Breath of the Dead

Chapter 138: Treasure Chest at the Weird Pier (26128)

Chapter 138 The Treasure Chest at the Weird Pier (26128)

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While passing by the first pier, Gu Xi heard the sound of a bowstring shooting.

 He ​​looked up in the direction of the sound and found that the skeleton shooter leader who had just joined his team was leading 29 skeleton shooters who were organized into his team to conduct long-range attacks on the strange enemies in the dock.

Looking at the strange ships docked at the pier, as well as a group of coral people covered in seaweed who wanted to be killed off the ship, Gu Xi then remembered that this was the most troublesome of the three piers.

Strange Pier.

It seems that this boat of coral people came out to attack the dock area of ​​Alidovi City this time.

 They came here to rob. After landing, they immediately began to convert the ground into coral, preparing to rush to the dock warehouse closer to them.

As for the skeleton soldiers who were originally arranged to patrol here, they were turned into corals by these weird corals before they could react.

 As a result, the number of strange coral people who rushed off the ship suddenly increased from 6 to 18.

If the leader of the Skeleton Shooter hadn't gotten the news and brought people over to do weird things, the number of weird coral people might have been even greater now.


Judging from what Gu Xi saw, the situation was already under control.

The Skeleton Shooter boss performed quite well.

His judgment of the battle situation is quite good, and he has several attack plans. Although he cannot speak, as long as he makes a gesture, the skeleton shooter behind him will make different attacks simultaneously, and there is no need for precise command at all.

What Gu Xi sees now is that he can focus fire with the intended boss, control the arrow rain in a large or small area, shoot three consecutive shots in batches, etc.

These are things Gu Xi couldn't do when commanding the skeleton shooter.

With Gu Xi's command over the skeleton shooters, the most he can do is to let them attack whom. As for how to attack, it all depends on fate.

It was different now. Gu Xi found that the leader of the skeleton shooter could easily grasp everything in front of him.

Those weird coral people who were arrogant at the beginning were suppressed 150 meters away from the skeleton shooter, unable to take a step forward at all.

If the skeleton shooter leader hadn't been there to train his men to work together, they would have killed all these weird coral people long ago.

When Gu Xi appeared, the leader of the skeleton archers quickly became energetic. It seemed that he also knew that Gu Xi was watching the battle, and he wanted to show off his ability in front of Gu Xi.

So he waved his hand forward, and the skeleton archer troops who had been standing motionless moved forward.

  Their movements are the same as those of the spear skeletons of Combat Team 1, they are constantly repeating a set of decomposition movements.

Step forward, draw your bow and shoot, then change arrows to let the skeleton archer behind you move forward.

 Such waves of attacks are like a tidal wave.

Each time they can take away the lives of two to three coral people, and within seven or eight steps, all the coral people will be nailed to the dock.

 When these coral men are killed, their corpses will quickly shrink, leaving only some corals of different colors.

 The strange ship parked on the pier had also lowered its sails and began to sink into the water.

 Gu Xi looked at the sinking speed of the strange ship and estimated that the ship could last for about one day. It seemed that this was set. After defeating the sailors on the ship, it took about one day to rob the ship's supplies.

“Luna, I’ll wait here, you go ask Kane to send someone to move things.”

Luna quickly stepped away as soon as she heard this, while Gu Xi immediately jumped onto this strange boat with the cold wind staff.

The boat in front of me is obviously the kind of boat that has been soaked in the water for countless years and has become one with the coral.

At least the deck has turned into coral. When Gu Xi stepped on it, he could clearly feel that there was a special power coming from under his feet, which seemed to want to transform Gu Xi into a coral person.

But Gu Xi was strong enough now. He inserted the Cold Wind Staff onto the deck, and the Cold Wind Staff turned into protective mode, and the five-meter-long vines kept beating the ground. At the same time, a large number of metal pieces were like flying knives, piercing and piercing the ground.

After seven or eight blows, a big hole was made on the deck where Gu Xi was standing. Gu Xi could see a leaking cabin below the deck, and there was also a treasure chest covered in coral in the cabin.

 At this time, half of the treasure chest was already submerged in water.

Gu Xi understood that if he hadn't broken the deck and the treasure box had completely sunk into the water, he would have missed this strange treasure box.

Gu Xi reached out and grabbed the cold wind staff, and the vines on the staff rolled him up and sent him to the treasure chest.

As soon as he touched the treasure chest, Gu Xi felt that the corals seemed to come alive, and he wanted to stop Gu Xi from opening it.

But Gu Xi was not accustomed to them, and when he saw that there would be such resistance, he casually took out the crushing staff and smashed it down hard.

This blow drove back the incoming coral.

Taking this opportunity, Gu Xi opened the treasure chest.

  【You open the strange treasure chest. 】

  【You got 317 gold coins. 】

  【䱱obtained weapon fragments (white)*33. 】

  【You got metal ore*19. 】

 【You get soldier recruitment coupon (level 3)*2】

 【You get building stone (level 1)*1】

 【You get Coral Shield (level 1)*1】

 【You get a holy object (level 1)*1】

  【Weapon fragments (white): Broken weapons can be equipped to soldiers. Each piece can give soldiers attack +1. 】

  [Metal Ore: Unsmelted metal ore, each piece can be smelted into 2-3 units of metal. 】

 【Soldier Recruitment Voucher (Level 3): You can qualify for soldier recruitment once in your own, neutral, or friendly towns, and directly recruit 20 Level 3 soldiers in the current city. 】

 【Building Stone (Level 1): A level 1 building can be completed immediately (architectural design drawings are required for construction). 】

【Coral Shield (Level 1): A shield made of hardened coral. Players and heroes can equip it. After equipping, the defense of all soldiers brought will be +2. 】

  【Sacred Relics (Level 1): A unique product of the game. There can be a total of 5-10 sacred relics in each game. They are placed in the city. They can improve the city's attributes and occupy auxiliary building slots, but the quality is equivalent to one core building. 】


Looking at the treasure box in front of him, Gu Xi was speechless.

He didn't see anything else, but he saw the word "sacred object".

 Gu Xi had heard of it when he was in school.

Each game will generate 5 to 10 sacred objects, but no one knows where these sacred objects are hidden or how to get them.

This kind of thing cannot be obtained by completing a task, but depends on luck.

 Sometimes you get lucky and pick up a stone on the roadside, which is a sacred object.

 Gu Xi's luck has come at present. Although he doesn't know what this holy object is, for Gu Xi, it is enough to have it.

 (End of this chapter)

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