chapter)

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