Breath of the Dead

Chapter 121: Harvest on the battlefield (please subscribe)

Chapter 121 Harvest on the battlefield (please subscribe)

Like the white-haired warrior, the monster with red skin and two horns on its head was also torn in two by the incarnation of death.

There is really no place to store items on this thing. The only thing is a white baboon skin, which is used as a fig leaf and wrapped around the waist.

After the white baboon skin was taken away, only the flesh and blood could be used all over the body.

Gu Xi dismantled the body of the red-skinned monster in front of him just like he had dismantled the one-eyed corpse before.

  Compared with the one-eyed spliced ​​corpse, the body of the monster in front of him is obviously a unified and complete body.

It took Gu Xi a long time to completely dismantle the monster, picking out the curved part with the skull, the nearly five-meter-long spine, a pair of steel arms, and There is a red heart the size of half a human and a ball of grease like lava.

The remaining flesh, flesh and bones were all useless. They were all dragged back to Alidovi City by the skeletons and prepared to be buried in the evil church to serve as a source of yin energy.

 These dismantled parts all have blue quality. It can be seen that the previous monster really used its body as a weapon.

  【White Walker Skull (Blue): Comes from the skull of a powerful White Walker leader. Its size and hardness are the characteristics of this skull. It can be used to make shields or defensive armor. 】

  【Twisted Spine (Blue): Comes from the spine of a powerful White Walker leader. Each of its joints automatically twists and twists, and can be used to make weapons such as two-handed swords, long whips, and spears. 】

   【Steel Arms (Blue): A pair of huge arms, coming from a powerful White Walker leader, which can be used to make giant stitched corpses, and can also be used to refine the metal in them. 】

  【Magic Heart (Blue): A heart powered by the power of magma and magic, which can provide the user with sufficient mobility. 】

  【Magmatized blood (blue): Blood that has turned into magma contains a large amount of heat and magic, which can be used to strengthen machinery or siege weapons. 】

Looking at the dismantled things, Gu Xi finally let out a long breath.

 In order to remove these materials, Gu Xi made great efforts.

Now that these things have been taken out, Gu Xi doesn't know what to do with them.

He waved to the incarnation of death hovering in the sky, and the incarnation of death landed in front of Gu Xi.

 “See if there’s anything you want.”

 Gu Xi clearly remembered that before, the incarnation of death swallowed the one-eyed corpse and merged it into one eye, which gave him the ability to use melting light.

Now I don’t know how to use these materials, so just ask the incarnation of death if there is anything needed.

 The incarnation of death glanced at the materials here, his body turned into black mist, and his steel arms were swept into the black mist.

Then the incarnation of death flew into the air, and Gu Xi watched there. He found that the huge steel arms were torn into pieces after being sucked into the black mist, but these pieces did not fall from the air, but Disappeared into the black mist.

Sometimes when the incarnation of death pokes its head out of the black fog, you will find that the surface of the black body of the incarnation of death has an extra layer of metallic luster.

 It seems that this personification of death is metalizing his body.

Regarding the idea of ​​the incarnation of death, Gu Xi had to admit that this was a good direction.

But he only took away this one piece of material, what to do with the rest.

 Gu Xi's eyes couldn't help but turn to Xie Coffin.

“Would you like to take one piece and see if it can be upgraded to blue quality?”

 Xie Coffin, who came to Gu Xi, glanced at the materials here, but showed no reaction at the end.

"Why, you still don't like it?" "It's not that he doesn't like it, but he can't devour it."

Looking at Gu Xi's actions, Du Wushuang came forward to explain.

“You are a necromancer and may not have learned mount science. To upgrade your mount from white to green, you only need to devour green quality materials.

  But from green to blue, there is a transitional stage of green +1 quality in the middle.

Even if you directly give it blue-quality materials, it won’t be able to digest them now. "

 “Ah! Is there such a thing?”

 Gu Xi looked puzzled.

“Of course, unlike us death knights, necromancers have special mounts, so there is no need to learn this. Only when you meet them will someone say a few words.”

Du Wushuang explained: "Put these away. You can keep the heart and blood. One can be used to increase the blue level of the evil coffin, and the other can be used to increase the blue level of the evil coffin +1.

 The remaining skull and spine, after this battle is over, can be taken to the blacksmith shop and asked to be made into a shield and a whip by the blacksmith.

 Although they may all be of blue quality in the end, their power is definitely not weak. "

 Gu Xi was also a little moved by Du Wushuang's proposal.

 “Is the blacksmith shop here open to the public?”

"Of course, it is not only open to the public, but also has self-service. As long as you are a member of Chaoyang Guild, you can use it freely. It's just that these two materials are made of one. One is mainly for defense, and the other is probably for physical attack. I think you may not be able to use it."

“It’s okay, there are not many other necromancers, but there are many contracted undead, so I can just make the equipment and give it to my contracted undead.

I just plan to activate my talent and hit level 5. Then I can sign a contract with the undead. I will choose a bigger one and put all the equipment on it directly. "

 Du Wushuang was actually a little jealous of Gu Xi's thoughts.

 Having been a death knight for so many years, Du Wushuang has to level up or not, and needs equipment or equipment.

 It was difficult to put together a full-body heavy armor, but the size was not suitable.

 As a result, Gu Xi is now considering equipping his contracted undead with weapons.

 The difference here is really huge.

But being jealous, Du Wushuang had no intention of robbing Gu Xi's things.

 After all, he saw Gu Xi's fighting prowess. Not to mention anything else, the incarnation of death hovering in the sky could suppress any dissatisfaction. ,

At this time, Gu Xi was dealing with the skull war horse of the Headless Horseman.

This skeleton war horse is actually a pretty good mount.

 【Skeleton War Horse (green +1, mount): Mount for undead players and heroes, moving at a speed of 120 kilometers per hour, can ride one person, and can launch a charge. 】

However, Gu Xi noticed that this war horse was not the biggest gain. He found that there was a skull in the saddle of the skeleton war horse. This was the biggest gain this time.

  【Headless Horseman Training Manual (Purple): Death Knight Promotion Manual, the learning conditions are Death Knight level 5, after learning, you can advance to the special profession Headless Horseman. 】

 (End of this chapter)

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