Breath of the Dead

Chapter 131: Take on long-term tasks (23123)

 Chapter 131 Taking on a long-term mission (23123)

Seeing that Gu Xi was angry, the people watching quickly left. Only the thin necromancer was still sitting there.

He waited until everyone had dispersed before he propped himself up and said, "I'm causing trouble for you."

“It’s okay, this matter has nothing to do with you, it’s just those guys who got bold.”

 Gu Xi patted the head of the incarnation of death.

 Because there is no battle, the incarnation of death can not last long outside.

 Normally speaking, it will disband itself after the battle, or it will automatically disappear half an hour after the battle.

It was now time for the incarnation of death to disappear. Gu Xi patted the head of the incarnation of death with one hand while scanning the players present.

 The murderous intent in his eyes was so strong that it almost dripped out.

 Gu Xi wanted to find a target to establish his authority and let the players in Sanxian Garden know that he was not easy to deal with.

  If you want to plot against him, you must be prepared to be bitten to death by him.

He took a look and found that no one dared to look at him, so Gu Xi laughed disdainfully.

 “A guy with no talent.”

Then Gu Xi said to Du Wushuang: "Let's go, there is nothing left to sell, let's go to the blacksmith shop."

With so many things happening just now, Du Wushuang was always watching from the outside. With her strength, she couldn't help much even if she wanted to step forward to help.

 When Gu Xi called her, she hurriedly said "Oh" and quickly came to Gu Xi's side.

 At this time, the thin necromancer also walked up.

 “Let’s find a place to talk?”

Gu Xi was stunned for a moment. He wanted to say that there was nothing to talk about between us, but looking at the look in the eyes of the thin necromancer, Gu Xi nodded anyway.

The thin necromancer stretched out his hand and led Gu Xi forward to a nearby corner.

"My name is Liu Kai, and some of them also call me Kane. The people who came to you before were Liu Ming, my brother's men. They have been destroying my chance to activate my talent."

 Liu Kai stated the situation quite directly, and at the same time he also explained his own characteristics.

“I am taking the route of a plague necromancer. To activate the talent, you need to take five hundred different potions, which can be poisons, antidotes or buffing potions.

 But because of my older brother, I could never get enough potions. In the end, I had to learn to brew potions on my own, and even took a certificate in magic potions.

The batch of potions that you packaged and sold to me just solved my biggest trouble. I have now met the prerequisites for activating talents and can activate them.

 Before that, I think I should make it clear to you what's going on.

 After all, my brother has a very small mind. If you meet him, just fight him back. Only when you scare him will he not dare to come and mess with you again. "

“So that’s it, I understand, it’s a family conflict.”

 Gu Xi nodded, "But you said there are prerequisites for activating talents. What are these conditions?"

"Each player's prerequisites are different, but one thing must be achieved. Undead knowledge and magic knowledge must reach level 6. In addition, the necromancer's professional skills must reach 8, and each professional skill must reach at least level 4.

You should pay attention here. The choice of professional skills will affect the direction in which you activate your talents.

If you want to take the route of a plague necromancer like me, you must master the two key skills of poison gas bombs and corpse poison in the early stage.

In addition, when it comes to professional skills, it is not the one you learn first that will be chosen. Instead, it is ranked according to your skill level, and the eight strongest skills will be selected to determine.

 After these two conditions are met, you can start the prerequisite tasks. After completing the tasks, you can start the activation ceremony. ” ˆ ˆ ˜ When Liu Kai was explaining how to activate his talent, Gu Xi had been listening attentively.

 Finally, he turned his head and glanced at the incarnation of death behind him, and then thought about his own city of death.

These two are his key skills. When his level reaches level 4, Death Incarnation has also reached level 4.

 But this is not possible for dead cities, which require upgrading the city level.

At present, Gu Xi's Alidovi City is only at level 2. It will take quite a long time to upgrade the death city level to level 4.

“It’s too far behind. It seems I have to work harder.”

Liu Kai nodded in agreement, "Yes, many people are stuck at the key point of level 4 because of insufficient accumulation in the past, so the influence brought by Liu Ming this time has allowed me to grow further. .

 After I activate the talent, it will be his unlucky time. "

 Liu Kai said seriously.

Looking at Liu Kai's expression of hatred and recalling the attitudes of the necromancers just now, Gu Xi didn't say anything more.

 At this time, Liu Kai said to Gu Xi again: "Sir, you are the only one willing to help me over the years. This is a mission clue I got accidentally, which is very useful for activating talents.

I have taken advantage of this task before, but since the potion you gave me is enough, I don’t need it anymore. Now I will share this task with you. "

After speaking, Liu Kai took out something like a dry weed and put it in Gu Xi's hand.

  【You get the dry bark map of the Wisdom Tree, activating a long-term mission】

 【Long-term mission: Fading Wisdom】

  【Task description: Find the lost wisdom tree and help the wisdom tree find three items. 】

 【Task requirements: Find the lost tree of wisdom (0/1), find three items (0/3)】

  【Task reward: A professional skill level is raised to level 4. 】

  【Note 1: Some restricted skill levels cannot be improved. 】

  【Note 2: After the level is increased, the experience required for upgrading will also increase. 】

  【Note 3: If the level of all professional skills exceeds level 4, a new professional skill reaching level 4 will be automatically learned. 】

Looking at the task in front of him, Gu Xi knew what Liu Kai had been thinking about before.

 He clearly wanted to bypass some of the prerequisites for activating the talent, but for some reasons, he didn't use it.

Now he needs to activate his talent, and it would be a waste to go back and do this task, so he thought of transferring this task to Gu Xi.

 On the one hand, he wanted to thank Gu Xi for helping him, and on the other hand, he wanted to do a good job to Gu Xi.

 After all, everyone sees Gu Xi’s strength.

As long as Gu Xi doesn't die, even if he doesn't activate his talent and hasn't entered level 5, Gu Xi's level 12 death incarnation can still sweep through the low-end field.

Having such an opportunity to win over Gu Xi, this is something everyone is willing to do.

Gu Xi glanced at Liu Kai, then smiled and said: "Thank you, I just need this."

 “It’s good if you can use it. I’m worried that you won’t like it.”

 (End of this chapter)

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