Breath of the Dead

Chapter 126: Picking Skills (20119)

Chapter 126 Choosing Skills (20119)

 The average order is 1191, and it will be 1200 soon. I would like to thank my brothers for their support, and I will continue to add more!



 Seeing Gu Xi and Dimi reach an agreement easily, the Han Quartermaster was also a little embarrassed.

He coughed heavily, attracting Gu Xi's attention, then cleared his throat, and was about to say: "I said my friend, Dimi is..."

Before he could finish his words, Dimi stretched out her hand and pushed out, dragging out the skeleton shooter leader she had pressed into the wall, holding it in her hand like a chicken.

Gu Xi understood what Dimi meant as soon as he saw it, "In addition to the skeleton shooter leader you just recommended, I don't need other leaders. The number of undead under my command is not very large. Too many leaders would be a waste." .

  By the way, besides changing the boss, what else can be exchanged for this battle achievement? "

  【Skull Archer (Level 0, Summon): Experience (0/500) Attack 3, Defense 1, Life 13, Ammo 5, Skills: Combat Elite, Squad Command (29 people). 】

 “Friend, this…”

"No way, isn't the price here a little merit for a leader? You don't want to raise the price, do you?"

"No, how could I raise the price?" The quartermaster shook his head quickly. For the first time, he felt that Gu Xi, who was confused by his boast at the beginning, was not an easy player to deal with.

“I just want to say that there are some pretty good bosses here, don’t you want to take a look?”

“No need, two bosses are enough. By the way, apart from bosses, what else can I exchange for this military achievement? A hero?”

“How can I exchange for heroes?” the quartermaster said with a smile, “I can also exchange for some equipment, but these are not equipment for combat. They are all campaign equipment that can be used by players, and can also be used by bosses and heroes.

These things are of similar quality, blue level, but you also know that the quantity of this kind of battle equipment is relatively small, so the price will be higher, one for each battle.

In addition to the skill books, although the Necromancer skill books are not complete here, there should still be some, and they are also one for each battle.

You have your own city. Here are the design drawings of city buildings. One battle merit for a small plot, two battle merit for a medium plot, and I don’t have a large plot here yet.

 If you want anything, three battle exploits, I will find it for you. "

 Having given up some ideas, the quartermaster stopped worrying about Dimi and began to introduce some of the things he had on hand that could be sold to the outside world.

Of course this time, in order not to let Gu Xi take any advantage, he also quoted the price.

At first, Gu Xi was still struggling with the equipment and architectural design, but he turned around and said decisively: "What are the skills you have here?"


When the quartermaster heard Gu Xi's choice, he immediately praised him, "Everything else is foreign. Only skills are my own. I have professional skills, active skills and passive skills here, but no special skills. You know, those It requires preconditions.

In addition, among the professional skills, some have occupational requirements. Some skills cannot be selected if the occupation has not been achieved. These are marked. You'd better read them carefully before choosing. "


Gu Xi said decisively: "First take out all the skill books and let me take a look. By the way, how about the number of more basic skill books you have here?"

“You will know it when one of my death knights takes the leadership route.”

 Gu Xi understood what the quartermaster meant as soon as he heard it. These are obviously some basic or necessary pre-skill books, which are very popular here.

However, Gu Xi had his own plan. In fact, before he graduated from the academy, he had already considered what route he would take in the future and how to arrange his skills.

Although he has mastered two of the three magical skills, it does not mean that Gu Xi will change his path on a large scale.

 Gu Xi’s plan is still to go from Necromancer to Lich at level 10, then to Lich King at level 20, and finally attack the God of Death.

In Gu Xi's plan, one of the three ultimate skills on the Necromancer route must be mastered. Only in this way can one have the opportunity to transfer to the Lich King at level 20, otherwise he can only transfer to the Archlich.

 At level 30, he will not have any chance of a second turn and will live as an archlich until his death.

 The gap here is huge.

Although there are only a few people who have reached level 20 in the entire Bailian City, Gu Xi can consider that in the future, this may be a player's fantasy.

As for Gu Xi, who has a dream, he also thought about the skills he must learn from the beginning.

 It’s just that his luck has not been very good. Since taking office, he has made four consecutive choices and failed to choose what he wanted.

Now that he heard that he had a skill book, Gu Xi would naturally pay more attention to it, and make sure that he could at least win one of his several targets.

“The skill books are all here, you can read them yourself, but you can only look at the cover. Once this skill book is opened, it will be read automatically. I will not retreat at that time.”

 The quartermaster also saw Gu Xi’s thoughts.

"I know, let me take a look first. There is no witchcraft. Luck? No? War mechanics. Hey, this one is available. Take it first."

 Logistics, the good opportunity is gone, and there is no offensive technique. What kind of armaments is this? economics? It's all useless. "

 Gu Xi rummaged through the skill books one by one. He first selected the non-professional skills.

According to his plan, for his non-professional skills, he has to learn two of the five types of witchcraft (passive), luck (passive), war mechanics (passive), logistics (passive) and offense (passive). .

 After searching for a long time, he only found a book on War Mechanics and nothing else.

[War Mechanics (Passive): Strengthen the power of the war machine, increase the attack power, defense power and damage value of the ballista; increase the damage value of the catapult; increase the healing effect of the first aid tent; when there is an ammunition truck, give it to long-range troops Additional attack power. 】

 As for war mechanics, this is something Gu Xi must learn.

Not to mention other things, there will be many different options in terms of the cooperation between war mechanics and the undead route, such as the plague tent that can appear after the medical tent is available.

  Another example is the corpse thrower that appears after selecting the catapult route, etc.

 Even finally there is a corresponding skill to increase the attack power of the arrow tower.

 This is quite important to Gu Xi.

His Death City can place soul summoning towers on the battlefield after level 5, and city walls and moats after level 9. The city walls have their own arrow towers.

It's just that Gu Xi's original research was not that detailed. I don't know what kind of changes there will be in war mechanics after combining the arrow tower with the undead profession.

 But Gu Xi can be sure of one thing, war mechanics is useful to him, and that is enough.

 (End of this chapter)

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