Breath of the Dead

Chapter 109: The Blood Bride on the Snowfield (please subscribe)

Chapter 109 The Blood Bride on the Snowfield (Please subscribe)



Violent shaking sounds sounded from time to time, and Gu Xi woke up in a daze. Most of his mana was replenished while he was sleeping, and his head no longer hurt as much as when his mana was drained out in the first place.

 Gu Xi still had the energy to take a look at his surroundings.

 He found that the evil coffin had taken him out of the Ice Network Valley and now into the great plain leading to the Sanxian Garden.

Like other places in the world, the great plains in front of us are covered with thick snow.

 In some places, the snow was frozen solid, and Gu Xi's evil coffin moved on the snow, even with the feeling of lightning.

The violent vibration just now was because the evil coffin was constantly changing directions, even jumping over some places that it couldn't walk.

 Lying on the lid of Xie's coffin, Gu Xi looked at it for a long time before he realized that Xie's coffin seemed to be avoiding something.

Thinking of the previous ambush, Gu Xi immediately reacted.

 He patted the coffin lid gently, "You determine the direction, and I will release the incarnation of death."

 The evil coffin can bring Gu Xi here when he is asleep, and he also has a certain amount of intelligence.

As soon as Gu Xi finished speaking, Xie Coffin turned the coffin board so that the side of his head was facing a certain position in Bai Xue.

Gu Xi supported his body with one hand, pulled out the crushing staff with the other hand, and pointed in the direction in front of the evil coffin.

 “Death incarnate!”

At Gu Xi's command, the black mist rushed out of the Shattering Staff in an instant, and the strengthened incarnation of death spread its wings and rushed forward.

Without waiting for Gu Xi’s order, Xie Coffin quickly followed and rushed forward at an extremely fast speed.

This speed almost threw Gu Xi off the coffin lid. Fortunately, Gu Xi reacted quickly and lowered his body down again, so he was not thrown out.

 After Gu Xi calmed down, he could see the situation around him clearly. It turned out that the reason why the evil coffin had to take a detour was because there were powerful enemies everywhere in this snowy field.

Those enemies are lurking in the snowfields and will not appear at all unless they are close.

This time, what stood in front of Gu Xi was a red wedding team.

They were playing and beating all the way, and the gongs and drums were noisy. The blood-red team formed a sharp contrast with the snow-white earth.

But what Gu Xi was more concerned about was not this, but curious about how they hid themselves.

 It wasn’t until Gu Xi rushed to a position more than a thousand meters in front of the team that they suddenly appeared on the snow.

 This is an extremely unreasonable thing.

The death incarnation under Gu Xi had no time to care whether this was reasonable or not. After the enemy appeared, the death incarnation that had been flying in the sky turned its body and turned into a high-speed moving black mist, quickly rushing into the wedding procession. middle.

 Under his impact, Gu Xi also noticed the irrationality of this team.

There was a groom riding on a blood-red bone horse in the team. He was dressed in red robes, with a large blood-red flower on his chest. The white baboon skin was draped on his legs, as if to keep warm. use.

His left hand is also holding more than ten red silk threads.

Behind him were more than a dozen blood-red sedans. Beside each sedan there were sedan bearers, escorting maids and brides, and porters responsible for carrying the dowry.

 Gu Xi could tell at a glance that the groom was the leader of the team, and the dozen or so brides sitting in the sedan were the source of his strength.

"Death incarnate!" Gu Xi patted the coffin lid, quickly took out a bottle of magic potion and put it to his mouth.

But this time the gate of the city of death did not appear behind Gu Xi.

He did not intend to fight here this time. The snowy field in front of him was full of dangers, and Gu Xi was not sure whether there would be new enemies nearby if there was a real fight.

 Gu Xi remembered his mission very clearly.

 Send five powerful undead troops to the Immortal Garden.

 Now there is only the final distance to the Dispersed Fairy Garden, and Gu Xi cannot interrupt the mission here.

After hearing Gu Xi's order, the incarnation of death rushed towards the groom's official immediately. This time, he did not use Death Dragon Breath from the beginning. Instead, he glared his right eye, and a melting light went towards the groom's official. .

As a result, the melting light popped out. With a slight movement of the groom's fingers, a bride wearing a red wedding dress and a red hijab flew out of the sedan and stood in front of the groom.

 The blow of the melting light melted the bride on the spot, leaving only a blood-red wedding dress.

 But what happened in the next second left Gu Xi quite speechless.

A matchmaker who had been following the sedan suddenly stood up on her own initiative, grabbed a blood-red wedding dress and entered the sedan.

It can be seen that this flower matchmaker took the place of the bride who died in the war and became another bride of the groom.

Faced with this situation, the incarnation of death didn't think too much. He glared again and shot out a new melting light.

At this time, the groom's official was also angry. With a wave of his hand, seven brides in blood wedding dresses jumped out of the sedan chair, fell on the incarnation of death, and attacked the incarnation of death with his own hands.

But Death Incarnate is not that easy to fight.

 His body is immune to 75% of physical attacks.

  In other words, if you punch him ten times, only three of them will be effective.

This is the data when Death Incarnation is unlucky. If the data is good, I will give you full immunity directly.

At the same time, I really thought that the incarnation of death was so stupid. As long as the incarnation of death turned into black mist, it would actively tear apart and devour everything around it.

These brides who jumped on the body of the death incarnation were torn into pieces in the black mist of the death incarnation before they had time to change their attack methods.

Judging from the speed at which they died in battle, these brides were only at level 4 or 5. Only the groom was the key, and these brides were just tools.

Gu Xi could understand this, and so could the incarnation of death. He turned his body and rushed towards the wedding procession, using the power of the black mist to tear a hole in the procession.


Seeing that the incarnation of death had gained the upper hand, Gu Xi slapped the coffin lid heavily.

Xie Coffin also knew the meaning of Gu Xi's words. Without any hesitation, he increased his speed to the highest level and rushed out from the road torn out by the incarnation of death.

Just when Xie Coffin rushed into the wedding procession, Gu Xi felt his eyes blurred, surrounded by red silk, and the sound of suona sounded in his ears, but he couldn't tell that he was welcoming a bride or attending a funeral, or even He could still smell the smell of wine and meat on the tip of his nose.

 Gu Xi even had the idea of ​​getting down from the evil coffin and having a drink.

 Fortunately, Xie Coffin himself was not affected by this. He led Gu Xi in a rampage, knocked away the enemies who wanted to surround him, and rushed out from the other end of the team.

 (End of this chapter)

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