Breath of the Dead

Chapter 119: Kills (17112)

Chapter 119 Kill (17112)

 After knowing the origin of this building, Gu Xi shifted his attention to other places.

 He found that the white-haired warrior who was fighting Luna had already decided to quit, and there was a disconnect among the troops under his command.

Some crow soldiers seemed to have gone crazy, taking the initiative to fight against Gu Xi's undead troops, not caring about their own casualties.

 The other part of the crow soldiers retreated to the side of the white-haired warrior, seemingly protecting the white-haired warrior from attack.

This is actually a very reasonable tactic, but there is a problem. Luna's control over the undead troops is not strong. She did not rush to attack the white-haired warriors, but made a smooth layout and attacked the crow soldiers steadily. .

 The white-haired warrior's reaction was obviously wrong.

 He was trying to escape.

Seeing that there were no paper figures nearby, Gu Xi quickly pointed his hand in the direction of the white-haired warrior.

 “Kill him, don’t let him get away.”

As soon as the death incarnation heard this, it flew up and turned into black mist and rushed towards the white-haired warrior.

Facing the incarnation of death rushing towards him, a trace of anger flashed in the eyes of the white-haired warrior.

 Gu Xi's behavior clearly meant that he looked down upon him.

As a samurai, the white-haired warrior had great pride. Looking at the incarnation of death flying over, the white-haired samurai pulled out the katana beside him and faced the incarnation of death head-on.

At the same time, all the crow soldiers did not wait for the white-haired warrior's order, raised their spears, and aimed at the flying incarnation of death.

 The incarnation of death didn't care about this at all. He rushed directly towards the white-haired warrior. At the same time, his right eye widened, and a gray light flashed in his eye.

The white-haired samurai has never seen the ability of the Incarnation of Death before, and thought that the Incarnation of Death relies on black mist to attack. He is quite confident in his sword skills. His sword can cut through waterfalls.

Now he can also cut through the black mist and cut open the bone dragon in front of him.

But the incarnation of death had no idea of ​​colliding with the white-haired warrior. When it flew less than ten meters away from the white-haired warrior, the incarnation of death glared with its right eye, and a gray light was shot out.

 Melt the light.

 The white-haired warrior's sword can cut through everything, but it cannot cut through light.

When the gray light flew towards him, the white-haired samurai slashed it with his sword. As a result, his sword melted on the spot.

The white-haired warrior turned his body downwards, trying to roll away from the attack of the incarnation of death. Unexpectedly, another gray light fell, hitting the direction of the white-haired warrior's roll.

 The white-haired warrior temporarily used his waist force to turn himself over again and dodged the blow.

But the few crow soldiers behind the white-haired warrior were not so lucky. When the gray light fell, they melted on the spot and died.

 Without the obstruction of the white-haired warrior, the black mist incarnated by death swept in a large number of crow soldiers on the spot.

These crow soldiers who were involved, like the white paper before, were all turned into pieces in the black mist.

However, the incarnation of death did not forget his mission of rushing over this time. He turned around in the air, turned his head and pounced on the white-haired warrior.

  The white-haired warrior pulled out his spare sword at this time and was about to rush towards the incarnation of death again.

 At this moment, the incarnation of death emitted the melting ray again.

This time it was no longer one ray of light, but five rays of light emitted at the same time, hitting all locations around the white-haired warrior.

 What the hell!

 The white-haired warrior couldn't help shouting in his heart. How could such a powerful attack be used so many times in one go?

Shouldn’t this kind of attack be used when the game is broken?

  Although the white-haired warrior shouted like this, he still kept twisting his body, trying to escape from the gray light.

He never thought that the five rays of death's attack were just feints. One of the melting rays was hidden in another ray of light and was secretly released.

The two rays of light appear to overlap on the surface, but in fact there is a certain angle difference in between.

 You can't see it at first, but when it's about to hit the white-haired warrior, the difference becomes much bigger.

The white-haired warrior just dodged based on what he observed. As a result, he dodged the other five melting rays, but did not dodge this final blow.

  His waist was hit by this melting light, and he was knocked away for a distance on the spot.

As soon as Death Incarnate saw this opportunity, he immediately rushed forward, and the bone claws in the black mist hit the white-haired warrior heavily.

The white-haired warrior was hit by the melting light and was seriously injured. With the blow of the bone claw, most of the white-haired warrior's bones were broken.

But the incarnation of death has not let go of the white-haired warrior yet. He poked his head out of the black mist and bit the white-haired warrior's upper body. He held the opponent down with his bone claws and flicked his head.

Then the body of the white-haired warrior was torn into two pieces, with blood and flesh flying everywhere. The white-haired warrior died on the spot, with no hope of survival.

  【Death Incarnation (spell product) kills the White Walker leader (level 8), you get 4615 experience points (experience +5%). 】

After seeing this news, Gu Xi shouted to Luna.

 “Luna, come on!”

Luna immediately understood what Gu Xi meant, and she no longer suppressed Gu Xi's men. She waved her hand and all the undead troops rushed out.

 The Crow Soldiers were also in chaos at this time. Their leader was gone, and now they didn't know what to do.

Facing the undead troops rushing over, although the crow soldiers still fought back, they no longer had the energy and spirit they had before.

They seemed to be responding to a battle. Only when the attack fell on them would they become unstable and there was no cooperation between them.

 This gave the undead troops a better opportunity to attack, and the undead quickly killed the crow soldiers in front of them.

Seeing this situation, Gu Xi couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. He turned back to Du Wushuang and asked, "Have you not found the paper man yet?"

"No, I don't know where he came from, but don't worry, I have reported this matter to the police and someone will deal with it soon."

Gu Xi did not respond, but just raised his hand towards the battlefield, and the incarnation of death flew into the air again. At the same time, Gu Xi also raised his shattering staff and pointed at the battlefield.

 At the beginning of the battle, Gu Xi didn't have time to use the Soul Extraction Technique. Now that the situation was under control, Gu Xi naturally wouldn't waste such a good opportunity.

As the Soul Extraction Technique was used, a large number of faint blue light points flew towards Gu Xi like meteors.

Du Wushuang was dumbfounded by such an action.

She has never seen a necromancer like Gu Xi before. The battle is not over yet, so she is thinking about cleaning up the battlefield.

Feeling Du Wushuang's gaze, Gu Xi also looked back.

Then he stretched out his hand, and the soul that had just been extracted quickly returned and fell into the corpse of the crow soldier on the ground.

 “Spiritist, get up!”

 (End of this chapter)

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