Breath of the Dead

Chapter 136: Buildings that cannot be built (please subscribe)

Chapter 136 Unable to Build Buildings (Please subscribe)

  In Aridovi City, Gu Xi stood in front of the door of the council hall with one hand on his waist and the other on the wall.

 “Sir, what’s wrong with you?”

Luna looked at Gu Xi's staggering steps and quickly stepped forward to support Gu Xi.

“It’s okay, just my waist flashed a little.”

Gu Xi waved his hand so that Luna didn't need to support him, and then he held the cold wind staff in his right hand to stand up straighter.

"How is the situation in Alidovi City now? Is the Dimi who was sent in yesterday still honest?"

 “People are relatively honest, but...”

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Luna's troubled face, Gu Xi couldn't help but ask.

“She put forward many requirements. This is the design she left behind. Let us build it according to the requirements.”

Luna pointed helplessly at the table in the nearby meeting hall, and Gu Xi discovered that there were three objects of different sizes placed on it.

 “Did she pick the land in the Centaur Cemetery area?”

“Yes, she fell in love with it as soon as she arrived.”

"Then do as she asks. It's a matter of land anyway. I'll go to the tavern to find the bartender and see if you have all the information I want. If there is information, we will go and take down the remaining two districts. , no matter how big of a deal it is, it won’t matter.”

Gu Xi said quite confidently that even if the remaining two districts of Alidovi City were not large, it would not be a problem to occupy four more large plots.

  What Dimi wants is three large plots of land. If she really has the ability as the quartermaster said, then let her take it.

“No, sir, these buildings have prerequisites for their construction.”

 At this moment, Luna said what was embarrassing for her.


 Gu Xi walked to the table and picked up one of the design drawings and looked at it.

 Herbal Cemetery (Large): Use 1500 resources, 10 units of stone, and 10 units of wood to build an herbal cemetery (large building) in the city.

 After completion, 20 zombies can be trained every week (automatically converted into zombie farmers in the cemetery).

 Before construction, it is necessary to build a level 1 herbal garden (medium-sized building) and a level-1 alchemy laboratory (medium-sized building).

 After completion, it will have regional linkage with the herbal garden and alchemy laboratory. 】

“Where can we find the herbal garden and the alchemy laboratory?”

  Luna shrugged, "I don't know either, but fortunately, at least there are no special requirements in this regard. Maybe you can always find it somewhere."

With that said, Luna gestured to Gu Xi to look at the other two design drawings on the table. It was obvious that these two design drawings were the most troublesome.

 Gu Xi picked up the other two designs with a puzzled look on his face. At a glance, Gu Xi felt that the situation in the [Herb Cemetery] might still be good.

 【Spiritual Tomb Laboratory (large): Use 2500 resources, 15 units of stone, and 15 units of wood to build a spiritual tomb laboratory (large building) in the city.

 After completion, 10 ghosts can be trained per week (automatically converted to ghost scholars in the Tomb Laboratory)

 Before construction, it is necessary to build a level 1 ghost power tower (medium-sized building), a level 2 alchemy laboratory (medium-sized building, upgraded building), and a level 1 ghost converter (medium-sized building).

 After completion, there will be regional linkage with the ghost power tower, ghost converter, and alchemy laboratory. ]     "What does this ghost power tower refer to? What is the ghost converter?"

 “I don’t know, I’ve never heard of this thing.”

Regarding the issue of interest, Luna also shook her head. To be honest, Dimi's request was really more than just three large buildings. Between plus and minus, there were already four medium-sized buildings.

And that’s not the only thing that’s really outrageous. Youzhai is the big one.

  【Bloodfield Mansion (Large Scale): Use 3500 resources, 20 units of stone, and 15 units of wood to build a Bloodfield Mansion (large building) in the city.

 After completion, 5 vampires can be trained every week (automatically converted into vampire servants).

Before construction, it is necessary to build Level 1 Magic Tower (core building), Level 3 Alchemy Laboratory (medium-sized building), Level 1 Blood Garden (medium-sized building), Level 1 Basement (medium-sized building), Level 1 Blood Pool (medium-sized building) .

 After completion, it will be linked with the alchemy laboratory, blood garden, basement, and blood pool generation area. 】

“Core building? What does she want to do?”

“I don’t know, you have to ask her about this, but fortunately, she only asked for these things and did not ask for time. As long as it can be built, it doesn’t matter when.

 Before these three buildings are built, she will stay in the city of Aridovi, but she will not go out to fight. If something happens in the city, she will take action and will not communicate with us.

But the skeleton shooter leader seems to be okay, at least he is obedient.

The battle team is being formed at the White Bone Demon Temple and is ready to go at any time. "

“Forget it, I’ll ask about the design drawings of these buildings later. What’s the situation like in the dock area now? Have the dock market and dock warehouse been built?”

 “It has been built and is now operating normally.”

 “Let’s take a look.”

 Gu Xi spoke decisively when he heard this, but when he walked out of the meeting hall, he couldn't help but help his waist.

 Finally, he released the evil coffin, sat on it and let Luna lead the way.

In the city of Alidovi, the wind blowing in front of you is not so cold. Gu Xi is sitting very upright, holding the cold wind staff in one hand and the spiritual lamp in the other. He really looks like a strong man. The necromancer crawling out of the coffin.

Luna followed Gu Xi, explaining to Gu Xi the current situation in Alidovi City while leading the way.

“After the dock warehouse and dock market were built, all construction work stopped, and even the auxiliary buildings were not built anymore. Negative energy is now being accumulated in preparation for the construction of the keel laboratory.

But sir, the area of ​​our city is still a little smaller now.

 Only 1,000 points of negative energy can be produced every day. It will take five or six days to accumulate enough resources. "

"It's okay, we don't have any other architectural design drawings on hand, and after we get the information, we will attack the nearby areas. At that time, whether it is the strange energy beads we grabbed or the new place we occupied, we can converted into enough negative energy.

 After we captured the place, we first built the Dragon Bone Laboratory. This time I fought outside, and the Incarnation of Death played a big role, and the combat effectiveness of the Incarnation of Death was greatly improved.

 Building the keel laboratory first so that the incarnation of death has a nest is the most important thing for us.

 Other things can be put aside for the time being. "

Luna immediately understood the meaning of Gu Xi's words, which meant that the various buildings Dimi needed should be put away first.

 She is familiar with this and can do it!

 (End of this chapter)

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