Breath of the Dead

Chapter 111: Arrive at Sanxian Garden (13109)

Chapter 111 Arriving at Sanxian Garden (13109)


Gu Xi, who was lying on the coffin lid, suddenly felt a pain in his head and screamed.

"Full speed ahead!"

After regaining consciousness, Gu Xi patted the coffin lid heavily, asking Xie Coffin to think of a way to increase his speed.

 Gu Xi already knew what happened just now.

 Death incarnate died in battle.

 At the beginning of the attack on the wedding procession, Gu Xi could see that the groom's official was not that strong.

If Gu Xi hadn't been in a hurry, he could have stayed where he was and waited for the incarnation of death to kill the groom before leaving.

 As it turned out, the incarnation of death died in the battle just a short time after he rushed out.

If no one else had intervened here, even Gu Xi would not believe it even if he were beaten to death.

 Gu Xi has just been upgraded. His death incarnation is now at level 12, and he is considered to be at the pinnacle of power in this world.

Coupled with the characteristics of the Incarnation of Death, if it were not for powerful troops or soldiers, it would be impossible to force the Incarnation of Death into what it is now.

 The death of Death Incarnation is a reminder to Gu Xi that the enemy is very powerful.

Gu Xi, who understood this, didn't look back at the situation behind him at all. He was just there urging Xie Coffin to speed up a little more.

The movement speed of the evil coffin had actually reached its limit, but it could not withstand Gu Xi's demands, so the evil coffin began to play tricks and take some unusual routes.

 For example, what should you do if you see cracks in the ice?

Normally, shouldn't we take a detour? No matter what, the evil coffin will jump directly over it as soon as it speeds up.

Let’s take another example of a hill. Originally, Evil Coffin would take a detour, but now it doesn’t take a detour. It’s just a matter of rushing up the hill and feeling the feeling of flying.

With this method of running as straight as possible, Gu Xi quickly rushed out of the snowfield and discovered the Fairy Garden in the distance.

Even though he hasn’t arrived yet, as the scenery in front of him changes, Gu Xi knows that he is not in the wrong place.

In front of you is a forest in the middle of the snow. The trees in the forest have turned into purple crystals.

After entering the woods, there is no way for the outside wind and snow to blow in, and the temperature in the woods has obviously increased a lot.

In the woods, Gu Xi saw many wild animals that were also affected, including deer with purple crystal antlers, purple rabbits, and beetles that looked like ice sculptures.

There are some flowers with purple crystals and grass with purple dew on the roadside. Entering the woods, Gu Xi felt like he had entered another world.

 “Don’t stay in the woods, you can’t stand the influence of the woods, come in quickly.”

While Gu Xi was still observing the situation in the woods, a voice came from deep in the woods.

Gu Xi was startled and realized that this was the hero of Chaoyang Guild stationed here.

So Gu Xi quickly patted the coffin lid and walked towards the direction of the sound.

After bypassing some crystallized trees in front of him, Gu Xi's eyes lit up, and a city hidden in the woods appeared in front of Gu Xi.

The city in front of you is full of the style of the mausoleums of Eastern emperors.

 In the middle of the woods is a large mound of earth that is forty meters high.

 All city buildings are built around mounds of earth.

 Only around the mound of sealed soil, everything was not affected by the purple crystals and still maintained its original color. As soon as he saw the situation in front of him, Gu Xi understood that the purple crystallization in the woods was the result of some kind of force that had been suppressed below overflowing.

 If you stay here for a long time, you will definitely be exposed to this kind of power. Eventually, you will be affected by this kind of power and turn into the kind of crystallized monster outside.

 Only within the confines of this land, this is a relatively safe zone that can shield the influence of overflowing forces.

But the city in front of us doesn’t seem to be that big.

 The protection of the city by the mound of earth is only within one thousand meters outside the earth.

Although this mound occupies a relatively large area and expands a certain safety zone, in comparison, the city in front of us does not have much usable land.

 The buildings in the city are mainly concentrated in the east and south areas.

Buildings of various styles are piled up here.

The location where Gu Xi entered was just to the west of the mound of earth. Beyond a few inconspicuous buildings, there were a large number of fields planted with a strange kind of wheat.

These wheats are somewhat similar to flytraps. Before they grow, they emit a large amount of special smell to attract various pests.

As long as those pests get on this wheat, they will be stuck by the mucus secreted by the wheat, and eventually become nutrients for the wheat.

ˆ˜I have to admire this kind of wheat care.

The person who can produce this kind of wheat can be regarded as a super powerful expert.

This not only solves the fertilizer problem of wheat, but also solves the problem of insect pests. As long as there is water, this kind of wheat can be grown in large quantities, and there is no need to worry about the planting environment being unsuitable for wheat growth.

Such an environment made Gu Xi's eyes light up, and he was thinking about whether he should get some seeds back and plant them in Alidovi City.

 At this moment, the previous voice sounded again.

 “Don’t stay there, come to the south side of the seal first.”

Only then did Gu Xi remember his mission. He quickly patted the lid of the coffin, causing the evil coffin to change direction and head towards the south of the mound.

While moving forward, Gu Xi kept looking at the mound of earth in front of him.

Speaking of ancient tombs, what was buried under them may be different, but on the ground, their styles are somewhat unified. They are piled as high as they can and as sharp as they can. At most, the materials are different, and the exterior is different. The decoration is just different.

This mound looks like a pyramid of dirt. The mound maintains the style of an Eastern mausoleum, with not even a root of grass on it.

All the soil is packed tightly, and even strong winds and heavy rains cannot have much impact on this mound.

This also made Gu Xi guess who the owner was under this tomb.

 If such a large mound of earth can be built, the people buried underneath must at least be at the level of kings or above.

 “Comrade, this way.”

Before Gu Xi could judge the situation of the sealed earth mound, the evil coffin had already arrived directly south of the sealed earth mound.

This is the main urban area of ​​Sanxian Garden. As soon as he entered here, he saw a woman wearing a blue gauze skirt waving to him.

The woman was carrying a long sword as tall as herself on her back. When she waved, Gu Xi also noticed that the woman was wearing silver gloves.

“Are you here to transport troops? I am an official member of the Knights of the Sun under Chaoyang Guild, a level 5 death knight. You can call me Shu Daiyi.

 Let me ask you again, are you a player who transported troops? "

 (End of this chapter)

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