Breath of the Dead

Chapter 12: Strengthen (seeking further reading)

Chapter 12 Strengthening (please follow up)

 The enemy that sneaks into Gu Xi's team is something like a shadow.

 They lurk in the figure at first, imitating the behavior of the person being targeted through the movements of the figure.

 Then slowly stand out from the figure and replace the person being imitated. ,

 When there are a large number of people, people may have been replaced before you even know what happened.

Maybe you will suddenly realize at the end that among a group of people, you are the only one alive, and the others are all weird.

 But it won’t work when it comes to Gu Xi.

 Don't look at Gu Xi's side, there are more than 100 and close to 200 people, but most of them are skeletons.

 It was a good thing that Gu Xi didn't pay attention at first. As soon as the skeleton was moved over, he immediately realized that the shadow following the skeleton was not right.

Gu Xi ordered decisively at this time.

 “The enemy is around, kill!”

The skeletons don't even need to turn around. If they see the wrong skeleton or shadow, they can just strike with a knife.

  【Skeleton (summon) kills Shadow (level 1), you get 1 experience point, the combat team gets 1 experience point, and the summons gets 4 experience points. 】

  【Skeleton Warrior (summon) kills Shadow (level 1), you get 1 experience point, the combat team gets 1 experience point, and the summons gets 5 experience points. 】

 【Skeleton (summon) kills Shadow (level 1), you get 1 experience point, and the summon gets 7 experience points. 】


As more and more ghosts were killed, Gu Xi found some thumb-sized black beads appearing on the ground.

While keeping up with Luna, Gu Xi still had time to reach out and pick up some beads.

  【You get a strange orb (white)*1】

  【Weird Qi Beads (White): Orbs with a strange aura, each one is equivalent to ten days of Strange's power. It can be used to trade with Strange, or to strengthen Strange, Demonic, and Undead units. 】

Gu Xi took a strange energy bead and crushed it in his hand, and then a cold aura hit his face.

This kind of breath is not like the negative energy and soul energy required by the Necromancer. Instead, it has a feeling of leading people in a strange direction.

 Gu Xi feels that he can absorb some of this breath, but he cannot absorb too much. Absorbing too much will turn him into a human being and a ghost.

 At the same time, this thing can improve the strength of his skeletons.

 But the amount cannot be less, and the skeletons under him will also mutate if they absorb these strange energy beads.

For this reason, Gu Xi simply said loudly: "Put away the evil spirit beads on the ground. Give one of every three to me, give one to the combat team, and keep one for yourself. If you don't have a combat team, keep both."

Hearing Gu Xi's order, the skeletons quickly picked up the strange beads on the ground and handed them to each other.

 All those who were to be handed over to Gu Xi were handed over by the skull boss, while those belonging to the combat team were left with the skull boss.

After getting these devious energy beads, several skull bosses had different reactions.

Looking at the skeletons of Xi's first combat team, he did not forget what his specialty was. After getting more than ten devious energy beads, he smashed them all on the dagger held upside down in his left hand.

As he smashed all the strange energy beads in his hand into the dagger, the dagger turned into a black kukri.

 There are also some undercuts on the surface of the kukri.

It can be seen that in addition to the original barb function of the dagger, this weapon also has the attack effects of cutting and pulling.

 Once the skull boss’s weapons have changed, the ordinary skeleton weapons in the battle team have also changed.

 All the weapons have obviously become exactly the same. It is obvious that the left-hand kukri of this combat team will be sharper when attacking.

However, not all combat teams use Air Orbs in their weapons.

The combat team with two-handed swords did not strengthen their two-handed swords. Instead, they were all sucked into the skull’s body.

 At first, Gu Xi thought the skull leader wanted to strengthen himself first.

  After all, the number of people each combat team can bring is closely related to the level of their captain. Every time the skull boss levels up, the combat team can add at least 2 more people.

But Gu Xi never expected that the skull leader absorbed these strange energy beads not for his own sake.

As all the strange energy beads disappeared from the skull leader's body, a tingling sound came from Gu Xi's ear.

  【Combat Team 2 changes in a strange direction, the characteristics of the team increase, and the attack of all team members +2. 】

This made Gu Xi's eyes light up. He didn't expect that he could still play like this.

Just when Gu Xi was about to order the remaining two skull bosses to do the same, he found that they had all consumed all the devious energy beads.

This left Gu Xi quite speechless. I gave the order, but you don't have to be so quick.

 Fortunately, their choices are based on their respective circumstances.

  Combat Team 3, that is, the combat team with spears, is the same as Combat Team 1. They use the Evil Spirit Orbs to strengthen their weapons.

 The spears in their hands were obviously longer by about one meter.

 At the same time, the spearhead also became sharper.

Battle Team 4 made the most different choice. The skull boss actually used the Air Beads to strengthen his hands and arms.

Now the hands and arms of all the skeletons in their team have obviously turned black, and their movements are obviously more stable when holding swords and shields.

 Gu Xi didn’t say anything more about the changes in the combat team.

 He put away the strange beads that were brought to him and followed closely behind Luna.

The skeleton troops are monitoring each other. They are all very energetic now and want to encounter some strange shadows again.

 After all, they can feel the strengthening of the Strange Qi Beads on them.

 So what they want most now is to grab some more sneaky energy beads to make themselves stronger.

It's just that Guiying also found that Gu Xi's troops were difficult to deal with, and they didn't appear next to Gu Xi again.

At the same time, the skeleton that Gu Xi sent out to check the figure in the mist also came back at this time.

 Gu Xi looked the skeleton up and down and found that he was still his subordinate and was not affected by any strange things. At the same time, there were no traces of the battle left on his body.

 Obviously he just entered the fog and did not encounter any enemies.

This situation made Gu Xi a little puzzled, but he didn't ask much. After all, Luna had already led them to a two-story building in the city.

The small building in front of me is similar to other small buildings and huts in the city. They are all built in the fifteenth century style. The stone house has wooden doors and windows, but the style looks a bit old.

 From the surrounding environment and architectural conditions, we can see that the small building in front of us is a residential house.

Although he didn’t know why Luna came here, Gu Xi believed that Luna’s feelings were not wrong.

When Luna stopped, Gu Xi waved his hand.

 “Surround it up!”

It’s the new book issue, so please support me and give me some recommendations for follow-up reading!



 (End of this chapter)

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