Breath of the Dead

Chapter 105: Prioritize killing (please subscribe)

Chapter 105: Prioritize Killing (Please subscribe)

When the monster rushed towards Gu Xi, Gu Xi had already taken action.

As the only means of long-range attack at hand, it was naturally Gu Xi's only choice.

This time, Gu Xi no longer used the bone spurs as arrows or throwing weapons, but instead kept popping them out like machine guns.

Anyway, Gu Xi has enough mana, he has no other spells to use, and he is not worried about the consumption of mana.

As for the zombie explosion, Gu Xi had already given up when the monster rushed out. This guy rushed too fast, and the zombie corpse couldn't hold it back at all.

Had he used Corpse Explosion at this time, the monster would have already rushed in front of Gu Xi.

 As for making an advance decision, you have to take into account that there is a corpse in front of you.

Hence, machine gun-like bone spurs became Gu Xi’s attack method.

Facing the low-level bone spurs, the monster didn’t even block.

This bone spur pierced his body without even breaking his skin.

This monster thought that Gu Xi only had this method.

Hence, he didn't even want to dodge the shattering staff held by Gu Xiping, even if Gu Xi's shattering staff was pointing at his own eyes.

But at this moment, Gu Xi activated the incarnation of death, and from the black mist, a powerful existence like a bone dragon rushed out.

The incarnation of death that rushed out didn't give the monster any chance to resist. He put his claws forward and lifted the monster up.

The monster did not expect that he could reach the sky with such a heavy weight. Only when he was brought into the air did the monster react. His eyes widened, and gray light shot out of his eyes.

But the monster never expected that just when his eyes shot out light, the incarnation of death had turned into black mist and came behind him, opened its mouth and bit the monster's head hard.

 Under the control of Death Incarnation, the gray light emitted by the monster hit the battlefield below.

Whether they are skeleton soldiers or ghost soldiers, when exposed to this gray light, they will all be reduced to ashes on the spot.

At this time, the Incarnation of Death could no longer drag the monster's heavy body to fly upwards, so the Incarnation of Death tossed its head and smashed the monster onto a nearby iceberg.

Before the monster that hit it could get up, the black mist transformed by death hit it, hitting the monster's waist with one end.

The monster also became violent at this time. He put his hands forward and got stuck in the black mist. He stared at the neck of the incarnation of death, and his eyes opened again, preparing to melt the head of the incarnation of death with black light.

If he is really allowed to do this, it may be possible to kill the incarnation of death.

 But he still underestimated the power of the incarnation of death. After fighting the incarnation of death for so long, he had been hit by all the curses he could.

Just when he was about to glare and emit gray light, his eyes suddenly blinked, and he actually forgot how to emit gray light.

  【Amnesia Dharma! 】

The gray light of the monster is a long-range attack and a legal attack. When accidentally hit by the amnesia spell, the monster will simply forget the move it knows.

 The Death Incarnation, whose neck was grabbed, opened its mouth, and a green light spurted out from the Death Incarnation's mouth.

 ‘Dragon Breath of Death! ’

 The monster has caught the neck of the incarnation of death from the front, and now it cannot dodge even if it wants to.

The green light beam hit the monster's face head-on.

 For a full five seconds, the monster used its body to withstand the attack of the death dragon's breath for five seconds.

 There is a ton of damage involved.

Normal people will be dead as soon as they get on it. The monster can withstand such an attack for five seconds, which also illustrates its powerful vitality.

However, no matter how powerful the life is, it is almost done at this time. The death dragon breath of the incarnation of death is an attack method that can destroy the city. No matter how strong the monster is, it can't beat the attack of Death Dragon's Breath.

Not to mention that with the level of Gu Xi rising to level 4, the level of the incarnation of death has also been increased accordingly, reaching level 12.

 This has exceeded the upper limit of the enemy's strength.

 With this blow, the monster finally failed to escape the fate of death and was killed by the incarnation of death.

 【Death Incarnation (spell product) kills the special undead one-eyed composite corpse (level 10, elite), you get 6429 experience points (experience +5%). 】

 When the kill was completed, the incarnation of death did not withdraw. Instead, he opened his mouth and bit the body of the one-eyed corpse.

His first bite was towards the head of the one-eyed corpse, and with one bite, half of the head was bitten off.

Then the eyes of the incarnation of death turned gray, and Gu Xi also received a new message.

  【Death incarnate swallows the pieces, the right eye mutates, masters new skills, and melts light (can be used 10 times per battle). 】

  【Melt light: Emit gray light from the eyes, the person hit will consume 350 life points instantly. If the life force is insufficient, the body will be melted instantly. 】

  【Note: If the melting light kills an enemy, the power of the light remains and will be extended to the next enemy. 】

  350 health points?

 Looking at the information in front of him, Gu Xi's scalp felt numb.

Just now, when he faced the one-eyed corpse, Gu Xi had walked around the gate of hell.

Had he not released the incarnation of death, the few seconds he had just appeared in front of the one-eyed corpse would have been enough for him to be attacked by two such melting rays.

 If something like that really happened, Gu Xi wouldn't be able to find all the bodies now.

 “Death incarnate, kill them.”

 Gu Xi, who was sweating coldly, could not care about anything else. He pointed at the battlefield not far away and gave an order to the incarnation of death.

 The Death Incarnation flicked its head, and the one-eyed composite corpse with half of its head chewed off was thrown in front of Gu Xi. Then the Death Incarnation opened its wings and turned into black mist and rushed towards the battlefield.

Although the bearded man has been fighting all the time, half of his attention is still on his men.

 The bearded man was also a little surprised to see that the one-eyed composite corpse was actually killed.

  He is quite familiar with the strength of his men.

The one-eyed pieced together corpse was made by him after he put a lot of effort into killing a Cyclops and then took different materials.

 It usually serves as his mount, and in battle, it can serve as the main force in destroying the city.

 In the end, I only killed a few people, and they were killed easily.

 This shows that the enemy's strength is very strong.

 The bearded man also had a bad thought in his mind.

 At this moment, the incarnation of death has also rushed into the battlefield.

His body is of a giant size, and when his body collides with him on the battlefield, it makes the originally chaotic battlefield even more chaotic.

 Come to the bearded man through the incarnation of chaos and death.

 When the bearded man saw this situation, he jumped and planned to jump on the body of the incarnation of death.

 This was a method he was accustomed to using to deal with giant creatures.

But he never thought that the black mist of death was also a means of attack. When he jumped on it, he felt as if his body was cut by countless wind blades, and his life was reduced by half in an instant.

 (End of this chapter)

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