Breath of the Dead

Chapter 135: Intermission (25125)

Chapter 135 Intermission (25125)

After leaving the blacksmith shop, Gu Xi was still touching the cold wind staff with a happy face, but Du Wushuang, who had been following Gu Xi, looked over.

“Comrade, what are your plans next?”

“No, I came here to transport the troops. Originally, I completed my mission when I got here. The previous garrison was just a temporary encounter, so I got involved. As for where to go next, I really don’t have any plans.

But I should check here to see if there are any tasks that I can take on. After all, even if I go out now, I will definitely be arranged to come back eventually. "

 Gu Xi was very aware of the situation in front of him.

 The foreign invasion is not over yet.

 Exit the game at this time, and you may be assigned other tasks.

 In that case, we would still have to run back and forth, and the mission rewards would not be as great as they are now.

Rather than that, it would be better to hang out here in Sanxian Garden and wait for the invasion to end.

 In the battle just now, Gu Xi clearly felt that the enemy was getting weaker and weaker.

 The White Walker bosses Gu Xi fought at the beginning were all level 9, and were accompanied by level 10 or 11 soldiers.

When we hit this plain later, the leader of the White Walkers was only at level 9, and the powerful soldiers following him were all gone.

Further on, during this city defense battle, among the White Walker bosses Gu Xi fought, there were even Level 8 White Walker bosses.

 This shows that the enemy's strength is getting weaker.

 With this few more attacks, the foreign invasion will almost be over. If we don’t take this opportunity to attack the enemy more, how long will it take?

Hearing Gu Xi say that he would stay for a few more days, Du Wu's eyes immediately flashed with excitement.

"You just came to Sanxian Garden, and you don't have a place to stay yet. The tavern here in Sanxian Garden is not comfortable anymore. I see that you and I are comrades in arms, so I will help you and stay at my house." a few days.

 I won’t charge you for accommodation, and you shouldn’t charge me for other expenses either. "

 “What else can I ask for in fees?”

Gu Xi asked with a puzzled look on his face. Before he could ask clearly, Du Wushuang dragged Gu Xi and ran in one direction.

At this moment, Gu Xi realized that even though Du Wushuang was small, she was quite powerful.

With Gu Xi's strength, he couldn't resist Du Wushuang, so he was dragged away by her.

 Gu Xi still wanted to struggle, but Du Wushuang simply carried Gu Xi on his shoulders and ran towards his home in large strides.

Du Wushuang is quite familiar with the path of Sanxian Garden.

It only took seven or eight minutes to run to the house she rented in Sanxian Garden.

The city on the ground of Sanxian Garden is actually quite crowded, and Du Wushuang's strength is not the strongest among Sanxian Garden.

Her room was only about twenty square meters. Apart from a bed, there was only a sofa and a dining table. The rest of the room was occupied by Du Wushuang's weapons, equipment and armor.

 The room in front of me is vastly different from the apartment building in the guild.

But think about the situation in Sanxian Garden. As long as people do not live in the underground city, most of them live in small rooms like this. For the players who are stationed here, it is enough to live in them.

  Since they usually go out of the city to complete tasks, they don’t really spend much time living here.

The same goes for Du Wushuang. She opened the door in a familiar manner and first put Gu Xi on the sofa.

Then he said to Gu Xi:

 “You sit down first and I’ll get something to drink.”

After saying that, Du Wushuang pushed away the pile of armors beside the bed and took out a wooden box from under the armor. As soon as the box was opened, the cold air hit his face. When the cold air dissipated, he could see that there were many large and small things in the box. wooden wine barrel.

At this time, Gu Xi was looking around at everything around him.

 He noticed that there were pieces of cloth with small pink strawberries scattered randomly on the sofa.

Just this one glance made Gu Xi's eyes turn red. What is going on? Did I see something I shouldn’t have seen? Should I leave now?

 Others have invited me to come and sit for a while, so I’m afraid it wouldn’t be a good idea to leave now.

 It might be fine if you don't sit down for a while.

Gu Xi lowered his head and tried hard not to look around.

 At least don’t rush around the room looking for something.

Just at this moment, Du Wushuang came over, carrying two two-liter wooden barrels in his hands.

 “Come and try this, this is the specialty of Sanxian Garden, crystal wine.”


Before Gu Xi understood what was happening, a large bucket of wine was thrust into his hand.

 “If you’re a man, come and have a drink.”

Du Wushuang's performance at this time was quite strong. Before Gu Xi could see what was in the barrel, he clinked glasses with him directly with the barrel in his hand.

 “I did it, you do whatever you want.”

This time Gu Xi's anger was aroused.

"What do you mean you did it? I'm free to do it. I'm a grown man and I can still let you do it."

 Gu Xi muttered this, opened his mouth and poured the wine into his stomach.

This kind of crystal wine contains a lot of fine crystal fragments. When you drink it, the taste of the wine is not too strong, but the feeling of the crystals scratching your throat is quite strange.

 The most important thing is that this crystal has more or less magic power.

 When you drink it, you will feel like a fire.

After just one sip, Gu Xi felt that his whole body was burning. He wanted to take off all his clothes.

But Gu Xi understood the truth and knew that now was not the time. He blushed and suppressed some of his actions to prevent himself from appearing too unbearable.

Unexpectedly, before Gu Xi could suppress the anger in his heart, Du Wushuang came to bother him.

She lifted up Gu Xi's collar, raised her right leg, and pressed it on Gu Xi's body, staring into Gu Xi's eyes.

 “Am I pretty?”

Gu Xi glanced at Du Wushuang and found that Du Wushuang was actually pretty good-looking.

It’s just that Gu Xi is taller, and he was sitting on the evil coffin before. What he usually sees is the top of Du Wushuang’s head. He really hasn’t really seen what Du Wushuang looks like.

Now being stared at by Du Wushuang with a stern face, Gu Xi was a little surprised to find that Du Wushuang was still very cute like this.

There was even a hint of evasion in her eyes.

“Beautiful, really beautiful, with a round face that I like.”

"Just like it. You just drank crystal wine. Just close your eyes and don't resist."

"No, what do you mean? Just don't resist."

Before Gu Xi understood what he meant, he was picked up by Du Wushuang and thrown onto the bed over there.

When he was thrown down, some small pieces of cloth rolled up on Du Wushuang's bed were shaken, and even a small black piece of cloth fell on Gu Xi's face.

Just as Gu Xi was about to take off the piece of cloth, his hand was held down by Du Wushuang, and then the lights in the room were turned off. In the darkness, Gu Xi couldn't help but said: "Did something fall on my face? Warm, you..."

  "Don't worry about this, close your eyes, I will take care of everything."

 “Can you do it?”

 (End of this chapter)

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