Breath of the Dead

Chapter 110: The strong one is coming (12109)

Chapter 110 The strong one attacks (12109)

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The groom in the wedding procession actually saw that Gu Xi was the master of the incarnation of death that was raging in the sky.

As long as Gu Xi is killed, the incarnation of death will be defeated without a fight.

 So when Gu Xi wanted to rush out, the bridegroom officer also focused on Gu Xi.

 But just like that, the incarnation of death seized the opportunity.

 The incarnation of death threw away the others, rushed in front of the groom, opened his mouth, and a green beam of light appeared in his mouth.

 The breath of the dragon of death.

When the green beam of light fell, the groom was also startled. He knew very well his own strength. He would definitely not be able to withstand such an attack full of death intentions.

So he quickly turned his hand, and several brides appeared in front of him to block the blow for him.

 But the number of brides who jumped out was too small, and they were dispersed in an instant.

At this time, the groom has also stepped aside. With the movement of his fingers, batch after batch of his men grabbed the blood wedding dress, entered the sedan chair, and began to transform into the bride, the tool of the groom.

But now the groom has no time to choose. Now not only the matchmaker can become the bride, but also the porters who carry the burden, as long as they are close and take the blood wedding dress, they will enter the sedan chair and transform into the bride. .

Once the new brides are transformed, the groom can control them to fight head-on with the incarnation of death.

 But after the death dragon breath of Death Incarnation is released, nothing else matters.

 The incarnation of death moved back and forth in the sky, and the death dragon's breath swept across the wedding procession in front of him.

 Under the attack of the death dragon's breath, all the sedan chairs and people in the team were killed in one blow.

 Seven or eight seconds later, seven of the sedans that originally had more than ten heads were destroyed on the spot.

 The wedding team was also completely gone by half.

  If the groom's horse hadn't been of good quality, he would have been swept away by the death dragon's breath.

 At this time, the groom's face looked angry.

 “You must die, you must die.”

Roaring, the bridegroom officer didn't care about Gu Xi who had already rushed out of the control range of his team, but rushed towards the incarnation of death with the newly transformed bride.

At this moment, a voice sounded from behind the incarnation of death.

"Young man, I just saw someone rushing out of your station. Can you do it?"

Suddenly appearing behind the incarnation of death was also the leader of the White Walkers dressed in white baboon skin.

It's just that he is different from the White Walker leaders Gu Xi has encountered before. The white baboon skin that this White Walker leader wears is obviously a higher level.

The others' white baboon skins are all just one piece of skin, but the one in front of me has a pair of orange gems inlaid at the baboon's eyes.

“Sir, please don’t worry, I will definitely chase that guy back.”

"If you don't hurry up, we will finally trap three suppression points. If they are destroyed, let's see how the Ghost King will deal with you."

The groom's officer became nervous upon hearing this. He was about to lead his men back, but found that the incarnation of death had turned into black mist, biting at his wedding team.

Facing all this, the groom could only grit his teeth and say, "Sir, now..."

 “I’ll handle this stupid guy, please hurry up.”

 After saying this, the leader of the White Walkers flew towards the incarnation of death.

This new leader of the White Walkers is the high-level leader of the White Walkers who invaded this world. He is no longer a leader, but a White Walker hero, and his level has reached level 9. This time he came here temporarily and did not bring his most proud subordinates with him.

  But there is definitely a big gap between the hero and the boss.

 Not to mention other things, the skills he masters are much higher than those of the boss.

He also saw some of the methods used by the incarnation of death to attack just now.

He could tell at a glance that the incarnation of death was an elemental creature with some ghostly attributes. Physical attacks were not that effective against the incarnation of death, but spell attacks were extremely effective against the incarnation of death.

 This White Walker hero is said to be famous for his magic.

After taking two steps towards the incarnation of death, the White Walker hero pulled out a staff made of ice from under the baboon's skin.


Under the spell of this ghost hero, the incarnation of death was shrouded in the wind and snow. The snowflakes falling in the wind and snow were carrying sharp ice crystals. These ice crystals were like daggers, falling on the incarnation of death. on the body.

 Although Death Incarnate's vitality is very high, as the White Walker hero thought, his spell resistance is not very strong. Spell attacks like blizzard will cause high damage to him.

 Just after a wave of blizzard subsided, the black fog on the body of Death Incarnation was reduced by half. At the same time, his body became obviously ice blue, and his movement speed was much slower.

Finding that the Incarnation of Death was trapped by the White Walker hero, the groom quickly organized the remaining men.

 “Let’s all start playing. Haven’t you eaten? Come on, hurry up.”

The bridegroom's wedding team is actually the source of the groom's ability.

 He ​​is not considered an orthodox troop. Some of the methods in this wedding team are all used to strengthen the groom's own abilities.

Like a drum band that plays pipes and drums, its effect is equivalent to that of a bard in a Western squad. It is a means of using music to enhance the combat effectiveness of the troops.

 Now the bridegroom officer wants his men to speed up a little more so that they can chase Gu Xi back.

As the drum band started playing, the groom looked at the remaining sedan chairs.

 “Are you all ready? Now lend me all your strength, as long as...”

Before the groom finished speaking, he heard a bang, and the incarnation of death, which was suppressed by the blizzard, hit the ground hard.

 The incarnation of death, whose life has come to an end, has not forgotten his mission.

 He shrank his body inward, and a large amount of black mist enveloped him.

 “If you still want to defend yourself, go to hell, Death Storm!”

 When the White Walker hero saw the movements of the Death Incarnation, he thought that the Death Incarnation wanted to protect himself at this time.

 So he changed his hands and released two black tornadoes blowing in the direction of the incarnation of death.

 But at this time, the incarnation of death has completed his preparations.

 The Death Incarnation shrinks himself this time, not for defense, but because he wants to self-destruct.

 The reason why he fell down and landed near the groom official was entirely because Gu Xi's goal set for him at the beginning was to regard the groom official as his primary enemy.

Now the groom is not dead yet, and all the thoughts of the incarnation of death are focused on him.

Seeing the death storm blowing towards him, the incarnation of death concentrated all his power.

 Then he roared at the sky.


 (End of this chapter)

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