Breath of the Dead

Chapter 112: The real fairy garden (please subscribe)

Chapter 112 The real fairy garden (please subscribe)

"Yes, he is a new intern at Chaoyang Guild. He received the task of transporting troops to Sanxian Garden. Five troops were transported this time, a total of 5,500 people. There was a battle on the road, and 204 people were lost in the battle. All others were transported to ”

As soon as Gu Xi saw that Shu Dai also planned to do business, he immediately started talking. At the same time, he was also preparing to open the city gate and directly hand over the undead troops that were transported.

“Farewell now, don’t leave the troops here, I’ll take you there.

In addition, when transporting troops, 10% of them are allowed to float. You only need to provide 5,000 soldiers later, and the rest is yours. "


"Stop, come with me. I'll take you to see the city lord. But this time the guild has made a profit. The level limit will be directly reached during the internship period. It seems that your talent is very good."

Level cap?

 Gu Xi was stunned for a moment, and then realized that at some point, his experience had reached the level 5 standard. However, because the activation task was stuck, he was unable to upgrade to level 5 for the time being.

At the same time, Gu Xi also noticed that all the overflowing experiences were present. Judging from the current situation, he had just received more than 5,000 experiences.

 Gu Xi frowned and quickly flipped through the pages, finally finding a clue in the prompts.

  【Death Incarnation (spell product) kills the White Walker leader (level 9), you get 5133 experience points (experience +5%). 】

 That groom officer is dead!

Gu Xi thought with certainty.

Looking at Gu Xi frowning, Shu Dai, who was leading the way, also smiled.

 “Why, you don’t know how to activate your talents?”

 “Ah, yes, I haven’t learned this in college.”

Gu Xi smiled and quickly explained the matter.

"Don't worry. If you don't learn in the academy, you will definitely be arranged in the guild. You are a necromancer, and my method is not suitable for you. You can talk to the city lord yourself later, and you will be able to activate your talents and upgrade again soon. "

As Shu Daiyi spoke, he guided Gu Xi in a certain direction.

Because Gu Xi was riding the evil coffin, Shu Daiyi also called out his mount, which was a purple war horse. The whole body of the war horse was wrapped in thick horse armor, with only a pair of flaming swords exposed. Eyes of blue flame.

Beside the war horse, there is also a purple battle flag with a little goblin with butterfly wings painted on it.

After riding on the war horse, Shu Daiyi raised the battle flag, and three goblins flew out from nearby and followed Shu Daiyi.

These three goblins are about the same size as normal goblins. They are wearing purple robes, and the butterfly wings on their backs are emitting a faint blue light.

"This is?"

 “Oh, my ghoul, follow me, I will take you to see the city lord.”


Gu Xi was a little speechless. With a ghoul like this, I'm afraid I've joined a fake undead guild.

Their group soon arrived at an earthen hut on the edge of Fengtu.

 Compared with the various buildings outside, the earthen house in front of us is not very high. From the outside, it looks only over two meters high, with a single room.

In this mud house, there is an old man wearing linen clothes and holding a broom.

This old man is different from the fairy-like style of the guild president. He is really old, and the wrinkles on his face can kill someone.

When he saw Gu Xi approaching, the old man first put down the broom in his hand, and then straightened up.

“You are the comrade who transported the troops here, right? Where are the troops?”

“Take them all with you and let them out now?”

 Gu Xi glanced around and saw that the space here was very small.

"Come in and talk." The old man waved to Gu Xi and asked him to enter the earthen house first.

Shudai also said to the old man at this time: "City Lord, the people have been sent to you. I have to go on patrol, so I won't stay here any longer."

 “You go ahead, I’ll take care of things here.”

As the old man spoke, he waved to Gu Xi.

 Gu Xi knew that this was the city lord of Sanxian Garden, so he lowered his guard and followed him into the hut.

“This hut was where the tombkeepers lived next to the mound. Later, when we took over the place, we modified the hut and turned it into an elevator to enter the Sanxian Garden.”


 Gu Xi was stunned on the spot.


 He thought this was the meeting hall of Sanxian Garden.

 Unexpectedly, it turned out to be an elevator.

While talking, Gu Xi also felt the ground shaking slightly. After the shaking stopped, the old man opened the door and took Gu Xi out.

When he got out of the elevator, Gu Xi couldn't help but be shocked by the scene in front of him.

At this time, they actually came to the underground cave. When they looked up, they found that the ceiling of the cave was all covered with purple crystals. The light refracted from nowhere fell on these crystals and was reflected out through the crystals. The whole cave turned purple.

 In the cave is a large city covering an area of ​​at least 300 square kilometers.

 The entire city is built around a huge stone pillar.

There were countless corpses crawling up the stone pillars. At the same time, Gu Xi noticed that a large number of light spots were constantly circling around the stone pillars.

"This is?"

"The underground of Fengtu Mound is also the main body of Sanxian Garden. Of course, we don't know what this city was called before. The only thing we can know is that on the stone pillar, where the Fengtu Mound tomb is, there is a person buried there. A loose immortal.

 Don't look at me like that, we found this when we were searching for information under the tomb. The person buried above called himself Sanxian.

The purple crystals you see above are all the energy overflowing from the corpse of this loose immortal. They are also the dragon blood crystals we usually need. The metal on the ground affected by the overflowing energy is what we call dragon steel.

 We are usually responsible for suppressing this place and preventing others from disturbing the balance here.

At the same time, I also collected some materials here. This time the world was invaded. In order to deal with some situations, some soldiers in the city were mobilized, which made the situation a little difficult.

By the way, where are your soldiers? "

Only then did Gu Xi react. He suppressed the shock in his heart and opened the gate of the city of death. Five undead troops quickly walked out of the city.

Seeing these soldiers appear, the old man changed his previous appearance and counted the number and strength of these five undead troops with a serious look on his face.

After confirming that there were enough people and that they were not just filling up the number with **** undead, the old man nodded to Gu Xi with satisfaction and said.

"Well done, comrade. The arrival of this group of troops has solved my biggest problem. I have something to do now, so I won't keep you any longer. This is proof that you have completed your mission. After you exit this world, you can go find government affairs I’ll exchange it for the reward.”

As he spoke, the old man took out a silver finger bone-like object and handed it to Gu Xi's hand.

 Then, without waiting for Gu Xi to ask what was going on, the old man ordered decisively.

“The Yinfeng Camp and the Ghost Qi Camp took off and entered the underground camp to suppress the changes.”

 (End of this chapter)

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