Breath of the Dead

Chapter 133: Casting Staff (please subscribe)

Chapter 133 Casting the Staff (Please subscribe)

While explaining the situation here to Gu Xi, the blacksmith dealt with the newly broken vines.

 At every step of the treatment, the blacksmith would explain the reason for the treatment to Gu Xi. After about ten minutes, only about two and a half meters of the three-meter-long vine remained.

 Putting the vine aside, the blacksmith looked at Gu Xi.

 Gu Xi knew that he had to take out other things at this time.

So Gu Xi took out some materials one by one that he had obtained after taking office.

  【Catastrophic Soul】, this quantity is relatively large, because it cannot be regarded as a serious soul, so it can be used as a crafting material.

[Corrupted Skull], Gu Xi’s off-hand item at the beginning, but because the upgrade process was interrupted, it turned into a gray item. This is also a top-quality material.

【Broken fragments of birch】come from the Battle of Victoria City Xiaolou. Gu Xi took out this thing because he needed to make a staff.

[Broken sickle fragment], Gu Xi's trophy when he first met the leader of the White Walkers. When he got this, Gu Xi still thought about using a sickle as his main weapon. Now that he thinks about it, Gu Xi decided to use a long staff. good.

  【Ice Power Machine】, this was dug out from another one-eyed spliced ​​corpse. The blacksmith said he needed a power source, and this is actually a very good power source.

  【Twisted Spine】, this thing was taken out by Gu Xi as a fill-in. After all, it is too long, a full five meters, and it is a material used to make weapons such as two-handed swords, long whips or spears.

Gu Xi didn’t think that the blacksmith would be able to use this material.

However, Gu Xi never expected that the first thing the blacksmith picked up would be this [Twisted Spine].

“Very good. Some of your materials are of blue quality, and some are green but with relatively strong potential. There is no problem in making them.

 Now there are two different options.

 First, with these materials and this rattan, I will work hard to see if I can get you to purple quality.

 But you should pay attention to yourself, this purple is not the best purple, and there will be penalties for purple special effects, you also know this.

I can't guarantee whether the punishment will be light or heavy. It's all a matter of luck.

 Another way is to make it blue for you, but you can slowly improve the quality in the future, and you may even hit the purple quality. As for whether you can hit the purple quality, it depends on your luck. "

 Gu Xi was silent for a moment, and then said decisively: "Make it blue and growable for me."

The blacksmith laughed when he heard this, "I knew you would choose this way. Don't worry, the growth rate of the growable equipment I sell is as high as 80%. There is no chance that it will be unsuccessful."

 While he was talking, the blacksmith had already removed all the twisted spine.

He dismantled the five-meter-long spine and tailbone into pieces.

Each piece will be soaked in molten iron by the blacksmith, and then forged by his blacksmiths.

 Then the blacksmith picked up the [broken pieces of birch wood] and called a blacksmith.

“Pound this into powder, a finer powder, and soak these souls into water. After the souls turn into liquid, soak the powder in.”

The blacksmith under his command went down to do some work, so Gu Xi asked at this time.

“Master, what are you going to do with this?”

“If you want to make a long staff, you can’t use more casting methods.

It just so happens that the soul you brought can be boiled into glue. When I finish processing the spine, I will use glue to attach things to it piece by piece. "

Hearing the blacksmith's explanation, Gu Xi looked surprised. He didn't expect that weapon making could be done like this.

But this blacksmith can be considered a master, and he can always come up with different methods.

 In the end, Gu Xi could only believe in the choice of the master blacksmith.

 The twisted spines that had been processed were quickly taken out one by one. Now these spines are like pieces of silver metal. The master blacksmith personally took a stylus and wrote some words on each piece of metal.

 Gu Xi has a relatively high level of magic knowledge, but he can't figure out what these words mean. The only thing he can tell is that they have a meaning of cold.

It can be seen that the master blacksmith has already considered some attributes of Gu Xi's long staff.

After all the metal pieces were written with words, the blacksmith took out the [broken sickle fragments].

This time he took matters into his own hands, melting the fragments and remaking the metal.

“What do you want it to look like? A sickle? A palm or something?”

 “Is the head of the bone dragon okay?”

 Gu Xi put forward his own ideas.

 “I have an idea, but that would be beautiful, wouldn’t it?”

The blacksmith didn’t say whether this was okay, he just made it there himself.

 Then he picked up the pea vine and placed it near the still hot iron block to compare and adjust.

 Sometimes after comparison, the iron piece with the newly engraved text will be put in.

At this moment, a blacksmith came over dragging a large basin of blue liquid.

This was the catastrophic soul that had just melted, and Gu Xi felt that it was filled with a feeling of death.

It seems that those souls are not really useless, at least they are useful now.

“Okay, the materials are ready, the next step is the most critical step, you put a drop of blood in it.”

 “Can this person still recognize the Lord?”

 “Of course not, but at least it would have a sense of ceremony”

The blacksmith smiled at Gu Xi and said.

 As for the blacksmith, Gu Xi had no choice but to accept it for the sake of weapons.

 He made a cut on the palm of his left hand and dropped a few drops of blood into the blue liquid.

As the blood dripped in, the blacksmith immediately threw the [Ice Power Device] in. Then he lifted the pea vine and plunged heavily into the vat of liquid.

 Under the blacksmith's mysterious spell, all the liquid began to swirl around the pea vines.

The blacksmith quickly threw the various items he had just forged into the liquid.

Gu Xi watched from the side, and he noticed that as the blue liquid swirled faster and faster, the appearance of the liquid also changed, and finally turned into a skeletal dragon with ice exuding all over its body.

“It’s pretty good. Many of the necromancers who come to me to make their staffs choose bone dragons or ghost dragons as the shape of their staffs, so I’m familiar with this set.”

While speaking, all the liquid on the side of the long staff had been absorbed, and the long staff slowly fell in front of Gu Xi.

This is a withered yellow long staff with a height of 2.5 meters. The body of the staff seems to be inlaid with countless ice-like thin diamonds.

At the head of the staff is an iceberg the size of a fist, and hovering on the edge of the iceberg is a metal bone dragon as long as an index finger.

At this time, the blacksmith threw the [Corrupted Skull] on the top of the long staff. As the [Corrupted Skull] let out a wail, a thumb-sized skull decoration hung under the iceberg.

"Okay, give it a name. This is your staff."

 (End of this chapter)

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