Breath of the Dead

Chapter 128: Equipment trading (please subscribe)

Chapter 128 Equipment Trading (Please subscribe)

 Out of the quartermaster's territory, Du Wushuang, who was leading the way, looked at Gu Xi.

At this time, Gu Xi was sending the Dimi and the skeleton archer leader he had just received back to Alidovi City.

 “Where do you plan to go next?”

"Can you take me to the blacksmith shop? I want to make a weapon. In addition, I got some unused things before. These should be used by the death knight. Who should I contact if I want to trade?"

As soon as Du Wushuang heard Gu Xi's question, he slapped his chest loudly.

“Leave this matter to me. I am the most familiar with these things. Now go to the blacksmith shop. It must be very busy there. At this time, there are people who used to repair weapons and equipment.

 Let me take you to the tavern first, where you can find anyone to trade with.

  Sell some of your unwanted things first, and wait until there are fewer people in the blacksmith shop before going there. The charges there will be relatively high, and it will be better if you just repair equipment.

It’s okay to build weapons by yourself, but if you need a blacksmith to customize the weapons and equipment, the price will be expensive. "

 Gu Xi understood the situation as soon as he heard it.

It seems that this kind of thing is the same everywhere, exclusive weapons and equipment, the asking price will be higher.

If you just want ordinary weapons, you can just find a place to make them.

“It seems that some blacksmiths will be specially trained in the future.”

After hearing what Gu Xi said, Du Wushuang laughed.

“I have an idea, but you may not know how much it costs to train such a professional blacksmith.

That blacksmith is not simple. He is already at level 5, and has learned specialized skills. He also masters fire magic, destruction magic and rune magic. These are the key.

 So you really shouldn’t underestimate the profession of blacksmith. If you really want to train a blacksmith, you should at least start training from a young age. In the end, it may take more than ten years to master it. "

 Gu Xi was a little confused when he heard this, why the blacksmith here in Sanxian Garden had such good skills.

However, they had already arrived at the Sanxian Garden Tavern. The bustling situation here immediately attracted Gu Xi's attention, leaving him no time to ask about other things.

“I, I just killed three level 9 White Walker soldiers. Take a look, everyone. These are level 9 heads. The brains are still fresh. They only cost 15 yuan.”

“Take a look, take a look, and don’t miss it when you pass by. The best white paper, not much in quantity, is of extremely high quality.”

“The green equipment I just got is used by the necromancer. I can exchange it for you.”

 “Blue, does anyone sell blue equipment?”

“Set of undead soldier equipment, +1 effect, eleven sets in total, come if you want it!”

Looking at the lively situation, Gu Xi was also a little stunned. He didn't expect that there would be so many players in Sanxian Garden.

 “How about it, is it lively?”

“It’s very lively, but can the people here afford the price?”

 I am still a little worried about my interest rate.

“Don’t worry, we mainly produce dragon blood crystals, dragon steel and blue crystals here. If anyone doesn’t have any inventory now, just ask them to give them dragon blood crystals when the time comes.

Generally speaking, blue equipment requires two pieces of dragon blood crystal, or one and a half pieces of dragon steel.

What about the purple one? "

“It will increase tenfold directly, but no one is willing to sell purple equipment.”

Hearing this, Gu Xi smiled proudly, suddenly jumped to a high platform, raised his hand, and raised his head, "Purple equipment is for sale. Anyone who has dragon blood crystal or dragon steel come and look at the goods."

Du Wushuang was about to take Gu Xi into the tavern, but Gu Xi's behavior shocked him.

He was about to say something, but at this moment, a voice came from not far away.     “You have purple equipment?”

“Of course, you have dragon blood crystal?”

 Gu Xi glanced at the direction from which the sound came, and found a fat man in his fifties standing there.

This fat man has a gray beard on his face, and he has the demeanor of a big shot in his movements.

“Hahaha, I have dragon blood crystals. You can ask who owns most of the dragon blood crystals currently on the market. But boy, do you really have purple equipment?

 Don’t lie to me with something that glows purple.

 If you offend me, I will prevent you from receiving even a single dragon blood crystal. "

“Don’t worry, it’s purple equipment. It has special effects and special effects. If it wasn’t a physical equipment, I might just use it myself.”

Hearing the term special influence, Fatty knew that Gu Xi was right. He had purple equipment in his hand.

Those who have never obtained purple equipment have no idea that when the equipment reaches purple quality, the special effects will have some negative effects.

“Take the things out and I’ll take a look. If it’s suitable, I’ll leave directly.”

The fat man stretched out his hand and said to Gu Xi.

 The people nearby, including Du Wushuang, did not speak. In their eyes, the fat man's proposal was quite reasonable.


Gu Xi flicked his hand, and [Bear and Hair of Bloody Battle] flew out of his hand.

Fatty didn’t expect that Gu Xi would just throw out the purple equipment. He quickly stepped forward to catch it, and then he saw all the attributes of [Bear and Hair Link of Bloody Battle].

The attributes of this piece of equipment are good, but the problem is that the penalty of this piece of equipment is also very serious. It will be activated as soon as it is used, and the effect will still exist even if it is not used in the future.

So the fat man fell silent quickly. He lowered his head and thought for a moment, and then said: "Seventeen dragon blood crystals."

 Gu Xi had no objection to the price, but he did not accept it immediately. Instead, he took out a magic potion bottle.

●The people watching the excitement were all speechless. What was Gu Xi doing?

 As a result, Gu Xi pointed his hand towards the sky.

 “Death incarnate!”

 A black bone dragon rushed into the sky with black mist.

The next moment, all the players near the tavern exploded.

 “Holy shit, my eyesight is not blurry, this is the third divine skill.”

“Oh my god, the bone dragon-type incarnation of death, this is the threshold of level 10.”

"Hit me to see if I'm dreaming, ah! Why do you want to hit me so hard?"

Gu Xi ignored the people around him. He just drew his hand down and stuffed the magic potion bottle into his mouth.

As Gu Xi drank the magic potion, the incarnation of death also fell next to Gu Xi.

 The powerful pressure pushed all the players around him aside.

“Give him the dragon blood crystal and dragon steel to try.”

When the incarnation of death fell, Gu Xi said calmly, "Give him whatever he wants. The purple equipment is not enough. I have other things, such as a purple training manual, for the death knight to advance. "

 While Gu Xi was talking, he kept looking at the fat man.

"Take it out, don't lose the face of our Sanxian Garden men."

 (End of this chapter)

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