Breath of the Dead

Chapter 113: Sudden battle (please subscribe)

 Chapter 113 Sudden Battle (Please subscribe)

Seeing the old man busy himself, Gu Xi felt a little embarrassed. Where would he go next? Are he just here to watch?

 Or is he ready to leave?

Just when Gu Xi looked confused, two more players came out of the underground city.

The two players are obviously dressed differently. One looks like a miner, and the other is wearing heavy armor, like a defender in the city.

 They came to the old man quickly.

“City Lord, have the troops been sent here?”

Before anyone could reach him, the man in heavy armor was already mumbling.

The old man was commanding two ghost troops to enter the designated position. When he saw him coming, the old man said rudely.

“Just worry about what you have. Look, those heavily armored zombies are for you. That’s enough.”

“That’s enough, I know the city lord will not forget me. The city lord doesn’t know that since you transferred my troops, the dragon cubs over there have become dishonest.”

"You are the only one who talks a lot." The old man glanced at the heavily armored player and said, "Go and divide the troops. Wu Qian didn't come. Liu Su, please help bring the light shooter group assigned to him."

 “Okay.” The player on the side who was dressed like a miner responded.

 The two of them quickly guided the remaining three troops and took them aside.

 They did not even look at Gu Xi during the whole process, and the old man had no intention of introducing them to Gu Xi.

From the perspective of these players, Gu Xi is just a comrade who temporarily sent troops here. After he leaves, Gu Xi will leave, and there may not be a chance to come to Sanxian Garden again next time.

 It doesn't matter how good their relationship with Gu Xi is.

This is just a waste of energy.

 Wouldn’t it be nice for them to have that time to do something they want to do?

This situation made Gu Xi a little embarrassed. Just when he was thinking about how to propose leaving, the ground suddenly shook.

 Gu Xi heard the sound of heavy drums coming from above.

 The old man's expression changed, "Here we go again."

After finishing speaking, the old man turned around and looked around, and found that Gu Xi was still standing there. He thought for a while and said to Gu Xi: "Comrade, there is a war above. There are currently insufficient manpower here in Sanxian Garden. We need to No, how about you come and help me too.

 Don’t worry, your work will not be in vain, and the corresponding supplies will be sufficient by then.

 Besides, now that group of shameless guys are fighting again. Even if you want to quit the game now, it's too late, so just use it to make extra money. "

 “Okay, who should I report to?”

 Gu Xi doesn’t mind participating in the battle. As a necromancer, any battle is a good opportunity for him to upgrade. The old man’s words are what Gu Xi wants right now.

“You take the elevator up and report directly to Captain Wood. He will arrange everything. I have something to deal with here, so I won’t leave you alone.”

As the old man spoke, he sent Gu Xi back to the elevator.

When the elevator door closed, Gu Xi noticed that the ghosts from Yinfengying and Guiqiying that he had sent before flew to the tall stone pillars in the underground space.

As they joined, there were obviously many more light spots hovering around the stone pillars. At the same time, the crystals on the ceiling were also much brighter. Some places even turned bright purple, unlike before, which was the dark purple. .

Gu Xi finally figured out that these ghosts were used to suppress the corpses of Sanxian above the stone pillars. Before he came, this place had been affected by some influences. The number of suppressing troops decreased, and the aura emanating from the corpses of Sanxian was somewhat uncontrollable.

 He sent more than 5,000 troops to suppress Sanxian Garden.

As for the White Walkers outside, they are not actually paying attention to them. Perhaps in the eyes of these few people, the White Walkers outside can be defeated by just a player.

 Gu Xi wanted to take another look, but the elevator door had closed, cutting off Gu Xi's sight. Soon, Gu Xi was sent back to the small house by the elevator. Before he opened the door of the small house, Gu Xi heard the rapid sound of drums coming from outside.

"Hurry up, move quickly, put up the battle flag for me, release all the troops, there is no need to wait for any time to use them now."

 In the beating of the drums, a voice spread throughout the city.

Even Gu Xi in the hut could hear it clearly.

Hearing this voice, Gu Xi became nervous. He opened the door and went out without having time to think about it.

 In the chaotic crowd, Gu Xi caught a running Necromancer player.

"Comrade, I want to ask where Wood is. I want to report to Wood."

The player who was dragged by Gu Xi looked Gu Xi up and down, "You are the transport team that sent the troops here, I don't have time to care about you now. You should find a place to hide first until we finish the battle." "

 After saying this, the player shook off Gu Xi's hand and ran in one direction.

 “Hey, just wait, I can join the fight too.”

 Before Gu Xi could stop him, the player had already run away without knowing where he was going.

Helplessly, Gu Xi could only turn his attention to the other players, but no matter where he looked, no player wanted to pay attention to him.

 Finally, there was an old player who couldn't stand it anymore. He said to Gu Xi when he passed by.

"Don't embarrass them. Wood's military order is strict and they don't dare to talk to you. If you want to join in, just go over there and find Wood."

 After speaking, the veteran player pointed Gu Xi in the direction.

Looking in the direction pointed by the veteran player, Gu Xi found a strong man more than two meters tall standing under a huge flagpole that was thirty meters high.

 He wears thick plate armor, which is covered with gold and silver skull patterns. In one hand he holds a staff that is taller than him, and in the other hand he holds a shield.

 Gu Xi couldn't figure out for a while whether he was a necromancer or a death knight.

There were a large number of ravens hovering around him. From time to time, he would say a few words to the ravens and ask them to go down and deliver orders.

At this time, the strong man also saw Gu Xi. He glared and said, "What are you doing standing there? Why don't you return to your position quickly?"

“Well, I came here to transport troops. I just handed over the troops. Where should I go next?”

"He's here to transport troops. Oh, you're the little guy who just entered the city. How many troops do you have now? I'll arrange a place for you."

"There are still more than four hundred people, but I..."

"It's so few, okay." Before Gu Xi could finish his words, he was interrupted by the strong man, "You can go to Bingliu District, four hundred soldiers is almost enough, I don't care what method you use, just hold it there I'll give you credit.

 After this battle is over, if you come to me, you will not be short of any rewards you deserve. "

 After saying this, the strong man waved his hand, and a raven flew in front of Gu Xi.

“You follow the raven to District B6 first. If there are any new orders, I will ask the raven to take you there.”

 After saying this, the strong man ignored Gu Xi and directed the other players to come.

 (End of this chapter)

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