Breath of the Dead

Chapter 127: Choice of Vocational Skills (21119)

 Chapter 127 Choice of professional skills (21119)

 Failed to find a suitable passive skill among the most needed ones, so Gu Xi turned his attention to professional skills.

 This time there are more skill books here.

Most of them are skills that necromancers should learn, such as [Second Level Corpse Explosion], [Corpse Explosion], [Bone Spur], [Bone Spear], and [Bone Shield]. [Bone Cage] Wait.

  Or some new skills, such as [Poison Cloud Technique], [Curse of Weakness], etc.

 There are also skills specifically used to strengthen the undead, such as [Undead Experiment], [Undead Evolution], etc.

  It can be said that there are many more skills here than the previous ones.

 When Gu Xi chooses, he also chooses in the direction that he can use.

 He still has three battle exploits left, and Gu Xi must consider his own situation to make a choice.

Professional Skills: Gu Xi needs a big move that can kill with one hit. After all, he cannot just call the Incarnation of Death every time he encounters an enemy.

This kind of move that directly draws away all the mana is not called an amplification move, it is called a desperate move.

 So Gu Xi must have a big move that can kill him in one hit.

In addition, Gu Xi needs a control method. Finally, he has a skill. Gu Xi’s choice is to improve the combat effectiveness of his undead summons.

 The better ones in the skill books in front of me have all been picked away.

 Gu Xi was choosing from among the remaining skill books, and finally selected the three professional skills he wanted according to his own wishes.

  【Bone Storm Level 1 (0/100), consumes 15 mana points, forms a storm of bone fragments at the designated location, causing 180% of your attack power to damage surrounding enemies within 10 seconds. 】

This is the ultimate move chosen by Gu Xi. Gu Xi has heard of this move before. Although the designated location range is not large and can only be stretched to a maximum diameter of about five meters, within this range, everything will be affected. Same blow.

  It can be said that all living beings are equal.

 The most important thing is that as long as Gu Xi has enough mana, he can keep using this trick and it can also be used repeatedly somewhere.

  In other words, the power and effect can overlap. If Gu Xi's hand speed is fast enough, it shouldn't be a problem to stack four or five Bone Storms in the same place.

No matter how strong the vitality is, it can't withstand the all-out attack of the Bone Storm. This can be regarded as a relatively easy-to-use ultimate move.

[Tendril of the Dead Level 1 (0/100), consumes 5 mana points, forms a large number of flesh and blood tentacles or bone arms at the designated location, dragging all enemies who step here. When dragging the enemy, there will be a chance of poisoning the enemy. , coma, cursed and other effects. 】

This move is the control skill chosen by Gu Xi. The range of the undead tendrils is much larger than the range of the Bone Storm.

The most important thing is that Gu Xi can change the scope of the undead tendrils. Whether Gu Xi wants to spread them horizontally or vertically to form a circle, Gu Xi is free to do so.

As long as the enemy sets foot here, he will be affected. He may be poisoned, or he may be directly comatose.

  In any case, this skill is mainly used to delay the enemy's progress, so that the enemy cannot rush through this area in a short period of time.

This skill is very useful if combined with Gu Xi's troops, or directly using Bone Storm or Corpse Explosion.

 The last skill is a skill used to strengthen the undead summons under his command.

[Skeleton Priest Level 1 (0/100), consumes 5 mana points, and releases a temporary skeleton priest at the designated location. He can increase the damage of all nearby undead within 100 meters by 20% and restore 10% of the upper limit of life for them. Continuous 35 seconds. 】

About this skill, Gu Xi specifically asked the quartermaster. After all, there are some unclear explanations about this skill. Regarding the question of interest, the quartermaster made it very clear that the 35 seconds mentioned here refers to the time the skeleton priest exists.

 As for the blessing brought by the Skeleton Priest, it will only be available during these 35 seconds.

When the Skeleton Priest disappears, sorry, the 20% increase in damage will be gone. As for the restored life, it will not be affected.

 When he first heard about this situation, Gu Xi didn’t want to choose this skill.

 Among the skills to strengthen the undead, there are also skills such as [Steel Skeleton] and [Flesh Blooming] to choose from.

That is a skill that directly increases the defense power of skeleton soldiers or the attack power of zombie soldiers after selection.

  It can be said that choosing these skills will definitely save you worry and effort.

 But Gu Xi chose the [Skeleton Priest] skill in the end, not because this skill was stronger, but because he found that this skill could be used in conjunction with the Incarnation of Death.

 Although the Skeleton Priest is said to be a skeleton, it actually has no entity. It can be placed on the back of the Death Incarnation and move with the Death Incarnation.

  In other words, this is the only enhanced ability that can keep up with the incarnation of death.

 For the Death Incarnation, 20% damage is quite fatal. Whether it is the melting light machine gun or the death dragon's breath, it will be affected by this effect.

This makes the already super powerful incarnation of death even more powerful.

 It was precisely this that made Gu Xi put aside other choices and choose the relatively rare [Skeleton Priest].

After choosing all three skills, the quartermaster did not embarrass Gu Xi. He just took out a notebook, recorded Gu Xi's choices, and then asked Gu Xi to take away all four skill books.

“These four skill books are still useful. After the skills are learned, each book can be read for another three hours.

  If you read carefully, you will get corresponding experience in the process of reading. This is a good opportunity to improve your experience and level. Don't waste it.

  It would be quite tiring if you don’t rely on using skills to level up later. "

As soon as Gu Xi heard this, he expressed his gratitude to the quartermaster.

He knows that these are common sense things that others don’t notice. If there is no special guidance from someone, many people may not know these things in their lifetime.

Now the quartermaster reminded himself that this would bring a lot of convenience to Gu Xi.

No matter how ignorant Gu Xi is, he still has to say thank you to the quartermaster.

 After all, Gu Xi really took advantage of the quartermaster.

Looking at Gu Xi's grateful expression, the quartermaster was also happy.

"It's okay, this is what I should do. If you want to repay me, then kill more of those White Walkers, especially their leader. If you can get the white baboon skin, that is the best reward for me."

"This is simple. As long as the White Walkers dare to come, I can kill a few more. Then I will definitely send you the baboon skin."

 “Okay, very energetic, this is the kind of momentum you want!”

 (End of this chapter)

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