Breath of the Dead

Chapter 114: Garrison (14109)

Chapter 114 Garrison (14109)

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 Led by the raven, Gu Xi quickly arrived at his defense area, which was an open space in the southwest corner of the Sanxian Garden.

 Behind him is a functional building, and in front of him is an open space about the size of a football field.

This is the B6 area assigned to Gu Xi, and Gu Xi's task is also very simple: to prevent any enemy from passing through the open space in front and attacking the building behind him.

As long as this building can be defended, there is nothing else to worry about.

 “Hey, new guy, what do you call him?”

After getting into position, before Gu Xi could release his soldiers, a voice came from not far away.

 Gu Xi looked up and found a pure black full-body armor standing not far away. The sound came from this full-body armor.

It's just that the full armor seems to be too big for this person, and Gu Xi can't see this person's face.

"Who are you?"

“Death Knight Du Wushuang is responsible for cooperating and fighting with you.”

The man in full armor tried his best to turn his head, "Don't worry, I am a level 4 death knight. I have enough combat power to protect you in battle."

 “I’ve never worried about my safety.”

At this time, Gu Xi had already sat on the evil coffin, but this time he did not wrap himself up in a quilt. Instead, he pointed his hand and released the gate of the city of death.

At this time, changes have been noticed at the gate of the Death City. A section reinforced with thick bones appeared in front and behind the gate. At the same time, a flagpole more than ten meters high also appeared on the gate.

 Looking at the empty battle flag with nothing on it, it was hung on the flagpole.

 Although it is a white flag, the thumbs up on the flag can still prove Gu Xi's identity as a chief.

 Although he is only the top graduate of the college, this is enough.

 In Du Wushuang's surprised gaze, a large number of undead troops began to move outward.

After the last battle, Gu Xi's men's combat effectiveness has been improved in all aspects, especially the skeleton soldiers of the Bone-cutting Battalion and the two combat teams. The newly added zombies all wore uniforms stolen from the ghost soldiers. of complete armor.

“There are 196 people in the Bone-cutting Battalion, 1 combat team with 46 people, 2 combat teams with 49 people, 209 skeleton shooters, 59 zombies, and 52 ghosts.”

As his troops walked out, Gu Xi was already making calculations in his mind.

Just after Gu Xi handed over the transported undead to the city lord, the remaining ghosts already belonged to Gu Xi.

 There was no need for Gu Xi to explain anything, Luna had already helped Gu Xi sort out everything.

Skeleton soldiers are assigned to the three armies, and skeleton shooters, zombies and ghosts are also gathered together.

 Although they have not yet been baptized and tempered by battle, the number is already sufficient.

The six hundred undead troops have a minimum strength of level 3, and the most advanced ghosts have reached level 7. This kind of combat power is ranked high in Sanxian Garden.

 Seeing Gu Xi's undead troops standing in the open space in front of them, Du Wushuang was immediately stunned.

 “The number of your troops.”

 “What’s wrong with this quantity?”

Gu Xi asked in confusion while directing the troops to stand in position.

"This number is a bit too much. There are at least five, no, more than six hundred soldiers here. Your strength has exceeded most of the necromancers left here.

 Are you a talented student in the guild? "

 Gu Xi couldn't explain the situation to Du Wushuang for a while. He can't say that he lost more than 290 undead soldiers because of a troop transport, and they were all of a relatively high level.

 He could only laugh.

 Then he turned his gaze forward.

“Comrades, what should we do next?”

"Just wait here, just wait for someone to kill us. At first, I thought we would have to use a lot of force this time, but with you here, it will be fine."

Du Wushuang explained with a smile.

 “Can they hit here?”

“That’s so new. The Sanxian Garden is only a small place, and the ground is not taken seriously. Except for the amethyst forest outside, there is no city wall for defense. Individuals can come in from any direction.

It is normal for the enemy to come in.

But don’t worry, there are a lot of players in Sanxian Garden.

Each player has a certain amount of troops in hand. After the incident this time, all the players who went out to do the mission also returned. The current troops are enough to deal with all troubles. "

"How many people are there? Why do I think the city lord is not willing to take care of things on the ground?"

"Let me tell you this, even if this part of the city on the ground is completely destroyed, the city lord will not even take a glance at it. He only cares about two things. The first is the collection of the overflowing energy of the loose immortals below, the dragon blood crystal With Dragonsteel, you necromancers are in luck.

 The second is to suppress the corpse of Sanxian.

 He never cared about the rest.

  Matters on the ground are generally handled by a committee of ten. "

 “Committee of Ten?”

“Yes, it is the city management organization composed of the commander-in-chief, knight commander, mage leader, blacksmith, doctor, tavern owner, farmer, hunter, scout and merchant.

 They all discussed matters on the ground.

 Unless there is something really big, the city lord will generally not interfere with their decisions. "

“Commander in Chief, Knight Commander…are these nicknames or what?”

"Some are nicknames, and some are positions. For example, the commander-in-chief is Wood. He is the commander-in-chief of the Sanxian Garden troops appointed by the guild. He has the right to mobilize all the troops in Sanxian Garden, and he can also direct all players to participate. fighting.

The Knight Commander and the Mage Leader are their nicknames. They are the strongest death knights and necromancers here in Sanxian Garden, and death knights and necromancers are also willing to listen to their opinions.

The blacksmith is the owner of the blacksmith shop. Don’t underestimate him. He is the strongest craftsman in Sanxian Garden. I heard that as long as he has enough materials, he can even create purple equipment.

 The situation is the same for doctors and tavern owners. They all have some skills, especially the tavern owner. He is the city's enquirer. If you want to know anything, just ask him.

As for the farmers and hunters, they are the managers of the non-governmental organizations in the city. The farmers' organization is responsible for the farmland in the west of the city, and the hunters are responsible for hunting the small animals in the amethyst forest.

They actually provide food for the city. Although the status of one or two farmers and hunters is not high, when there are more people, they still have some status in the city.

The same is true for the scouts and merchants at the back, but their importance is actually not as important as that of farmers and hunters.

Of course, the scouts here actually replace the miners, but you also know that the miners are underground and they are not managed above ground. Even if you have opinions, there is nothing you can do.

  In the end, it’s all the business of the gentlemen, and we can only accept it no matter how they arrange it. "

 (End of this chapter)

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