Breath of the Dead

Chapter 137: Dock warehouse (please subscribe)

Chapter 137: Wharf Warehouse (please subscribe)

"Here we are."

 Passing the Skeleton Sword Soldier Camp in front of the dock area, Luna stopped.

Gu Xi pushed the cold wind staff to the ground and stood up on the evil coffin with the help of his strength.

 Gu Xi discovered that in just a few days, the dock area in front of him had already undergone great changes.

Although the original dock area was close to the river bank, there was still thick land.

 But this time, the streets and alleys in front of Gu Xi were turned into rivers. It didn't feel like a replica of Victoria City, but more like a replica of the water city Wei Nishi.

Even behind the Skeleton Sword Soldier Camp, there is a small dock, and there are even a few small wooden boats docked at the dock.

"This is how the same thing?"

 Gu Xi jumped off the evil coffin and looked up at Luna, "The reason for the regional linkage?"

“Not entirely, there is also the walrus cemetery that was introduced before. When it was introduced, half of the lake was diverted, turning the dock area into this.”

 “Is there no way to change back?”

"There is no other way. The Walrus Cemetery has been integrated into it, but fortunately, the area of ​​​​the dock area is still there, as are the various large, medium and small plots. In addition, a new auxiliary building has been provided, which is The kind of small dock that can park a wooden boat.

Now the auxiliary buildings in the city can finally no longer be street lights. "

“Well, as long as it doesn’t affect the city, how can we get there now and take a boat?”

 Gu Xi took a look in front of him. The road ahead had been cut off by water. As for the nearby boats, they were obviously just decorations. Gu Xi didn't think these boats were useful now.

 “No need, sir, there is a bridge over there.”

Luna pointed in another direction, and Gu Xi discovered that there was a small wooden bridge there.

 After crossing the bridge, you enter the dock area that has been linked to different areas.

 The location as soon as you enter is a dock warehouse composed of many wooden houses.

Before Gu Xi could stop, several people rushed out of the pier.

The leader was a bald man, but Gu Xi knew he was a zombie when he saw his eyes.

 Behind him were a group of strong zombies. Their gray skin made their movements quite strange.

 “Sir, you are here.”

“Wharf Warehousekeeper, Kane.”

 Gu Xi understood as soon as he heard it that this was the same existence as the wine girl, and it was given as a gift for the construction of the core building.

He glanced at Kane, and relevant information immediately popped up in his eyes.

  【Building name: Wharf Warehouse

 Level: Level 1 (can be upgraded)


  Can store 30,000 units of negative energy.

 Can store 3000 units of food, 1000 units each of wood, stone and metal, and 100 units each of mercury, sulfur, crystal and gemstones.

 Hand can store 100 sets of weapons and equipment, and 300+1000 bottles of various medicines.

 The wharf special effects are stored here first. 】

  【Dock Warehouse Manager: Kane (Level 1)

 Characteristic impact:

Careful about everything: You can issue tasks to let idle soldiers and residents in the city find herbs for them.

Knowledgeable: Can be responsible for identifying herbs, medicines and some magic props, and can ask for some related knowledge.

  Pharmacist: The inventory of medicines in the warehouse increases by 1,000 bottles, and 6 bottles of medicines are automatically replenished every day. 】

  【Explanation: Kane's level is equal to that of the dock warehouse, and he has no combat effectiveness. The only thing that can save his life is that he is not attacked in the dock warehouse. 】

“My lord.” Kane saluted Gu Xi politely.

After seeing Kane's attributes, Gu Xi's attention fell on Kane's fingers.

 There were indeed some traces of the medicine on his fingers.

“I can understand that you care about everything when managing a warehouse. After all, this is a necessary attribute for taking care of a warehouse.

 I can understand it even if I am knowledgeable. After all, the materials entering the warehouse need to be inspected and accepted, and some appraisal skills are required.

 But how can you be a pharmacist? "

Kane also grinned when he heard this.

“Sir, I was a pharmacist during my lifetime, but I really didn’t have any talent. After my death, I was assigned to take care of the warehouse. The only advantage is that I can handle the extra herbs in the warehouse that are about to go bad.”

 It sounds nice, just deal with it yourself, and Gu Xi will understand why Kane is a pharmacist.

"You use these herbal medicines that are about to expire and go bad. Is the medicine you make usable?"

“Other potions have problems, but poisons are definitely fine. Undead, isn’t it normal to use some poison?”

 Well, this is a very honest undead.

 After having a certain judgment about Kane, Gu Xi walked around the dock warehouse again.

 He discovered that the dock warehouse was actually composed of many small rooms.

Each room is used to store different supplies.

Each room has a corresponding environment, such as a warehouse used to store mercury. What is placed in the warehouse is not a box, but a lead can.

 It can be said that every room has its own characteristics, and Kane handles everything very well in this regard.

"well done."

 After turning around, Gu Xi was quite satisfied with Kane's work. He patted Kane on the shoulder and said, "You've done a pretty good job in this area. I'm very optimistic about you.

 Do you have any plans next? How can the dock warehouse be upgraded to level 2?

As for work, are there any other requirements? "

“Speaking of plans, I do have one. Our dock warehouse is actually linked to the three docks outside, but the situation here is not suitable for me to go out to the dock to communicate with the sailors and captains.

I have always wanted to ask if I could arrange for some people to come over. I would like to ask the captain who comes in every week to help me bring some things over. "

 Gu Xi knew as soon as he heard this that this was the result of Kane's characteristic of being cautious.

 He is different from the drunkard. Kane has a different obsession with collecting various materials.

Perhaps this is why he can become a warehouse manager, while a drunkard can only become a tavern owner.

"Okay, I will arrange this matter. During this period, you will manage the warehouse first. The other things are not important. The materials are the key now. Whether these materials can be saved depends on your performance."

“Sir, please rest assured, as long as I am here, there will be no loss of materials in the warehouse.”

“Then I’ll leave this place to you, Luna. Let’s go to the market.”

After asking Kane not to send any more gifts, Gu Xi jumped onto the evil coffin, turned around, and headed towards the dock market.

 The location of the terminal market and the terminal warehouse are still relatively far apart.

 There are almost three piers between the two. When I looked past, I also noticed the changes in the piers.

 At these three piers, all the ships that were spawned this week have been docked.

 There are still some people walking back and forth on the pier, and there are even fights in some places. Looking from a distance, there is always a very busy feeling.

 (End of this chapter)

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