Breath of the Dead

Chapter 134: Staff Cold Wind (24125)

Chapter 134 Staff-Cold Wind (24125)

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  【Unnamed (blue, main weapon)】

  【Attack: 13-16】

  【After equipped: Constitution +2. Intelligence +3]

 【Equipment requirements: Strength 2, Physique 3, Intelligence 3】

 【Special 1: Cold wind +3, attack has +3 cold effect. When using offensive or defensive spells such as corpse explosion, bone spur, and bone shield, all attacks will have +3 cold effect. 】

 Special 2: Babel Vine, the length of the staff can automatically change between two and a half meters to seven and a half meters. When the length of the staff exceeds two and a half meters, the staff will actively launch attacks (physical attacks) against approaching enemies. 】

 【Mosaic position: Rotten Skull (Bone Shield +1), empty, empty, empty】

  【Explanation: As a mage, charging with a staff will be the most beautiful spell used in his life. 】

Looking at the long staff in front of him, Gu Xi was not in a hurry to give it a name. He stretched out his hand and pulled it up.

 The moment he got the long staff, Gu Xi knew why the equipment required 2 points of strength.

This staff is taller than Gu Xi's. Without enough strength, Gu Xi would not be able to lift it with both hands.

Unlike now, Gu Xi can still raise it with one hand and use this staff like a spear.

“There is a wooden man over there. You can go there and test the effect of the staff.”


Gu Xi nodded and responded, then led by the blacksmith apprentice to the shooting range near the blacksmith shop.

  It is different from the shooting ranges in other places. In addition to the wooden figures standing upright as targets, there are also some wooden figures lying upside down on the ground.

 Gu Xi understood immediately that these were used to simulate the corpses needed by the necromancer.

This makes Gu Xi quite satisfied. After all, he has many skills that require corpses to be released.

 “Bone spur!”

Gu Xi turned his hand, raised the two-and-a-half-meter-long staff, and a bone spur flew out.

As the bone spur flew out, Gu Xi clearly felt that this bone spur was completely different from before.

The bone spurs that flew out before were all white bones, but now they have a light blue color.

 When the bone spurs landed on the wooden man, a dark blue aura also appeared on the wooden man.

 Gu Xi, who has fought with Luna, understands that this is the effect of being frozen. It seems that the effect of the cold wind +3 is very good.

Then Gu Xi turned the direction of his staff, pointed at a wooden figure on the ground and said, "Corpse explosion!"

 The wooden man exploded on the spot, and all the targets nearby that were hit by the wooden man's fragments turned dark blue.

 After trying it a few times, Gu Xi found that the current staff was still effective.

 As long as he pointed forward, the spell could be released smoothly. At the same time, Gu Xi could clearly feel that the power of the spell would be slightly improved.

Even the tendrils of the dead and the bone storm that Gu Xi just learned are also blessed. It can be said that the first characteristic has greatly improved Gu Xi's combat effectiveness.

Of course the biggest change here is the bone shield.

 When Gu Xi releases the bone shield, a layer of ice will appear on the bone shield, and the level of the bone shield has increased to level 2, and the bone shield appearing around Gu Xi has become more obvious.

 This gave Gu Xi the idea of ​​inlaying something more on the staff.

However, Gu Xi also understands that things like rotten heads are something that can be encountered but cannot be sought.

Had it not been integrated through the opportunity of making the staff this time, the rotten skull would not have been able to be used for inlaying.

 The next time you want to inlay something special, it will be something special. The staff’s first feature, Gu Xi, has been tested.

That effect is called a good one.

 So he began to experiment with the second feature.

It's just that Gu Xi searched for a long time and couldn't find a way to change the staff. The staff was still as long as he got it, and there was no possibility of it becoming longer.

This made Gu Xi a little speechless.

 This second characteristic is not a useless skill.

With a puzzled look on his face, Gu Xi wanted to experiment more here. After all, there was a characteristic there.

 If it is not taken care of properly, this staff will be worse than a green staff.

With some helplessness, Gu Xi could only place his staff on the ground and seriously thought about what went wrong with him.

 But he didn't expect that he accidentally used force with his hand and plunged the staff into the ground.

Then the staff began to change, and new vines began to grow on the head of the staff. Inside the vines were many metal pieces that looked like vertebrae.

This situation made Gu Xi's eyes light up, and he quickly pulled out the staff from the ground. As a result, as soon as the staff was pulled out, it returned to its original appearance.

 After trying it a few times, Gu Xi understood what was going on.

 This change can only happen if the staff is pierced into the ground.

 After the change, the staff will no longer be controlled by Gu Xi and will only protect Gu Xi silently. Anyone who wants to get close to Gu Xi will be hit by the vines and spine.

 Just because of the length of the vines, the protection range is almost five meters.

As for the defensive and offensive effects of the vines and metal pieces, since there were no offensive wooden figures in the shooting range, Gu Xi could not experiment.

However, Gu Xi finally understood the function of this second characteristic. The effect of this characteristic is quite good, at least it is not a useless skill.

 After trying the skill a few more times, Gu Xi nodded with satisfaction.

I have to admit that the effect of this staff is quite strong, which can be regarded as comprehensively strengthening Gu Xi's combat abilities.

This is not a waste of so many materials that I took out.

Happily, Gu Xi returned to the blacksmith shop with his staff in hand.

Before Gu Xi could speak, the blacksmith apprentice told the blacksmith the information he had just recorded.

The blacksmith nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, I have produced another well-known piece of equipment. How about it? Have you thought of a name for this staff?"

"Think about it, the biggest feature of this staff now is the cold wind. This feature greatly improves my combat effectiveness. Now this staff is called the cold wind. After the cold wind reaches the purple quality, I will use it according to the Later changes changed the name.”

On the way back, Gu Xi had already thought of the name of the staff, and even thought about how he would take care of it next.

"Cold Wind? That's a good name. It seems you really like this staff."

“Of course, this staff is quite good.”

“So, the cost of making the weapon is 3,000 yuan in total. It depends on whether you pay it in cash or go through the guild process.”

 “Pay now.”

 Gu Xi didn’t know what the guild process was, but he happened to have some money on hand, so he wouldn’t go through such a troublesome process.

As for whether this staff would be expensive, Gu Xi didn't think much about it. He thought that the Cold Wind Staff was really worth the price.

After collecting the money, the blacksmith said to Gu Xi: "You can find time to enchant the staff. With the characteristics of the cold wind, it would be good if you enchant it with a frost soul or a dead zone.

In addition, if you want to set gemstones, you can go to a jewelry store to find some good gemstones for sale. "

 (End of this chapter)

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