Breath of the Dead

Chapter 118: Uncover the enemy (16112)

Chapter 118 Uncovering the Enemy (16112)

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With the old woman being killed, the situation at the scene returned to Gu Xi's control.

The original situation where at least three White Walker leaders surrounded and killed Gu Xi has now turned into a situation where Gu Xi's troops are fighting a White Walker leader.

 Although the commander changed from Gu Xi to Luna, the incarnation of death in the sky gave her enough confidence.

 Under Luna's command, Gu Xi's undead troops fought head-on with the crow soldiers.

 The strength of the two sides is almost the same, and the numbers are also about the same. What they are fighting now is their respective command.

Luna is not a professional commander, but the undead troops under Gu Xi have a full range of troops, flying in the sky and running underground. The most important thing is that only the skeleton soldiers can produce four types of troops, and the cooperation between them is quite good.

Unlike the crow soldiers, there was only one spearman. Under Luna's control, the two sides were still fighting. Luna was even able to spare some ghost troops to pay attention to the battle on Gu Xi's side.

Handing the main battlefield into Luna's hands, Gu Xi drove the evil coffin and rushed to the building he was guarding.

 At first, Gu Xi was only chatting with Du Wushuang, and did not pay attention to the situation of the building behind him.

 Before I even had time to ask what this building was for.

When he came over now, Gu Xi only saw white pieces of paper falling from the sky and sticking to the outer wall of the building, seemingly transforming the building into a paper building.

Death Knight Du Wushuang was waving the heavy sword in his hand, cutting down the falling pieces of white paper, but his attack range was still too small. If he cut off a piece of white paper, a new piece of white paper would appear immediately. When the film appeared, he simply couldn't handle the situation in front of him.

When he saw Gu Xi coming over, the helmet on Du Wushuang's head was still shaking, but he couldn't speak for a while.

 “Do you know where the enemy is?”

At a glance, Gu Xi knew that there was no way to hack at the moment. Unless the enemy was found, there was no way to crack it with this method.

Du Wushuang rolled her eyes when she heard this. If she knew where the enemy was, she would be able to fight like this.

Seeing that Du Wushuang could not answer and Gu Xi ignored him, he said loudly: "The incarnation of death, moving in a large area!"

As soon as the incarnation of death, which had already flown high in the sky, heard this, he flew straight from the sky. When he flew down, the effect of the black mist on him was fully activated.

 Every person within about ten meters of the incarnation of death will be affected by this black mist.

This is the happiest time for the Death Incarnation. In the city of Alidovi, when the Death Incarnation was flying, it did not dare to release its own black mist for fear of destroying the buildings below.

It's different now. If Gu Xi requires full power, then he should enjoy it.

The incarnation of death rushed downwards and rushed into the range of the falling white papers. In the black mist, all the white papers were torn into pieces. The destruction speed was much faster than Du Wushuang. .

With the incarnation of death taking over, Du Wushuang breathed a sigh of relief, but he did not take any time off. When there was no white paper falling in the sky, Du Wushuang rushed to the outside of the building and put the white paper that had been affixed to it. cut off.

At this time, Gu Xi was paying attention to every move of the incarnation of death. He understood that after such a large-scale destruction of the enemy's attack, the enemy would definitely come up with new methods.

 Now we have to see where the enemy's blank paper comes from.

Sure enough, as all the white paper falling from the sky was shattered, new white paper appeared again.

This time Gu Xi found that the white paper appeared in the southeast corner of the building.

At the same time, the direction of White Paper's attack is no longer this building, but the incarnation of death flying in the sky.

When Gu Xi saw this situation, he stretched out his hand and patted the evil coffin, and the evil coffin headed towards the southeast corner of the building. When Gu Xi rushed to that position, he saw the last piece of white paper flying from the corner to the sky.

Gu Xi didn't think much at all, he just hit that location with the crushing staff in his hand.

   ‘Hit someone. ’

The feel of the crushing staff came, and Gu Xi's eyes lit up. It would be good if he hit someone. What he was afraid of was that he didn't hit anyone.

 Even if it feels different when hitting someone.

Gu Xi turned his hand over and thrust the crushing staff forward, "Bone spur!"

A bone spur thrust forward, and then a crash was heard. Gu Xi felt as if he had scratched something.

 Looking closer, Gu Xi laughed. In front of him was a paper man with a wall pattern drawn on it.

If Gu Xi hadn't hit him, looking at him from a distance, he really wouldn't have seen such a paper man hiding here.

 This is really physical invisibility.

While smiling, Gu Xi raised the smashing staff and smashed it at the paper man. Every time he hit it, Gu Xi would curse.

“You’re a paper man, you’re sneaking in, you want this building, you go to hell!”

 After three or two blows, Gu Xi smashed the paper man into pieces.

Then Gu Xi waved to the sky, "Fly close to the wall and the ground, and find all the paper figures hidden here for me."

Black mist rolled up around the incarnation of death, and all the white pieces of paper flying towards him were smashed into powder. At the same time, the black mist was released, and the body of the incarnation of death expanded again, and according to Gu Xi's wishes, it was pressed against the ground. and the wall began to fly.

Gu Xi wanted to chase the incarnation of death at first, but the flying speed of the incarnation of death was so fast that even the evil coffin could not keep up, and the incarnation of death was right in front of Gu Xi, right nearby. Sweeping back and forth.

 Gu Xi could see everything clearly even if he stood where he was.

 In the end, Gu Xi simply observed where he was.

Just as Gu Xi guessed, some hidden paper figures were soon found by the incarnation of death.

Some paper figures still wanted to resist, but their fighting ability was really not that strong. They just turned around and were torn into pieces, leaving nothing behind.

As Gu Xi found a way to break the situation, the building behind was no longer affected by the paper. In addition, Du Wushuang worked hard to clean up the paper stuck to the building, and the building slowly recovered. The original appearance.

At this time, Gu Xi also saw the condition of this building.

This is a two-story oriental-style building. Due to the impact of the paper attack just now, the outer wall of the building has become much shallower.

However, there were not many changes inside the small building. Gu Xi poked his head inside and found that there were a large number of stones and masonry tools piled inside the small building.

Seeing Gu Xi looking in, Du Wushuang also explained to Gu Xi: "This is a jewelry shop. In addition to making jewelry, it also makes stone figures, stone idols, and other things."

Gu Xi understood instantly, and at the same time he thought that making jewelry in this shop was probably a side job.

 (End of this chapter)

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