Breath of the Dead

Chapter 14: The dead city (seeking for further reading)

Chapter 14 The Dead City (please follow up)



 Gu Xi reacted instantly.

 This should be the name of this exiled fake city, which is completely opposite to Victoria City.

 It seems that just as he guessed, Luna is the elf of this city.

 As the city died, she also died, and she happened to be attracted by Gu Xi's undead contract, and became Gu Xi's undead contracted soul.

If Gu Xi and the others had not entered Aridovi, Luna might not be able to recall her original identity for the rest of her life.

 But they came in, and Luna even found her birthplace under the guidance of Gu Xi, which made Luna think of everything.

At this moment, Luna opened her mouth with a hint of chill.

“Actually, my appearance was an accident.

I am the elf of this city, but I don’t entirely belong to this city.

In British legend, if you place a rag doll or doll on the corner of the bed or under the table, as time goes by, an elf in the house will appear. They will clean the room and watch the fire for the owner in exchange for Necessary supplies for survival.

 If you don’t want this elf anymore, just give them a piece of clothing and let them leave on their own.

 It is precisely because of knowing this legend that even families with children at home will teach them from an early age not to throw dolls casually on the corner of the bed or under the table.

If you suddenly find a rag doll on the corner of the bed or under the table, do not move it randomly, but wrap it in clothes and take it out. "

 Listening to Luna talking about folklore, Gu Xi was not in a hurry, but listened carefully.

 In his opinion, this is Luna basically telling her origins.

“My situation was an accident. When James I built the city of Aridovi, he required that everything should be copied without any changes.

Unfortunately for me, the doll was thrown under the bed during the measurement. "

After speaking, Luna pointed to a certain location under the bed.

Speaking of this, Luna smiled again, "The person who measured it at the beginning should still know the taboos and put clothes on the doll, but he didn't think that it was just a piece of cloth that accidentally fell there. The doll has not yet become an elf.

Then, the location of this cabin is a bit clever, look over there. "

 Luna pointed to the ceiling.

Gu Xi looked up and found that there was a crack there.

“This is what the small building originally had. Whenever it rains, there will be leaks here, but it never rains in Alidovi City, and the moon rises every night.

The moonlight at twelve o'clock every day will accurately shine on the mirror, and then reflected by the mirror, it will shine on the bottom of the bed, where the doll is.

 As time went by, I appeared.

 So my name is Luna, which means moon or moon god. "

  At this point, Luna sighed, "If there were no accidents later, maybe I would be the elf of this small building and would exist until the small building is destroyed.

But you also noticed that the person who took the measurement at the beginning gave me an extra piece of clothing due to taboos. In addition, no one has lived in this place since it was copied, so I can leave the small building temporarily. Go somewhere else.

 Normally, I just run around the streets nearby, and when I encounter those weird figures, I will come back quickly.

Since those figures didn’t enter the house anyway, I didn’t have to worry about my safety.

 And I belong to the house elf series. Entering other houses means that this house belongs to my protection range.

 So the scope of my influence became wider and wider, until I took out something from the apartment building in the southeast. "

"Apartment building?" Gu Xi interrupted Luna for the first time.

"Yes, that apartment building seems to be No. 10 Tangning Street. It looks like an ordinary small apartment building, but after I entered, I seemed to be affected. I fell asleep for a long time before I woke up. .

 After that, I also had a deep understanding of this city, and at the same time I also understood that my appearance might be the city's self-save. "

At this point, Luna was silent for the last time, "It's a pity that this city died in the end." After listening to Luna's story, Gu Xi also fell silent. He never expected that Luna's story would be like this. tortuous.

But he quickly reacted, "What are your plans now?"

At this time, Luna raised her head, "I want to save this city, even just a little bit."

Gu Xi stared at Luna's empty eyes without any hesitation, "I'll help you."

Hearing Gu Xi’s words, Luna also grinned.

"Thank you, sir, but I don't have enough power now to control the entire city of Aridovi. I can only control one-third of the old city."

 “How big is the city of Aridovi?”

Although he knew the situation was urgent, Gu Xi still asked.

“2.9 square kilometers, excluding the walls, there are only a few blocks.”

 “Can we knock them all down?”

When Gu Xi heard it, it was less than three square kilometers, which is the size of three to four hundred football fields. How about taking them all.

 Luna looked at Gu Xi helplessly, "Sir, what we want is control."

 “Okay, control, control first, you handle it.”

Luna nodded and said to Gu Xi: "Sir, please go out first. I want to turn this small building into a meeting hall. The transformation will take some time. Please help me hold off the enemy."

"rest assured."

 Gu Xi patted the scimitar on his waist and spoke seriously.

At this time, Gu Xi was quite excited. He did not expect that there would be a chance for a comeback at this time. He thought that the first contracted undead he signed was a waste.

 Unexpectedly, I found a treasure.

At this time, Luna floated in front of Gu Xi, put her hand on Gu Xi's arm, and a cold current poured into Gu Xi's body.

Gu Xi’s all-out spiritualism use just now made up for all the mana he had consumed.

Gu Xi glanced at Luna in surprise, and Luna nodded to Gu Xi.

“Sir, I can only help you so much.”

Gu Xi waved his hand, pulled out the scimitar and went downwards.

 When Gu Xi left, Luna also started to take action. She placed the round mirror she was holding in the middle of the room, and then took out something from the doll.

That was the pen that Luna brought out from No. 10 Tangning Street. It was also the reason why she changed from a house elf to a city elf.

Now Luna used this pen to draw a few strokes on the round mirror. The round mirror melted like ice and snow, and finally integrated into the room.

As for Gu Xi, who had just walked out of the small building, before he could clearly see the battle situation outside, he heard a ding in his ear.

【Ding! Luna (contracted undead) is taking back her rights. At her request, you activate a temporary mission! 】

  【Temporary Mission: Dead City】

  【Mission Description: Tear apart, occupy and protect this dead city! 】

 【Task requirements: Guard the transformation of the meeting hall (0/1), kill three waves of enemies (0/3)】

  【Task reward: Necromancer's special professional skills - City of Death. 】

  【Note 1: Dead cities can also become undead. 】

  【Note 2: As the level of the Necromancer increases, the control of the dead city will also improve. 】

   Added an additional chapter in the middle of the night, please recommend and follow up for reading in the new week!



 (End of this chapter)

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