Breath of the Dead

Chapter 132: Build weapons (please subscribe)

Chapter 132: Forging Weapons (Please subscribe)

 Packed away the last things, Gu Xi took Du Wushuang and left the tavern before the incarnation of death dissipated.

Du Wushuang was chirping along the way. She had no objection to Gu Xi's choice. She was just a little surprised that such a disappointing thing could happen in the guild.

She could also see that without Gu Xi, Liu Kai would definitely be pinned down to the level 4 position by his brother. No matter how potential he had, it would be useless. If he was stuck at one point, he would be stuck at the level 4 position. road.

 No wonder Liu Kai saw the opportunity and swallowed all the potions on the spot even if he tried his best.

He knew that if he didn't take those potions on the spot, there would definitely be various problems with these unidentified potions on the way back.

"This kind of thing happens a lot. I've seen it before in the academy. That's why I like the undead. At least the undead won't betray you."

 At Du Wushuang's words, Gu Xi just shrugged. He had seen this kind of thing too many times.

 This matter was soon forgotten by Gu Xi. Even the map to find the tree of wisdom was almost forgotten by Gu Xi.

 They soon arrived near the blacksmith shop.

Just as Du Wushuang said, after the war, most players chose to go to the blacksmith shop to repair the equipment damaged during the battle.

 Let’s deal with the rest later.

Come here now, the crowd crowded in the blacksmith shop has dispersed quite a bit.

There were not many people handling the equipment in front of the furnaces and iron mats that must have been lined up in the blacksmith shop.

A strong man with big shoulders and round waist was sitting in front of the furnace, drinking something green. When he saw Gu Xi and the others coming in, he didn't even raise his head.

This is the master blacksmith in Sanxian Garden. He is level 5. All experience is added to the blacksmith. I don’t know how strong his combat power is, but his blacksmith level is definitely not weak.

 “Master, I’m free, I want to make a weapon.”

 When he came to the blacksmith, he opened his mouth and became polite.

 Hearing Gu Xi's address to Xi, the blacksmith's face showed a happy smile.

"Don't call me master. I'm only level 5. I can't be qualified. I can't be qualified."

 But the way he looked clearly meant that you knew how to speak, so just say more.

“You are no longer a master. This time I brought a lot of materials that are not from this world, just to find a master to build an exclusive weapon. What does this mean? It means that the master’s reputation has been spread to other worlds.”

 Gu Xi’s voice suddenly drifted away as he spoke.

He really couldn’t say that before he entered this world, he didn’t even know about a place like Sanxian Garden, let alone a blacksmith in it.

But the blacksmith was very happy after hearing this, "Am I so famous? Nice young man, you are a necromancer, right? What kind of weapon do you want? A dagger? A staff? A sickle? Or an oriental mourning stick?"

 “I want a long staff, but I don’t know what materials I need?”

"If you want to make a long staff, you need a better staff body first, and then a staff head. Forget it, take out all the materials you have and let me take a look and see what kind of design it can be."

Because the flattery was in place, the blacksmith was quite talkative and was willing to look at the materials Gu Xi had before considering what kind of staff to make.

But the blacksmith also said: "You should pay attention. Among weapons, I am best at making spears and broadswords. I am also good at sickles. I can only say that I am good at making staffs. You have to think clearly about it yourself."

 Gu Xi understood what the blacksmith meant when he heard it. It seemed that the people who often came here to make weapons were death knights. Necromancers actually did not consume a lot of weapons.

Gu Xi nodded and started to take out the materials.

 The first one he took out was [Babel Pea]. Watching Gu Xi take out a small seed, the blacksmith was also a little surprised.

"What kind of person are you? This is a good material for making pole weapons, and it can also be used to make staffs. It's no wonder, but you can't plant it here. If you plant it directly here, it will be a waste. What direction are you in? The Necromancer? The Plague?"

 “The natural disaster of the undead, plus the corpse explosion.”

"Oh, I know Master Yin, so I know how to strengthen it. Who is that? To Lao Liu, go to the warehouse at the back and push out the flesh and blood millstone."

The blacksmith directed an apprentice to work, and then started playing with [Babel Pea] there.

“This is a good thing. I’ll give you the whole trunk to make a staff later, but can you leave the extra branches and leaves for me?”


 Gu Xi doesn’t know what the use of pea leaves is. If the blacksmith wants it, just give it to him to increase his favorability.

"That's great. By the way, your staff now only has a stick. Next, you need a gem, or a source of magic. In addition, it is best to have a piece of metal and several decorative materials.

 The more materials, the better. It mainly depends on the matching degree. See if you have the right ones on hand.

 If not, we also have some good materials in the warehouse behind us, but those materials are more expensive. "

While talking, the apprentice named Lao Liu had already pushed a rusty press out.

 Under the press, there is still some dried flesh.

 “Put the seeds in.”

Upon hearing this, Gu Xi quickly put the [Babel Pea] into the flesh and blood.

The moment the seeds were buried, a green light lit up, and then the seeds quickly began to take root, sprout, and climb upwards.

 Neither Gu Xi nor the blacksmith paid attention to the growth process of the vines, they just watched from the sidelines.

 It's just that Gu Xi was paying attention to the changes in the growth of Babel peas, while the blacksmith was paying attention to the length and hardness of the vines.

“It’s a very good material. Your pea vine is actually more suitable for making a staff. Making a long-handled weapon will be a bit curved. If you don’t have enough strength, it will be very difficult to hold it.”

As he spoke, the vines had already grown to about three meters. At this time, the blacksmith asked again: "How long do you plan to make your staff?"

 “A little more than two meters is enough.”

 “That’s now.”

The blacksmith stepped forward and broke it hard, and the three-meter-long pea vine was broken on the spot.

Then the blacksmith explained to Gu Xi: "There are three nodes when a pea like yours grows. One is when it grows to three meters long, all the essence is concentrated in the pea vine. At this time, the material is the best. of.

If you miss this opportunity, wait until the pea vines grow over three meters, then you can no longer cut them. You have to wait until the vines grow to the thickness of an arm before cutting them, and then process the outer skin, leaving the inner vine core.

 This is the toughest part, suitable for making polearms.

 Finally, when the vines grow to the end, no other parts of the vines can be used. Only the young strips hanging from the top can be used. This is the best material for making weapons such as whips. "

 (End of this chapter)

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