Breath of the Dead

Chapter 13: Memories that come to mind (seeking for further reading)

Chapter 13: Memories that come to mind (seeking for further reading)


Before Gu Xi’s combat team could step forward, Luna stopped them.

   “I’ll just go in with you, sir.”

Looking at Luna's affirmative expression, Gu Xi also waved his hand.

“The combat team will surround the area. If anyone approaches, stop them with all their strength.”

 Gu Xi didn’t say how to stop it. Anyway, for the skeleton, there was only one way to prevent the enemy from approaching, which was to kill them all.

 After arranging the skeletons, Gu Xi followed Luna into the small building.

The moment he opened the door, Gu Xi believed the legend told by Jack and the others.

James I actually made a one-to-one copy of a new city in order to deceive the bosses.

And not only the outer perimeter of the city is exactly the same, but even the layout of each room is copied one to one.

When he pushed the door open, Gu Xi saw a living room that was not too big. Although there was a thick layer of dust in the living room, Gu Xi saw the dinner plates on the table, the wear marks under the chairs, and the side of the fireplace. The firewood is all arranged in place.

But when Gu Xi glanced at the place, he realized that it was artificially arranged. The living room looked like that, but there was no trace of popularity.

After entering the living room, Luna stopped at the dining table. She seemed to be thinking about something there.

 Gu Xi walked to the dining table, reached out and wiped a handful of dust on the table, and then his eyes fell on the dining table.

 Other than such a thick layer of dust, there were no traces of time left on the dining table.

 There are no cobwebs and there is no rot on the table, which is obviously abnormal.

Just when Gu Xi wanted to study clearly what was going on, Luna raised her head and started to float upward.

Seeing Luna pass through the ceiling, Gu Xi was also startled. He looked around, found the stairs to the second floor, and ran up quickly.

At this moment, the two-story building shook slightly, and some black figures appeared on the nearby street.

 They seemed to be attracted by something and started to rush towards the small building.

The skeletons who had been surrounding the small building also noticed the appearance of the black figure.

 When there is no command from Gu Xi or his contracted undead, these undead will act according to the last orders left by Gu Xi.

 Gu Xi asked them to guard the area and prevent others from approaching. These skeletons would naturally obey the order.

 As soon as they saw the black figures coming out of the streets, the skeletons moved quickly.

 The four combat teams are each eager to try under the leadership of their leader.

The appearance of these black figures is different from the shadows they killed before, but the undead do not see people with their eyes at all, they use their breath to sense them.

The aura of these black figures is not much different from that of the strange shadows. They are all existences with a strange aura.

 But they will definitely produce devious air beads.

This is a good material for improving the undead. Now several skeleton bosses are thinking of taking action quickly to make a lot of money.

Of course, they did not forget Gu Xi's order. After several trials, the skeletons quickly assigned their respective positions. The skirmishing skeletons surrounded the small building to prevent the enemy from approaching.

 The combat team moved forward and blocked the positions at both ends of the street.

Just at this time, the black figure who first appeared had already approached about twenty meters outside the small building. The skeletons had no intention of taking action after warning. As soon as they saw the black figure approaching them, they rushed out with weapons raised.

These black figures are actually ghost figures that have replaced human beings.

Before taking the place of humans, the figures of the Shadows were amorphous, and their goal was to transform into human form.

  But after replacing humans, the Shadows have no goals. They don’t need to eat or drink. All the energy they need for existence is provided by space, and there is nothing in this city to attract their attention.

 Normally they wander around in the fog of the city.

As time goes by, some shadows will forget the memory of humans and return to their original shadow form. However, there are also some who, because they have gained some benefits in the mist, actually recall their past as humans. Ability.

 Growing up slowly.

These ghosts are the most sensitive to changes in the city. As soon as they feel something attracts them, they will rush there immediately.

 The group of people appearing on the streets and alleys right now are strange shadows nearby.

 They felt the changes in the small building and were attracted by the atmosphere in the small building. In their eyes, the things inside the small building are the materials for their growth.

But the skeletons under Gu Xi had no intention of letting these black figures pass by.

As they approached, the skeletons rushed out and slashed at these black figures with weapons.

  【Skeleton (summon) kills Shadow (level 2), you get 1 experience point, the combat team gets 1 experience point, and the summons gets 8 experience points. 】

  【Skeleton (summoned object) kills Shadow (level 1), you get 1 experience point, the combat team gets 1 experience point, the summoned object gets 9 experience points, and the skeleton level is increased to level 1. 】


As soon as he ran to the second floor, a series of messages popped up in front of Gu Xi's eyes.

 Gu Xi knew at a glance that someone must be rushing over. He believed in the number of undead under his command, but he had no way to guarantee their strength.

Most of these skeletons are level 0 skeletons, not even skeleton soldiers.

  If they are against normal humans, they can also rely on their numbers and unafraid of death fighting style to suppress the enemy.

But if you encounter enemies who are also not afraid of death and are more numerous, then the situation will not be right.

 He still has to deal with Luna's affairs quickly.

Thinking of this, Gu Xi sped up and reached the room directly above the living room in a few steps.

After entering the room, Gu Xi found Luna standing in front of a bed. The round mirror that had been held in her arms had been put down. In her arms, she was now holding a man dressed exactly like Luna. Ragdoll.

This situation made Gu Xi stunned for a moment, and then he immediately discovered another situation. Directly opposite the bed, by the window, there was a dresser that was not too gorgeous.

 The round mirror on the dressing table has disappeared.

Looking at the round mirror that Luna put on the bed, a thought suddenly flashed in Gu Xi's mind.

This is not where Luna was born.

While Gu Xi was still confused, Luna also raised her head and said in that sharp and hollow voice.

"I have remembered that this is my home and I have my own name. My name is Luna, Luna Alidovi."

 (End of this chapter)

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