Breath of the Dead

Chapter 120: Unexpected loot (please subscribe)

Chapter 120 Unexpected loot (please subscribe)

“Hey, the battle isn’t over yet, why don’t you waste your mana like this?”

Looking at Gu Xi's actions, Du Wushuang was speechless. Gu Xi just drank a bottle of magic potion. Now he was wasting his mana here. If something happened again later, he could still take out a bottle. Magic potion coming?

 In the end, Gu Xi didn't respond to her. He just took out a bottle of magic potion and shook it in Du Wushuang's direction.

 Then Gu Xi's attention was focused on the skeleton that had just gotten up.

 Gu Xi’s spiritualism level is close to level 5, but the undead summoned are still the same as before. No matter how strong the corpse and soul used are, all the skeletons summoned in the end are level 0 skeletons.

 There is nothing Gu Xi can do about this for the time being, unless he gets some corresponding equipment or special skills.

However, what Gu Xi asked this time was not to immediately replenish the lost troops, but to increase his proficiency in spiritualism and get another batch of skeletons to clean up the battlefield. The level 0 skeletons in front of him were just right.

When these skeletons got up from the ground, they immediately picked up the original spears of the crow soldiers. As for the crow soldiers' hats and armor, they were already broken when the corpses turned into skeletons.

Moreover, Gu Xi didn't like such garbage, so he naturally didn't let them collect it.

On the other hand, the corpse of the white-haired warrior who was torn into two pieces by the incarnation of death, the corpse of the old woman who was killed by the skeleton shooter's fire, and the large and small crucibles were all brought to Gu Xi.

Also sent over were the body of the red-skinned monster and the flesh and blood of the Headless Horseman.

By the way, the headless horseman’s horse was actually still alive. It was chained up by the heavily armored zombies and carried together by the skeleton in front of Gu Xi.

As each item was delivered, Gu Xi turned to Du Wushuang and said.

 “If there is anything you want, you can come and pick one.”

Du Wushuang waved his hands repeatedly, "No, you are almost all responsible for this battle. I have no record at all. These are your trophies. I still don't want them."

"What's the matter? Everyone is guarding the same place. This is fate. I think you only use two-handed swords, so I'll give you this."

As Gu Xi said this, he took off the opponent's spare fighting knife from the white-haired warrior and presented it to Du Wushuang.

 【Zhan Tie (blue, main hand weapon)】

  【Attack: 6-9】

 【After equipped: Agility +3】

  【Equipment requirements: Agility 3】

  【Special 1: Cutting Iron, holding the knife with both hands, breathing calmly, slashing out with one knife, which can cut all metal objects in two. 】

  【Special 2: Continuous Slashes, it is possible to perform consecutive slashes when attacking. The number of consecutive slashes is related to the agility. Each sword is 85% of the power of the previous sword. 】

                                :                         : Speedung slash and slow dart to cut each have their own advantages, but balance is not optional, you must decide whether you want to go faster or slower. 】

When Du Wushuang took over the samurai sword, she saw the properties of the sword, and she was also shocked by it.

 “This is not possible, this is already blue quality, very valuable, I can’t have it.”

"I ask you to accept it, so you accept it. There is nothing you can't ask for."

 Gu Xi put the Zhan Tie into Du Wu's hands and started looking at other things.

Except for the iron-cutting katana, only a piece of white baboon skin remained on the white-haired samurai. All other armor and equipment melted under the influence of the light.

As for his body, it was torn into two pieces, and it was impossible to turn it into a skeleton.

However, Gu Xi still found something good in the white-haired warrior, and that was his white hair.

  【Lion Hair Beard (green): The long hair turned into by the white lion's mane can be used as tailoring material to make clothes or battle flags. 】hhhhh Gu Xi didn't expect that the white hair on this head was also good material, so he pulled out a long sword and shaved off all the white-haired warrior's hair in three strokes, five by two, and turned the white-haired warrior into a Became a bald warrior.

After that, Gu Xi asked people to drag the body of the bald warrior down, and turned his attention to the old woman who had become an arrow target.

This old woman also has a piece of white baboon skin on her body. Gu Xi already has four of them, and he doesn't know if seven of them can summon the dragon.

  Different from the white-haired warrior, this old woman has obviously more things on her body.

 She should be a pharmacist, carrying many different potions with her.

  【Magic Potion (Large): Instantly replenishes 1500 mana points after drinking it. 】

 【Life Potion (Large): Instantly replenishes 800 health points after drinking it. 】

  【Lion King Potion (green): After drinking, strength and agility +4, lasting 30 minutes. 】


  【Unidentified potion (grey): Unidentified potion, no one will know the effect after drinking it. 】


  【Failed potion (grey): A potion that failed to brew has an 80% chance of being poisoned after drinking it. 】


Looking at Gu Xi taking out potion bottles of various colors from the old woman one after another, Du Wushuang, who was holding the iron-cutting samurai sword, was also a little speechless.

How many bottles are there? What is the background of the old woman in front of me? She has so many potions.

At this time, Gu Xi took out a small thumb-sized potion bottle, which contained a potion that shone like a gem.

 “It’s the last bottle, this is really good.”

  【Activity Potion (Blue): A special potion, dropped on all items, can make the items active, grow hands or legs, and produce a certain amount of wisdom. 】

Looking at the bottle of potion in his hand, Gu Xi thought of the many crucibles with legs before. It seemed that these were all caused by the potion.

So Gu Xi waved to the crucible not far away, and two skeletons came forward carrying a crucible.

  【Dead active crucible (grey): For some reason, the alive potion crucible can automatically brew various potions, but it is obvious that this crucible is dead.

 It’s okay to boil medicine, but don’t even think about boiling medicine automatically. 】

After taking a look at the properties of this thing, Gu Xi looked up at the crucibles stacked not far away and said, "How many are there here?"

“117, all dead.”

At this time, Luna also floated to Gu Xi's side and answered Gu Xi's question.

“Take them all back, these are some good things. After I go back, I will try to find a copy of the architectural design of the alchemy laboratory and build an alchemy laboratory. Maybe these things can be used.”


Luna happily agreed and directed the skeletons to send these dead cauldrons into the gate of Alidovi City.

 At this time, Xi Xi's attention turned to other trophies.

 (End of this chapter)

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